Saturday, December 26, 2009

Real candles

I have never in my life seen a Christmas tree with real live candles. Until tonight. Was invited to a dear couple I know, and they had a tree with real candles they lit just for us. I do not get teary-eyed easily and won't be, but it's close.
Sweet is the word.
Then we had raclette.


Anonymous said...

very nice. Dont they do real candles on real trees in Sweden? We always did it in Zurich but the Christmas tree we got here was a bit too bushy and so too much of a fire risk, boo hoo.

Witchbitch said...

They may have done 50 years ago, but since I'm young I haven't seen it before irl.

Anonymous said...

I hope they lit real candles. When my boyfriend once came home with electic ones I nearly killed him. :o)

Witchbitch said...

Can't you see they're lit? Well, I prefer electric ones because they're easy to have on and you do not have to worry about a fire. But I admit, the real candles are pretty to look at.