Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Veggie stuff

I met a new acquaintance the other day, and we were talking about our kitchens. She has a small one and I don't, so I hinted that she'd be welcome to cook in mine. That was a hasty decision, 'cause when I asked what she likes to cook she said "lentils". Oh dear.

What's wrong with a good beef, chicken or pork dish?

Monday, February 24, 2014

Never leave a man to order

Took a walk today, the weather was even better than yesterday. I can sense spring is here. Walked up to the top of "my" mountain, sat down to share a cheese plate and a glass of wine in the sunshine.

Went to powder my nose and while gone, my friend ordered. And in came a small cheese platter. When you share it's either a large one, or two small ones. Doh, how difficult can it be?

So I decided that the next time we'll take a long walk, and I shall make a picnic basket. Including a large cheese platter. If you want it done properly, make it yourself.

And on the way back we saw these lovely little creatures. How cute are they?

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Beautiful Zürich

Fantastic day today. Went for a long walk with a friend, catching up. 12°C and sunshine.

We ended up going back to my place for some leftover cake. A perfect Sunday.

Party just because

I believe tonight was a success.

I had some friends over for dinner to celebrate a birthday, and not only did they like the food, but the cake went down like a treat. Just about managed to save some for another friend. Or me :). Was told to put a lighter next to it to be able to see the size. Why? I have no clue.

Smelly is good

My cats are really against everything new. I bet in the vote last week against foreigners they would've been right up there demonstrating against everything that disturbs their (posh) life.

So I bought this new and might I add not cheap cat bed for them, thinking it would be a nice addition to our home and a neat surprise for them. Ha!

They sniffed around it all right, then left it like it was lepra-impaired.

But when I cunningly put my sweaty pyjama on top of it, it was all of a sudden all right. It smelled ok. Funny creatures they are.

Friday, February 21, 2014

New design

I love half price, so today when I came across some tablecloths I decided to revamp my dining table. I'm pretty chuffed with the result.
And it's actually not cloth, it's more metallic and can only be wiped off. No cleaning with water, no ironing, no nothing.

Piece of cake

I knew somebody wasn't gonna believe that I made a cake, so I had to take pics as proof.

A new catbed

Hmmm, what is this strange thing?

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Growth potential

Haha, I'm a growth potential for the phone market. Today I managed to get my hands on a "Blick am Abend", the free afternoon paper, where I could read about "older" people not having bought into all this smartphone business. People like myself.

And I use the telephone as it was intended, like phoning. I do send the odd sms's and I do take a picture now and then, but that's all I need it for. I don't feel like I have to be online all the time anymore.

I guess the measly 10% discount on offer for a smartphone for people "my age" ain't gonna change my view. Nope, am holding on to my antique phone for dear life.

Zürich from above

Tonight I was meeting up with some friends for a drink in the tallest building in Switzerland. Great view up there.

On the way up you pass a counter where you can have your jacket taken care of, and in return you get a number tag. Mine said 38, so I remarked to the coat man that it was exactly my age. For some reason my friends laughed.

One friend got a ticket saying 51, which indeed is exactly her age, proving my point.

The other friend got curious and checked hers. 73. HAHAHAHAHA!

But I told her she looked good for her age ;).

Punctuality is a virtue

You gotta love ze Swiss. Tonight I have a date with some friends. At 17.50 precisely. Tomorrow I'm meeting another friend at...drum roll please...16.02!

I know it has to do with train or tram times, being as precise as they are in Switzerland, but every time I have to laugh. This would never work in Spain, Italy or France!

For my age

Was hanging with my neighbour today including two kids. Omg, the noise level in something I'm not used to. So on and off I took a break to go on the terrace for a smoke. Only to be confronted with the noise from the construction workers on the street outside. Are they never gonna finish?

First one company comes, digs the street up for weeks on end, fixes something like electricity. Once they are done, street is filled and asphalted again, only to be dug up a few weeks later by the telephone company. Then there is electricity and after that it's water. These companies are never talking to each other, coordinating their work.

And we, the citizens (well, also us that are not Swiss, just live here) are paying the price in more way than one.

Anyway, my day got saved by my neighbour, who exclaimed "you've lost weight!" as soon as she saw me. Good feeling. Not quite as good when she later added "you look great for your age". But I guess, at my age :), you have to be grateful for any sort of compliment.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

What are the odds?

Since this year started I've been pretty good with my power-walking alternatively using my new stepper. The other day it was nice weather so I went for my morning power-walk, and that includes a steep incline on a hill at the end of my street.

When starting to walk up there, I noticed an Asian-looking couple playing badminton in the middle. I mean, what are the odds for that? In the morning, on a hill where I may meet the odd person walking a dog, I come across a couple playing badminton? How weird that felt.

If I would've guessed who I would meet, if anybody, there, in a million years I wouldn't have guessed this.

Just thought I'd share.

99 and still going

This working around older people is good for me. Today I got a compliment "you are looking very sporty today!". I didn't know how 'appearence can be deceiving' is said in German, so I just smiled and thanked them. Think it might have something to do with me wearing a sleeveless shirt, only because it's a sauna-like temperature in there.

I dunno how many times the oldies ask "aren't you freezing?", while I am scurrying around serving and sweating at the same time. Ok I shouldn't exaggerate, it's not exactly a stressy environment, but still. It is bloody hot.

But I'm still enjoying it, and I am always astounded over how well some of them are coping, being close to 100 years old! Imagine that, being retired like 35 years and still alive. Amazing!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

I reeled her in

Got dragged out of my comfort zone today (yes, I know, have been watching too many episodes of the biggest loser where it's all about "step it up, get out of your comfort zone, do what you didn't think was possible, push yourself beyond limits etc etc etc"). Anyway, to me it meant I agreed to meet a friend at a bar.

Yes I know, you wouldn't think a bar would be anywhere near stepping out of my comfort zone, but to me it meant I had to get out. Leaving my cats and my flat. Big step :) !

So standing in this bar with a glass in my hand, the waitress redirected a lamp straight into my eyes. Very customer unfriendly. But me, being the mellow non-confrontational person I am just replied "no worries mate (yes, out with an Aussie), I'm used to be in the spotlight".

And I have learned that being smooth goes a long way. Who would've thought? But seriously, I don't think it would've taken me to the place I am right now, just giving people the benefit of the doubt and not trusting my own judgment. Only, right now, it works for me.

And it got my friend to the place I wanted her in the first place. My home, my castle, my everything.

Mission accomplished :).

Monday, February 10, 2014

50 sit-ups

Some people say that exercise is addictive. I don't quite agree, but must admit that it's easier and easier and it doesn't feel like a burden anymore. And I know why. It's the feeling afterwards, that you have actually accomplished something and it's "allowed" to feel good about oneself.

So today I added sit-ups after the stepping session. I thought I'd make 50, that's quick enough and shouldn't be too difficult. Ha. I made 22. But ok, I wasn't pushing myself to the stage of blood taste in my mouth, but still.

Think I will add one to each session so that I will slowly feel that I better myself.

Sunday, February 09, 2014

Living on a mountain

Today I met up with a friend down-town to go for a walk. Instead of doing as everybody else, walking along the lake, we went the other way. And it's so much easier to walk when you're not alone, 'cause you're not even thinking about it. Walking, talking, walking, talking. Excellent.

Except for that there are plenty of joggers, clogging up the walk path. Swish-swosh passing us, you had to really look out. Gosh, don't people have anything better to do on a Sunday?

Then we came to a point when I saw a small sign pointing to the top of the mountain I live on. Ok, so it's not exactly on top of an alp, but still, pretty steep, so I thought, what a great idea. We'll walk to my place and have a refreshment.

So the first steep path was ok. Then crossing a street, and there was the second one, equally steep. My gosh, I had forgotten how high up from the river I live. Talk about power walk. I lost track of how many steep walkways there were. Had to take my jacket off, that's how sweaty it was.

I tell you honestly, if I did that every day for a month, I'll be superfit (yeah I know, but it's not gonna happen).

But it felt really good afterwards. And when my friend demanded homemade pancakes, I heartily joined in and gulped a few down. Gotta have a reward.

A happy day for Switzerland

Today Switzerland voted to keep the damn foreigners out of the country. Good for them! I always thought there were too many of them here anyway.

This is a first step towards a totally Swiss Switzerland, free from foreign influences and all other stupid people out there in the world.

In fact, I think ze Swiss should go further. First of all, this doing business with other countries has to stop. Only Swiss companies, based in Switzerland, run by Swiss people and products and services sold to the Swiss should be allowed. The airport can close, since there is only one domestic route. Think about all the money saved just on that!

Then of course we have to send money back to the countries of origin. We cannot have any foreigners having bank accounts here in Switzerland. I mean, people who don't live here and will now never be allowed to. No, I think a Swiss-style fee covering the administrative expenses, then back with the money. Switzerland certainly doesn't need it.

Out with all that foreign food. Why should friggin foreigners be able to shove their food into the stomachs of the Swiss? Nah, there are cows, pigs and chicken here. We don't need no Asian take-outs, no American burgers, no Italian pizza-joints or cheap Swedish Ikea meatballs! Zürcher geschnetzeltes are the shit!

I really look forward to the next decade, and the impact this decision will have on good ol' Switzerland.

Plus I'm very much looking forward to my upcoming battle, trying to get a Swiss passport! Now I'm really desperate to stay here.

Friday, February 07, 2014

Three candles

Had a few friends over for dinner tonight. Fish on the menu, since one of them is a vegetarian. And I gotta admit, fish is underrated, and what I especially appreciate is that you don't feel too full after having the meal. Fish fillet, tomato, dill, a squeeze of lemon, a tiny bit of salt, a square of butter and all wrapped in alu foil. Half an hour in the oven, and voila! Served with boiled potatoes (I even peeled them!), salad and a mix of creme fraiche, mayo, dill, shrimps and whatnot. Yum!

And I got presents! Not only did my wee ones get treats, but I got no less than three aroma candles! This is funny since the guy I invited has just met a potential new girlfriend and I have given him some advice. Like second time he was visiting her, I was asking him what he planned to bring. I could see the confusion on his face "huh?, I need to bring something?". I then gently suggested that it would be a good idea to at least bring something small, but not personal. Like an aroma candle. Which he did.

Now, when he arrived bringing no less than three candles to me I was a bit taken. First I thought, ok, next time I'm gonna suggest something more valuable that he could bring to his future fiancee, meaning I get three times that next time he's invited. Cunningly scheming in my head...and drew a blank. Couldn't come up with something I want, at least not three times.

It was only just before he left he told me that he misunderstood and thought that we would've been three women at dinner and he brought one candle for each of them. Hmmm.

At least the purple one was dedicated to me :).

Wednesday, February 05, 2014


Got a rose today, and it wasn't even Valentine's day!

Sunday, February 02, 2014

Dying for a sandwich

I may have overdone it a bit for just two people. But then again, maybe not. The leftovers I was anticipating are quite a bit less than I expected. Good for me and my view of myself being a great chef!

For the fellow cooks out there, dark bread on all, one with eggs and anchovies (I may have forgotten to tell the guest that the anchovies had a best before date in July last year), one with horseraddish mustard and ham topped with cucumber, and the third one with Gruyere and a splat of wasabi.
Strangely enough we ended up talking about death all evening. It was cancer here, and Alzheimer there and dead bodies on display and dying young and I dunno what. Now in hindsight I'm thinking I'm never gonna serve sandwiches again.


I watched a show on television showing Maori people from New Zealand greeting each other by touching noses twice. Like rubbing their nose to the other person. Twice. It made me think that the normal greeting here in Switzerland with the kiss-kiss-kiss on the cheeks aren't too bad.

But more and more I'm getting into the way of how the husband of a friend of mine does it. Not. He is more happy with just saying hello or stretching it to shaking hands. I like it. Or, if I haven't seen the person in a long time, I give them a hug.

This kinda fake kissing and nose-rubbing ain't for me.