Saturday, January 30, 2010
Yesterday I had a strong urge to have a really fat and cheesy pizza. Together with a choc-chip Häagendazs. And I knew it was only a few keys on the computer away. delivers to the door. But I was hard, I was stubborn, I was strong!
But I know that now that I have gotten it into my head it's just a matter of time before I'll fold.
I remember my neighbour told me that he was on a no-carb diet and after 7 months (7 months!) he folded. I weakened after 10 days, and now I'm about to do it again. Says a lot about my character, doesn't it?
Friday, January 29, 2010
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Lausanne, here I come. Amongst all the topics tonight one of them was surprisingly Lausanne. It has now been decided that we are going there in April (I had mentioned in passing once that I've never seen west Switzerland).
So the plan is to take an early train (here we debated what is early, she said 7 am and I said noon, so we'll probably end up in the middle). She will make her famous cheese sandwiches and I will bring coffee. Train is about 3 hours I guess. A day touring Lausanne with a guide with insight.
Then visit the thing we came there for and then go back. A long day being a tourist in "my" own country. Why not?
PS. A little more than 2 hours train-ride after checking. Not bad.
English-speaking Swiss
Ze Swiss are very charming, endearing even. I know, it takes quite a bit of time before you realize but they are. But one thing they do not well is speaking English. I guess it comes from bordering to a lot of other countries and none of them being English-speaking.
A few of them speak French or Italian though.
Tonight I was spending time with one of my new neighbours. She is very accomplished and very...hang on I was gonna say Swiss...but she's actually German although she's lived many years here.
And in tonights conversation she mentioned words like know-how, action and brainstorming. Very very surprising. So while I was struggling trying to hold a conversation for several hours in German, she effortlessly brought these words into our talks. Hmmm.
Somehow I feel like ze Swiss like to make the "arme Ausländer" (poor foreigner) a bit uncomfortable...
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
A beauty she is
I'm convinced my new shelf is a she, no man is this beautiful.
And see how beautifully shelf is fitting to the dinner table just next to it (in fact, same brand, same legs).
It makes the whole room look different and even bigger than before. Now all that is missing is one of my paintings above it. Hello neighbour with drill :)?
Note to self: go to IKEA day before carton pick-up day, not day after!
Monday, January 25, 2010
Switzerland healthcare system
Me 9.34pm:
"Hi there! Just got a bill from you and noted two things:
1. First of all, you must be very well off not sending a bill until like half a year later!
2. One of the items on your bill says "psychotherapeutische/psychosoziale beratung durch den facharzt fuer grundversorgung". This sounds to me like psychotheurapeutic counselling, and I really do not want that on my records especially since I do not recall us having that. What exactly did you advise me on being classified as psycho-babble?
Other than that, I have no problem in paying the bill, but am curious as to what you classified as psycho-stuff. Pls also find attached my blood-pressure record. Not doing too bad without medication, am I? And LCHF means Low-Carb-High-Fat but you probably know that already being a doctor and all ;). Hope you're doing well. Best, Annika"
Him 23.15pm:
"Hi there! Bitte entschuldige, dass ich auf deutsch antworte. Mein Englisch reicht leider nicht aus. Zuerst freut es mich natürlich, wieder einmal von Dir zu hören. Und im Überblick freuen mich auch die Blutdruckwerte. Sie sind mit wenigen Ausnahmen sehr schön. Husten ist eine sehr häufige Nebenwirkung der ACE-Hemmer und Coversum gehört in diese Klasse. Manchmal kommt es schön früh zum Husten, manchmal erst nach längerer Zeit. In diesen Fällen muss man auf ein anderes Medikament wechseln. Komm doch bitte vorbei, dann können wir das besprechen.
Deine Reaktion auf die Position “Psychotherapeutisch/psychosoziale Beratung” kenne ich bestens. Ich habe immer wieder Patienten, die sich daran stören. Früher konnte ein Arzt einfach “Überzeit” verrechnen, wenn er mit dem Patienten länger als 5-10 Minuten verbrachte. Im Rahmen des “KVG” und des “Tarmed” haben wir Schweizer grosse Verbesserungen erreicht. Wir können stolz darauf sein. Das Gesundheitswesen wird, wie von Frau Bundesrätin Dreyfuss versprochen, billiger und billiger. Auch Bundesrat Couchpain hat viel erreicht. Dank seinem selbstlosen, gescheiten und unermüdlichen Einsatz haben die Hausärzte weniger Einkommen und die Patienten müssen so natürlich weniger Krankenkassenprämien bezahlen....Es ist einfach. Nach dem neuen Tarif gilt jedes Gespräch mit dem Arzt als “Psychotherapeutisch/psychosoziale Beratung”. Das hat nichts mit”Psycho” zu tun. Nur in Praxen mit 5-Minuten-Takt werden keine “Psychotherapeutisch/psychosoziale Beratung” verrechnet.
Liebe Annika, Du wirst von den Krankenkassen mit “Psychotherapeutisch/psychosoziale Beratung” nicht als geistig krank beurteilt. Wenn Du weiter Fragen hast, stehe ich Dir gerne zur Verfügung. Liebe Grüsse"
This is what a country providing private healthcare does. A doctor who responds in less than three hours, saying that the psycho-item on the bill means nothing more than talking. And that he's like a lawyer, he has to record every 5 mins. Sweet.
Todays saying
"He's half German, half English and have the worst halves of the two."
This is definitely a person I do not want to meet!
"First say to yourself what you would be; and then do what you have to do.
This saying was sent to me some time ago by a friend. And I always like to find out where people find their inspiration so I wikipediad it. As you do these days.
Turns out he was just another so called "leader", meaning he took credit for what other people did. Just like any man.
"His teachings were noted down and published by his pupil Arrian in his Discourses." and "So far as is known, Epictetus himself wrote nothing."
Ok, but he did say something semi-intelligent: "We are disturbed not by events, but by the views which we take of them."
Considering he said this about 2,000 years ago (give or take) and that (from what I hear) this is what psychs say in therapy sessions these days (and charging a fortune) he was al'right.
I would say, you cannot change how other people act, but you can control how you react to their behaviour. See, there you got a psych session for free!
I got rejected!
By the prospective cleaning lady! She called me today to say that she is taking on the work at the neighbours, and so cannot do mine too. I suppose I can understand that, since neighbours offered to pay 35!
However, I think it's all down to how it was sold in to me. Another neighbour said that cleaning lady is keen on taking on extra work, and that she herself pays her 25 an hour. Turned out she wasn't so keen at all, and that the neighbours wanted to overpay.
Ah well, now I have two options. Either go back to the agency and demand that they send somebody a tad more trustworthy, or ask a third neighbour to get the number to theirs. They only pay 22 CHF...might turn out in my favour in the end!
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Swimming in a suit
At dinner with the neighbours tonight the issue of blood-donating came up, as it does. I told them about my vomiting experience and neighbour countered with the time he went swimming in his suit. He was in Barcelona and after a night out he couldn't think of a better thing to do than go swimming in the Mediterranean ocean. Unfortunately he didn't undress, and so ended up swimming quite far out wearing his suit.
The first taxi refused to take him, demanding him to "get the fuck out". Like me, he was more lucky with the second one.
Good to know I'm not the only one making a fool of myself once in a while...
Thursday, January 21, 2010
TLC needed
You know there are days when you feel not so strong. Normally I am the queen of strong. Always there for my friends and family, but there are days that are not so good for me. Like today. Then it is really good to have friends who care.
Today I needed some TLC.
And I got it. After texting some friends i am now invited for dinner tomorrow, have a friend over for dinner on Saturday and a lunch date on Monday. Love my friends who are there for me when I need them.
Am I cheap?
On a related note, please let me know what you think about this.
Today I interviewed a new cleaning lady. She comes highly recommended by somebody I trust, and gave a good impression. She is seemingly very thorough, which I believe since she was making notes while going thru the flat when I pointed out what needs to be done.
The person who recommended her said to me that she pays 25 francs an hour, which is about the going rate for "private" househelp. If you go to a professional company (not the one I recently used) the rate is about 37 CHF per hour, and then includes all social security and insurance. This woman has her own insurance.
However, from me she demanded 30 francs an hour which feels a bit steep. I would gladly have accepted 28 and then given 30 if the work was good. Current thought is not to have her every 3 weeks like we initially talked about, but only once a month.
The obstacle is that she interviewed also with a neighbour in the house, and that neighbour said she'll pay 35!!! Which I think is far too much when not going through an agency.
What are your thoughts?
DHL sucks!
Me: "Dear DHL, Just before Christmas I received a package delivered from DHL. Today I received an invoice of 37.20 CHF. Since I never placed the order for this package, I will not pay the invoice. Please check your papers again, and send me a credit note for the equivalent amount. Thank you."
DHL: "we acknowledge receipt of your mail and would like to inform you as follow:
Each shipment imported in Switzerland has to be cleared, and the clearance is done according to the swiss law and the information indicated on the documents established by the shipper. In your case the delivery terms indicated on the commercial invoice is DDU this mean that the duties and taxes have to be paid by the receiver of the shipment. Therefore our clearance and our invoice are correct and we ask you to pay it as soon as possible."
Me: "Dear DHL, I do not think that you understand. I did not send this package, I did not place an order with you. All I did was receive a package. If any further charges are to be paid you need to send the invoice to the person who placed the order, not to me the recipient. I did not ask for you to send me a package. I will not pay the invoice."
DHL: "even if you didn’t place the order and send this package, if you have accepted it, according to the swiss law, you have to pay the VAT for."
Me: "I suggest that you inform the person who does receive packages from you about this law, as well as the person who places the order. I shall never again accept a delivery from DHL, and I shall inform all my friends never to do so either."
So NEVER EVER use the shit company DHL!!!
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Hard work
As I suspected the boat was water-filled (but no pigeons!). I have today poured approx 200 liters of waters out of the boat. Manually! You know when your hand is freezing so much that it hurts when it starts to warm up again? That's how I felt.
Was there yesterday to inspect and I do have a bailer. Inside the boat somewhere!
Note to self: keep bailer in front of boat!
And I should've asked Imelda Marcos downstairs for a pair of wellingtons. Turned out my new winter boots weren't completely waterproof.
Had an idea. Instead of having this problem each year (because I cannot be arsed to go and check on it regularly) I will remove the mats when the season is over. That way it doesn't matter if it's water-filled (apart from the removing bit of course). It's like getting a free wash, since I anyway have to clean it every spring. Always look on the bright side of life!
Feet in German
Yesterday I met the foot fetishist, who spent a long time telling a friend of mine how beautiful my feet are. Since it was in German he didn't think that I would understand when he said that my feet are more beautiful than I!
My "friend" laughed and said it's better than having an arse that's more beautiful than your face, to which I asked if he had experience from that. And on it went.
A perfectly good conversation for a Tuesday evening. Not!
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Wir suchen das Baby
I know, this is not me but let me explain. When neighbours recently had a baby they had a caesarean. Today I was speaking to a guy who's wife is about to give birth in a month or so. Their baby is not complying and is placed feet first, which is why they may have to have a cut in the belly to get it out.
I, the expert, told them about the neighbours experience which I heard all about.
So told him, first you have the "curtain" separating you from the actual happening (here he looked kinda relieved), then they give local anesthetics and cut her open (at this he looked a bit nauseous), then they say "wir suchen das Baby" (we are searching for the baby), which I can understand is a bit troublesome. I am not a doctor, but even I could see very clearly where the baby was located. In the middle of the belly, like. Here the father kinda tuned out :)
But since they have two kids already, I'm sure they gonna be alright. And I don't get it. How can you be squeamish if you already have kids? Oxymoron?
Yes he was there!
Simply the best!
Live music is the best. And although my friend claimed she was pissed off by not being invited to the karaoke eve last weekend, I know she was pleased. All the "performers" last Saturday were crap, and she's a pro. And I promise, one time she'll be invited for a performance. Because she's SIMPLY THE BEST!
Monday, January 18, 2010
Old people
Today I phoned up a friend who had birthday last week, and who I forgot. Unforgivable, especially since he turned 98. You know, with that age you cannot be sure that they are still alive. Fortunately my friend was. He had a stroke last spring, and he fell recently so he's now walking around with an aid. His brain is functioning though, probably sometimes better than mine. He may speak a bit slower than he used to, but nothing wrong with his wits.
We were among other things talking about my new flat (it's funny how I manage to bring it into each conversation I have!) and he was telling me that he moved into his apartment 1944. Jeez! Gives perspective to things, doesn't it? This year it'll be 66 years in the same flat. Told him that I will never beat his record. He laughed. And I think when a person who is 98 can laugh, it is still some life in him. He's fabulous.
So in the spirit I today booked a flight. I am leaving the country! I am leaving Zürich that I love so much. But only for a few days in the end of March, beginning of April. And only because my aunt is turning 80! That is also a very respectable age, worth celebrating. She made me promise not to bring any presents..."perhaps only a dutyfree whisky". Which was very surprising, since I have never ever seen her drink more than like a small glass of sherry on very special occasions.
You betcha aunt, a big whisky you shall have!
If I close my eyes it'll disappear
Last summer I didn't go on the boat much. I was too busy preparing for the move, and making sure my new (and fabulous I might add) flat was getting all my attention. I kinda put the boat out of my mind one might say.
After this winter with loadsa minus degrees and snow and whatsit I chose not to think about my poor boat freezing out there in Limmat.
But tomorrow I have a lunch meeting in town, just next to my beloved boat. I will go and check on out, but I fear it big time. What if water has been trickling in, frozen and broken my boat? What if pigeons have somehow made their way in to nest for the winter? What if? What if?
I am frightened what I will find.
Binge eating
Yesterday I cracked. There were chocolate mousse leftover from Saturday, there were bread in the freezer, there were food to be eaten. In fact, I believe the fridge door opened itself and I could hear the Zürcher hüppen whispering to me "eat me, eat me". So I did.
Funnily enough somebody asked me today if I've lost weight! The irony.
But today I'm back on my strict regime of no carbs. Keep your fingers crossed!
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Saturday, January 16, 2010
The bean-counter in me
Today I took a step into the future by agreeing to receive e-bills from Swisscom. I really dunno why I have waited so long, but better late than ever as they say.
On one hand it is reassuring to receive paper bills (apart from them being bills, i.e. money out) and handle them like I always have done. Besides, these days I need the paper to get the fireplace going! On the other hand, it is stupid to try and stay in old times.
If this test works out, I will go e-bill for everything.
Considering how old-fashioned ze Swiss are, I bet I am one of the first!!
Friday, January 15, 2010
Hair and cooking - the nerdy way
Occasionally I am forced to leave my lovely flat, and of course it was for a party. You know one of these where you mingle and drift in and out of conversations. Two of them were quite disturbing.
The first one was when the bald guy unzipped his shirt to show how much hair he has on his chest, and attempting to take off the shirt (I guess to show that he had hair on his back - yuk!) but which I managed to put a stop to. He also indicated his jeans. Jeez, the things you don't wanna know about people!
The other thing was the man (American!) who told me his way of cooking. This involved an Excel sheet with columns of dinner courses and rows with the time to prepare them so that he could serve everything exactly on time.
I really need to choose the people I mix with more carefully!
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Queen witchbitch
Repair cost
Yesterday (finally!) I got the estimate from the company that will repair the doors from the attempted break-in. 3,000 friggin francs for some idiots who didn't even manage to get in!
Good thing I have insurance, who today "gladly accept to pay". Nice!
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
The sofa
Pretty comfy, but since it is IKEA it is starting to sag in the middle. After I fix the shelves, this might be my next project. Bro has requested a corner sofa that gives him space to put his feet up, but considering he's here very seldom (and less seldom going forward) I might not give him a say in this. Especially since I'm paying.
However, it's pretty comfortable as it is.
Furniture move
Friend of mine was visiting the other day and took some pics of the flat that turned out really well, and which I was promised to get copies of. I'm sure I will. Any year now.
In the meantime I took some pics myself. This is a new position of the chair, facing the fireplace.
It's funny that, I took gazillions of pics before the house was even built, but I haven't taken many after I moved in. Here is one.
Diet update
Been doing this LCHF diet for a week now and didn't think that I lost anymore than 1 kg or so, but today I discovered the trick. Just don't eat the whole day, then you will feel like a greyhound! Why didn't I try that before?
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Travel? No thanks.
I am so happy that I was travelling a lot in the days when it was fun. Before 9/11 when first of all not too many people were travelling a lot, second that the security in airports were reasonable, and third when having access to the gold lounge still meant something.
I remember the Copenhagen gold lounge where the staff (woman) was telling me how nice it was to see a business woman in the gold lounge. I thought nothing of it at the time, I just used to go into the smoking section, pour a glass of top red wine (except for if I was flying in the morning, wine in the morning doesn't taste good), bringing a plate of assorted snacks, and have a ciggie. Before I was flying off to another location to do whatever project I was assigned to at the time. And yes, as a business woman I was pretty much alone in doing that. It was me and 200 suits. Sad, isn't it?
Nowadays it's a drag to fly. It's checking in 3 hours before the flight (as supposed to coming in about an hour before, checking in thru sliding your card thru a machine, go to the coffee shop for a caffeine hit, glide thru the passport and security before stepping onto the flight), being screened, having to take off your shoes and belt, and possibly being body-searched.
Also, the aeroplanes are getting more "economic", meaning you squeeze more people into the same space. Unless you fly first or business of course, but who can privately afford to pay up to 5 times more than an economy ticket? Ryanair are planning to have flights with people standing up. How sad is that?
Which is why I'm happy to stay in Zürich forever. I have no need to travel anymore. Done that, seen that, been there, didn't buy the t-shirt sorta thing.
Truth be told, I don't even like to leave my fabulous flat. I love that I can stay in and just enjoy. Of course it helps to have neighbours who feel the same, and that we can party together, having just to roll up or down a flight of stairs to get home.
Off to dinner with the neighbours now as a matter of fact, and with their permission I will take some photos.
Friday, January 08, 2010
Goodbye cleaning lady
Ok, so cleaning woman has been here for the 3rd time. Now she's a goner. Today she tried to fob me off signing for 3,40 hours, when she had only been here 3 hours. I know, because my neighbour told me when she arrived (neighbour gives key to her).
And she still uses too much cleaning liquid for the floor, meaning I can see foot prints when walking on it. So for the "pleasure" of paying for three hours of cleaning I now have to mop my floor.
How stupid does this woman think that I am?
PS. Yes I know all of you told me to get rid of her earlier, but I believe in giving people a few chances. Here's my limit though.
If I had enough money to live a good life and then some extra I would in one shape or form give it to charity. Not just give money, because I'd never feel sure they end up in the right place. Actually the last thing I want to do is to line some already fat cats pockets.
No, I would give active support to somebody who needs it. Like the homeless. It's not like I do not care about kids, but they have so many already. I'd like to focus on the less fortunate in the world, like homeless. I am sincerely interested in how they ended up being homeless. I'm pretty certain noone is growing up having a childhood dream like "yes, I'm gonna be homeless when I grow up!".
Many mornings I pass a woman standing outside Coop selling "Surprise". This is the newspaper the homeless sell to earn some extra money. Every morning I pass her thinking about how she ended up there. Next time I see her I will talk to her! That is my New Years resolution (so ok I'm a late starter but at least I promise!).
Wednesday, January 06, 2010
Babies babies everywhere
I cannot tell you how many babies there are around me. Too many doesn't really start to describe the magnitude. But I am relieved that the new Mummies are reasonable and healthy. They do not take the route of "no drinking, no smoking, no people, no noise, no fun" or whatever. They incorporate their new babies into their life. Excellent.
These babies are going to grow up being real people. Not over-protected. It doesn't mean that they are not loved, they are, but they are being brought up with real people. Not according to a book. I like this very much.
Like on the pic, she's a night-owl already knowing how to drink. I feel that in 20 years she and I will be good friends.
Was msn'ing with a friend telling him that I planned to visit my Romanian neighbours. He told me not to ask for "Kalinka". That's like showing a bull a red blanket.
But first I was all innocent and said "I've been there gazillions of time and they never offered me this". Then I went to the neighbours and told them of their reputation while they promptly hauled the bottle out from nowhere saying "you really want to try?". What could I say?
Other than it's called Palinka and not Kalinka and it tastes like...strong. 65% strong. I think I might be a tad drunk...
Today was a day I saved some money. First I received confirmation that the bill I got for 1,140 francs was indeed only meant to be 240. This was for heating during last year in my old place, and they had already deducted 900 when paying back my deposit. Ok, so not really saving but still.
Went shopping for a birthday present for a friend, and when got to the cashier they charged me only half the price. And I the idiot said "oh, it's half price" before I bit my tongue off. Not sure what she said, but it either was half off or she took responsibility and only charged me 50%. Excellent!
Then at the main train station I walked behind a woman who dropped her wallet, I picked it up, shouted and gave it back to her. She was very grateful. Money saved. At least for her I assume.
I really should go and buy a lottery ticket!
Tuesday, January 05, 2010
New year, new intentions. I have given away all the fatty chocolate, and yesterday I was really good. Only eating healthy stuff (ok, maybe except the fries at lunch...but a good start).
Today I googled some recipes on LCHF (Low Carb High Fat) and I must admit they sound delicious. Only one cannot eat a lot of carbs like in bread, pasta and stuff. And not chips. But on the other hand real butter, cream and fatty stuff is allowed. Let's see what this does to my gorgeous body, now slightly hidden in flab.
I have a feeling eating real stuff instead of all these light products is healthier. Just remember what people looked like back in the 60's before all these unnatural food entered our supermarkets!
Tonights dinner will be homemade hamburgers made of ground meat, real cream, egg yolks, salt, pepper, parsley and butter. That together with some leftover salad. Yummie!
Monday, January 04, 2010
I'm watching through all Sex&the City again. Considering that I feel a little chubby after all the over-eating at Christmas and New Years I am happy that my new and fancy tv makes everybody look a bit fat.
I know that you can reset the view on the telly, but prefer not to. Better to see all these fabulous people looking more like me bodywise. Clever huh?
Sunday, January 03, 2010
Love ya guys!
Impromptu party
As it turns out, the house I have moved into have people who like to party. Hand in glove some people would say.
First we were invited to the neighbours, but then we ended up at my place (would you like to see my new lamp? worked as an invitation...also the baby started to cry and I thought it would be a good time to leave). Anyway, the invitees asked not to be displayed here so I chose a pic where they're not.
Saturday, January 02, 2010
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