Tuesday, February 11, 2014

I reeled her in

Got dragged out of my comfort zone today (yes, I know, have been watching too many episodes of the biggest loser where it's all about "step it up, get out of your comfort zone, do what you didn't think was possible, push yourself beyond limits etc etc etc"). Anyway, to me it meant I agreed to meet a friend at a bar.

Yes I know, you wouldn't think a bar would be anywhere near stepping out of my comfort zone, but to me it meant I had to get out. Leaving my cats and my flat. Big step :) !

So standing in this bar with a glass in my hand, the waitress redirected a lamp straight into my eyes. Very customer unfriendly. But me, being the mellow non-confrontational person I am just replied "no worries mate (yes, out with an Aussie), I'm used to be in the spotlight".

And I have learned that being smooth goes a long way. Who would've thought? But seriously, I don't think it would've taken me to the place I am right now, just giving people the benefit of the doubt and not trusting my own judgment. Only, right now, it works for me.

And it got my friend to the place I wanted her in the first place. My home, my castle, my everything.

Mission accomplished :).

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