Wednesday, January 06, 2010


Today was a day I saved some money. First I received confirmation that the bill I got for 1,140 francs was indeed only meant to be 240. This was for heating during last year in my old place, and they had already deducted 900 when paying back my deposit. Ok, so not really saving but still. Went shopping for a birthday present for a friend, and when got to the cashier they charged me only half the price. And I the idiot said "oh, it's half price" before I bit my tongue off. Not sure what she said, but it either was half off or she took responsibility and only charged me 50%. Excellent! Then at the main train station I walked behind a woman who dropped her wallet, I picked it up, shouted and gave it back to her. She was very grateful. Money saved. At least for her I assume. I really should go and buy a lottery ticket!


Anonymous said...

yay, gotta love the unexpected 50% off!

Witchbitch said...

What can I say? I'm a cheapo!