Monday, January 25, 2010

I got rejected!

By the prospective cleaning lady! She called me today to say that she is taking on the work at the neighbours, and so cannot do mine too. I suppose I can understand that, since neighbours offered to pay 35! However, I think it's all down to how it was sold in to me. Another neighbour said that cleaning lady is keen on taking on extra work, and that she herself pays her 25 an hour. Turned out she wasn't so keen at all, and that the neighbours wanted to overpay. Ah well, now I have two options. Either go back to the agency and demand that they send somebody a tad more trustworthy, or ask a third neighbour to get the number to theirs. They only pay 22 CHF...might turn out in my favour in the end!


Anonymous said...

he he, how funny. You'd think that the fact she was hired by the neghbours would be a good reason to want to work at your place 'cos she could do both on the same day and save travel time. Probably you're better off without her. I reckon trying the neghbours one sounds like your best bet, assuming they find their cleaner good.

Witchbitch said...

My thoughts exactly!