Thursday, January 21, 2010

Am I cheap?

On a related note, please let me know what you think about this. Today I interviewed a new cleaning lady. She comes highly recommended by somebody I trust, and gave a good impression. She is seemingly very thorough, which I believe since she was making notes while going thru the flat when I pointed out what needs to be done. The person who recommended her said to me that she pays 25 francs an hour, which is about the going rate for "private" househelp. If you go to a professional company (not the one I recently used) the rate is about 37 CHF per hour, and then includes all social security and insurance. This woman has her own insurance. However, from me she demanded 30 francs an hour which feels a bit steep. I would gladly have accepted 28 and then given 30 if the work was good. Current thought is not to have her every 3 weeks like we initially talked about, but only once a month. The obstacle is that she interviewed also with a neighbour in the house, and that neighbour said she'll pay 35!!! Which I think is far too much when not going through an agency. What are your thoughts?


Anonymous said...

yep I'm sorry to say, I think you're being cheap. I think 30 an hour is reasonable. These people have to make a living and they probably only end up with max 5-6 paid hours a day when you count travel time between the short jobs. Plus she has to pay for her insurance etc. But I agree its dependant on how well the job is done. and on the other hand she's probably not paying tax and gettig some kind of umemployment benefit (at least thats how it often goes here) so who knows what is fair.

Witchbitch said...

This woman is retired and have an income. If she does a good job, I will pay 30.

Witchbitch said...

Just learned that neighbour is paying 22 CHF per hour for their cleaning lady.