Sunday, August 31, 2014

Five years

Yesterday we had a party to celebrate that tomorrow it was five years ago we moved into our house. I have mixed feelings about it, since on one hand it feels like yesterday. I remember the build of the house over 20 months and then finally moving in day came. On the other hand it feels like I've been living here forever.

One thing is clear though, I have never felt so at home as in this place. And I plan to remain here for the rest of my days. Hopefully a long time.

So while the guests were celebrating and having fun and interesting talks, I was being pestered by a five-year-old with questions why I didn't have chalk or coloured pencils to make drawings with. Told her this is not a child-friendly flat, thinking that would put her in her place. But she persisted with questions like "don't you have any children?" and "don't you have a man?". Seriously! Told her I have two cats and am very satisfied with that. Guess she didn't get the irony.

So I took her by the hand and led her to the guest room, telling her how inviting the guest bed is. I even switched on the lamp by the bedside, only to hear "is purple your favourite colour?". Duuh. We've been neighbours for five years and I wonder what kids learn these days.

But all in all, a very nice evening. Now I look forward to two new neighbours, who will rent the attic flat, and not only add two new nationalities to the house but I'm also told they have two cats! Soul mates I'm sure.

Friday, August 29, 2014


I'd like to say I'm flirting, and I dunno why, but I have started to get twitches in my left eye. Without any reason. I'm not stressed, I'm not worrying, I'm sleeping all right, I'm doing sports, I'm doing everything right, but nevertheless my eye is twitching.

Not all the time mind you, but on and off, and I have no idea why. Irritating!


Wow, that bike thing required much more effort than I thought. This morning I biked 7.4 km's in 22 minutes and burned 219.7 calories. It was different resistance, there are about 10 programs to choose from.

But the worst thing was the saddle. I no longer seem to have an extra cushion at my bum. This is indeed good training before my next riding lesson.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

More green?

I got accused of having a long way to go to being a real green person. And it got me thinking. What else can I possibly do to be more "green"?

I have no car. I live in a "minergy" flat. I try to save on electricity. And water. And heating.

I like to get some tips how I can save more. Really, I'm open to suggestions.

Jetzt geht los

Oh, I dunno. A friend of mine had a bike buried in his basement, and in a weak moment I said "oh yes, I'm very interested". Now it's here and I have to try it. It's got a display with all sorts of electronic stuff, but since I do not yet have the manual, I guess I just have to bike like normal.

Tomorrow morning I'll look like a sports woman!

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Saving school VII - don't waste the waste

This saving tip may only be applicable to Switzerland, which btw have the best system to finance waste I have come across. Here you pay for the trash bags. Which means you only pay as much for the waste that you produce. Phenomenal if you ask me.

That means that all glass, aluminium and metal I bring to the glass banks. For me not a problem, since they are almost everywhere and I pass one on the way to the food shops. Greens, like reduntant plants, waste from the kitchen and everything that is "alive" goes to my friend. He has a green container. A green container you can buy, but for me with so little green waste it wouldn't make sense. It would take me a year to fill such a container up.

Paper is picked up every two weeks, all you gotta do is to pile it up, put a string around it and place it on the street the day before pick-up.

Carton the same but every four weeks. You put cartons outside the house, next morning it's removed by the efficient green cars operated by Zürich city.

I have enjoyed myself measuring how much I save, both in money and for the environment, and I'm proud to say that I now am down to the smallest trash bag (17 liters) every two weeks.

If, by rumour, Zürich plans to recycle plastic containers, wrappings and the likes, I shall downsize even more.

Am afraid to admit, but I think I'm becoming a bit of a fanatic when it comes to green living. However, I still refuse to buy "bio". But I have to say, that when an iceberg salad I bought a month ago, still was kinda fresh, I wonder. Not sure I'd take it as far as growing thingies myself, which btw would be difficult having only a balcony, but maybe just stop eating lettuce?

Monday, August 25, 2014

I'm a reader

I love books. So much that I'm walking and reading. Books, not with my nose in an ipad or smartphone. Paper books. I read while having a dump on the toilet. I read when travelling whether it is on a bus, tram, train and an aeroplane. I read while waiting in a queue in a store or at an ATM. I read while sitting in a restaurant waiting for my order to be delivered (ok, only when I'm on my own, I'm not antisocial). I read in bed before going to sleep. And I can spend hours in a book shop, unlike in a clothes shop where I seem to get backpain after five minutes for some reason.

So today was a day of joy. I got sent a package from my aunt. With four books!

It took the good part of the afternoon to finish the "analphabet who could count". And I still have three to go! It's a joyous time.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Toilet haste

I went to a street party today with my neighbours. It's a party, organized by some thrifty people at our street. I know they've done it for many years, but I haven't been there before.

And even though "my" street is not very long, the house numbers go to 96 but all of them are houses with more than one family. I.e. there are thousands of people living just at "my" street.

Not all of them showed up though, and I must admit when the rain started I quit too. However, it was nice as long as it lasted and I very much appreciated the little stickers where you wrote your name and your street number. Annika 20! Yes I very much enjoyed that. Instead of all the Fritz's and Heinz's 80 and 88.

When I decided to leave (yes, was dressed too lightly and didn't want to admit it, was freezing) I realized I had "toilet haste". This is a Finnish expression for when you are in dire need of a toilet, fast! Omg. I walked faster than I probably had in my life.

It reminded me of a bus trip to some party or back from a party decades back, I remember having an urgent need too. Then I managed to hold it, until we stopped.

Tonight I barely managed, it was so close! In fact, I think it might've been a drop or two coming out before I reached the toilet. Yeah, I so look forward to diapers again. NOT!

But I rather wash underwear than having a pee in public in the street where I live. Imagine the shame! "There she goes, the one who couldn't hold it". I much rather be known for the person "oh, you're the one with the purple windows!".

Whichever case, I'm not completely like other people. And that I am proud of.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Saving school VI - take the money and run

I remember when I worked at this IT company, and we were given options and so depending on the profit of the company, we were all gonna get rich. Ha!

But a few years into the scheme, we were offered to take half the money out of the total, and I jumped at the occasion. Money for free? Oh yes. So I got sent a check, and since I had moved countries in between the offer and the pay-out, the check passed go (payroll) and I didn't have to go to prison.

A few years later the shares started to drop, and today the company don't even exist anymore. So, if you're ever offered money from a company, take it and run!

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

A beggar in a suit

Today when I was walking the dog, strolling actually, enjoying the surroundings and thinking about how beautiful Zürich is, I was approached by a man in a suit. This is of course no news to me, but it was surprising when he held his hand out, displaying coins. Oh, I thought, maybe he wants to change into a bill or something, but no. He stated that he had only 7 francs, and needed 8 for parking or something. All the while he had a 100-francs bill sticking out of his wallet.

But I gave him the one franc coin, and only after I realized that in most parking garages you can pay with cards.

I could smack myself for being stupid!


Today I was out walking a dog. A dog I know, and she knows me, but she still loves her owner more than me. Fair enough. So we had a bit of a whining session at first, but then it went ok. She followed me, looking over her shoulder now and then, thinking her owner had disowned her. And no, he hadn't, he was just seeing a doctor about a thing.

That thing meant that he hadn't eaten since yesterday evening, so had to hurry home after and make pizza. Found a new paste in Denner, which contains no E-numbers and only 1% sugar. Spicy. Yummy! Better than fresh tomatoes that wet the dough and makes it soggy.

So we enjoyed homemade pizza, some wine and the dog got some treats. All is well that ends well.

And yes, I would be really irritated if my cats took to somebody else more than to me.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Weberpark IV

Weberpark III

Weberpark II

Weberpark I

Today I was exploring some art outside Zürich with friends. I understand this was a guy who for 50 years created and built a park with fairytale animals, and who didn't like to be disturbed when he worked. So now, after his death, the kids have decided to share this treasure with the public.

It was quite amazing. Wherever you looked there was an animal staring at you. Everything was art. Even the chairs and tables. I really enjoyed it.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Coordination and skill

You know, I'm still on a bit of a high since my riding experience today, and I cannot help about thinking how coordinated one must be.

I know, when you see horse-riding on television it all looks so easy, but trust me, it isn't.

First you have to focus on sitting right. Straight up and heels down. Hands in contact with the mouth of the horse. When trotting, you can either sit down leaning back a bit (depends a lot on the horse if your inner organs are getting reorganized or not) or doing the up-down bum movement, which I thought was an easy thing to do, but according to the teacher had to be up when the outer leg of the horse was going forward, and not vice versa.

How you sit and how you press your legs and feet against the side of the horse is crucial for how the horse is moving. If you think you steer a horse with the reins only, you are sorely mistaken.

An easy thing like going in a ring steering the horse, takes coordination and skill. And horses are flock animals. There were two others today sharing the area, and mine wanted to join the others so I really had to work hard to make him do what I wanted.

But I did enjoy galloping. However, today I could only do it slowly. I look forward to the time when I can really get going fast over a field or a beach or something. And the best thing of all is jumping.

Dreaming a bit I guess, think it might take a few more lessons before I'm there again.


Wow, that was a lot of fun today, but even more strenuous than I remember. Of course, not having done anything like it in the last 35 years might have something to do with that.

At first I was a bit taken, since I was somehow expecting a slightly smaller horse. I had to give them my body data with height and weight, so I was kinda expecting not such a giant, who happened to have the very fitting name "Gigant". But it was something to do with another horse having back problems, so Gigant it was.

He was very gentle I must admit, and stood still when I got up (had to use a small ladder, but when I saw a professional do the same I didn't feel so bad). It was a strange feeling being on a horse again.

But I did remember quite a few things, and even though my body had to work really hard (completely soaked after half an hour, was probably stinking in the bus on the way home!), I enjoyed it. Especially the galloping!

Mind you, I'm having blue marks on my inner legs from the leather straps, and I have a feeling my bum will be a bit sore tomorrow.

But I think this is something I definitely will do again.

Cat trick

The other night I was tired and wanted to go to bed. Every night I make sure the cats are in, close the balcony door and that's it. But this night I couldn't find the little one. I looked everywhere. Under the beds, behind the washing machine (yes, I know, she's not allowed there), behind the curtains, everywhere I know they usually hide, couldn't find her anywhere.

So I decided to not be the curling mama, and let her be outside for the night. After all, last time she survived all right.

But I couldn't let it go, so just before going to bed I decided to open the balcony door in my bedroom and in a gentle voice say "Zina, come home, everything is forgotten". Then I realized two shadows behind me. Hey, two shadows?

Yes, there they were. Both of them.

Little buggers. They like to play with me.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Fish have bones!

I had dinner tonight with a friend, and I cooked fish. Whole ones. Ok, not whole-whole, since the guy at the fish counter took out the mushy bits in the middle, but still. And he (my friend) was mesmerized. That surprised me, since he's not exactly a youngster, but I guess not everybody grew up with a father who's favourite pastime was to fish. Especially not in Switzerland.

He was deboning the fish, looking at the skeleton, telling me how remarkable it was with the spine and that's why the fish was moving so elegantly.

Yeah, yeah. But even I was enjoying it, stuffed as it was with tomatoes (from my plant on the balcony), basil (again from the balcony), butter, lime, dill and caviar. Served with boiled potatoes, peas and a mix with shrimps and other goodies.


I am so super excited. Tomorrow I have my first riding lesson in more years than I care to remember. Found a pic of me when I was about eleven or so. And no, we didn't have cams like today back then.

That Ikea thing

Went to this Ikea event yesterday, and to my surprise it wasn't as boring as I expected. It was a speech about 40 mins, but broken up by showing a badly designed bedroom, then curtains closed, a bit of more talking, and then voila, curtains opened again and the same bedroom but with less bad interior. I felt really good that my current bedroom is way nicer.

Funnily enough, the most exciting item was the carpet they had at the entrance. Black and white squares, would have fit perfectly in my flat! If I could only get the cats to shed their white hair on the white squares and vice versa. Yeah, fat chance of that happening!

The "fika" was excellent though. Fresh strawberries, raspberries and blueberries, an orange mousse and a chocolate cake to die for.

And there was a gift bag! Mind you, as expected it was a bit of a disappointment. An (ugly) green and bad quality towel (which was given away today to a friend who liked it...), a plastic kinda bag that had an equal plastic top that I'm thinking can go to insulate my plants in the winter, and two hooks that through vacuum can stick to a bathroom wall. The last one I actually appreciate, now it has a purple (what else?) container hanging there housing my razors.

But! And there's a big but. I came home without a catalogue from an Ikea catalogue event. How come there was not a catalogue in the bag?

Satisfying sex life

Interesting! Especially if you can be arsed to read through until you come to Switzerland.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Saving school V - don't eat out

I like food and drinks. A lot. And maybe it's because I had lots of opportunities in my working life to eat and drink on somebody else's credit card, that I now much more enjoy eating at home.

But seriously, I used to know somebody who had a Starbucks coffee every day. Six francs a day times every working day becomes over a thousand francs a year. Buying food in a canteen or getting a prepared salad or similar from a food shop, adds up. Plus, it's less healthy than bringing your own.

I know, I feel a bit like I'm pointing a finger now, since I didn't used to do that myself, but hey, this is saving school.

And, as I found out, it's not that difficult to cook yourself, and prepare lunch boxes. And, if you ask me, it tastes a hell of a lot better.

Mind you, I don't think that people should never enjoy a dinner in a restaurant, but personally I would much rather save on daily eating business and go for a fab dinner once in a while when I felt I needed a treat, rather than the usual take-out when I'm too tired to care.

Reminds me of the time I was living in Holland, and a colleague and I had an agreement. Every time he got a bonus he invited me to an at least one star Guide Michelin dinner, and when I got a bonus I did the same for him.

So good times and good memories, but those times should be precious. And hopefully I will with time become a good cook, and be able to provide some gorgeous food to my friends. At home :).

Sunday, August 10, 2014


It's funny, since I started to live a more healthy life and care more about how I feel and look, I observe other people more closely. Like the other day I saw this woman with arms the size of my thighs, and thought, thank somebody it's not me.

But I also see people younger, more good-looking and skinnier than me, and I realize we all have flaws. Like I didn't before. And I'm honest. I've always been a bit ignorant of both myself and other people, but now (guess I have more time on my hands) I observe, notice and not exactly judge but have an opinion.

Mind you, I'm a grown-up and keep it to myself. Well, I hope to keep my mouth shut. It would be the polite thing to do.

PS. Today a "friend" told me that he thought I lost 12-15 kg's. Fuck him! Well, not literally of course, but how fat was I looking to others before? Not a good feeling. Makes me wanna go even further. Unless of course I'm invited for a second round of Toblerone mousse again...

Small talk

I'm not a fan of small talk. You know, questions like where are you from, what are you working with, what do you do in your spare time, that type of thing. However, when you mingle and meet people for the first time, what else is there to talk about?

Some people are geniouses in this art, I am not. But I am good in watching people and seeing who seems to be a bit left alone. Mostly nowadays because I step away from a group of people having a smoke, as to not disturb them (all these friggin healthy-living youngsters!), and that gives me plenty of time to observe.

Today I saw a guy seemingly being on his own, so I went up to him, extended my hand and presented myself. We then had a brief chat, "oh, so you're Swiss", bla-bla-bla, yes "I'm voluntering in an old peoples home", then I said following the protocol, "so what do you do?". He promptly replied "I don't want to talk about my work" and showed me his back. Oh? That was surprising. I felt like I offended him. And to be honest, I wasn't really interested, it was just a way of continuing the conversation. Maybe he was unemployed and ashamed about it? Otherwise he could have just said something not meaningful and moved on.

Well, there were some other people easier to talk to. There was one in particular, who I thought was a homeless who moved in on the food table with a purpose, but weren't shown away. After all, this was an open venue with everybody welcome.

And he turned out not to be only not homeless, but very well travelled and fluent in English. Whaddayaknow?

And I guess it's a good thing that people can still surprise me. It means I'm not THAT old and cynical just yet :).

Hovering in Zürich

Today I spent the day at the lake with a group of people I didn't know before. Well, apart from the friends who invited me.

It was very interesting. They had a sign with a website so that people knew where to gather, and lots of them did. All bringing more food than they needed, so in the end there were leftovers enough for a smaller army.

Funny was when two police guys on bikes stopped by, saying that it wasn't allowed to have a sign propped up against the tree. After a brief conversation, the organizer said he'd take it down momentarily. Then the police man responded "you know, it's not illegal, it's just forbidden", smiling and biking away. You gotta love Switzerland. It's not allowed, but it's also not very forbidden. A bit like my life jackets I guess.

After some hours in the hot, hot sun i decided I needed to powder my nose, as well as wash my hands and my face. I don't like to say I was sweating like a pig, but I was. And then I came across these toilets. How clever is not that? A huge metal bowl with a ring you can pull down if need be (luckily my legs are very strong these days so I can hover), and hey! Not a big deal having no washbasin. There is a lake like 10 meters from the bathroom.

Busy weekend

Yesterday I was at a barbecue, only with women mind you, so it was nice to see not a man, but several women taking care of the grill. Mind you, I think in most households it's still the women cooking but when it comes to grilling, guess what? Yes, it's usually a man standing there turning the fillets.

But yesterday it was different and guess what? It wasn't only pork or chicken, it was beef, it was lamb, it was ostrich and something else I cannot remember. I chose ostrich, 'cause last time I had it it was undercooked and not very tasty (when I complained they told me, this is how it's supposed to be served), but yesterday, hey! It was absolutely delish. Juicy and lean, a bit like me actually :).

Potatoe gratin, roasted zucchinis, mozzarella/tomato mix and a salad, and to top it all off in the end, I had a double portion of Toblerone mousse. Jeez! Even if I have to do double sessions of exercise the next few days, it was certainly worth it.

Friday, August 08, 2014

Orange just orange

You know what I was thinking? Remember when I had to buy a new cover for my boat, and the selection of colours was very limited. It was blue, "white" and green basically. And if I wanted purple I had to buy like 5,000 meters or something.

The same goes for life jackets. Orange. That's the choice. Unless you wanna splash out and buy black ones that only releases air when it hits water. Or somethine like it. And they cost a fortune.

I'm thinking neon colours. I'm thinking pink, green, yellow, really bright neon colours. Why wouldn't that work as well as the bloody ugly orange?

Lake police

So today it was time to get my boat checked on and hopefully approved for another three years.

I was not exactly nervous, but tense and woke up before the alarm at 5.20 this morning. Took a friend with me for moral support. Early in the morning we cruised out on the lake, and it was absolutely beautiful weather, sunny and warm.

Unlike other times the police guy was quite friendly, but I was still tense, 'cause they are very meticulous and when he asked me to show him my lifejackets, I pointed to the floating cushions I have as a substitute. "No", he said, quite agitated, "that changed years ago, now you need lifejackets". What? Was I supposed to know that? Told him that three years ago they didn't have a problem with it.

I then asked how many I needed. I am allowed to have six people in the boat, did I need to buy six? "No", he responded, "if you are two people in the boat you need two jackets, if you are ten people in the boat you need ten jackets, but then you'd have four too many". Lake police sense of humour.

So I was told I had to get straight back to my anchor place, and that I couldn't go on the lake before I had bought those jackets.

I only cheated a bit, went to the shipyard which did the service on the boat a few weeks ago to pick up a fender I lost there, and since they had given away mine, I got a new one. A better one!

Anyway, the lake police also remarked on the cover on my boat, which I fold on the top when I cruise. Not good I was informed, since the front lamp (which I've never used, since I'm always only out in sunshine) needs to be the highest point on the boat. You judge by looking at the pic. It's that little thingie in front on the roof.
So today I placed an order for four life jackets. Never f... with the lake police is my motto!

Thursday, August 07, 2014

Give and take

Had a friend over tonight and needed some help with various chores in the house. So when he arrived I took him by the hand and led him to the fridge, where I showed him a cake I made in his honour.

He got so flattered so when he left my whole roof was hoovered free from spiders and other insects, plus some other minor issues were dealt with. Like a snail living in his (her?) own house, in the middle of my bedroom window. Urk! Now removed.

Men! Easy :). Love goes through the stomach, isn't that what they say? Mind you, he was also sent home with some leftovers, not only for him but also for the dog. I guess we're both happy in the end. Or rather, all three of us.

Wednesday, August 06, 2014

I'm irritated

For ten days I weighed exactly the same in the morning (exactly the same kilos point one decimal!), which irritated me a bit. Here I try to live really healthy, and eat less, and I don't feel I get rewarded.

This morning (mind you really early) I all of a sudden weighed 600 grams more than yesterday, despite eating less! What's the friggin point?

Mind you, I've been peeing more than normal today so maybe I just had more water in my body, but why is that?

Then I saw in the paper that if you do exercise every day the body quickly adapts and gets used to it, so you have to change the way you exercise. Ah, gimme a friggin break! I did 25 minutes this morning, then walked for like 1.5 hours and if I see the same high number on the scale tomorrow morning I'm gonna...grrr...punish somebody or something.

Early bird

I had a really funny morning. I went to sleep last night earlier than usual, around 11pm and woke up at 4pm. Went to the bathroom, and normally I would have no problem going back to sleep immediately. Not today. So at 5.15 I was up and about. Really strange feeling.

After having spent the whole afternoon on the lake with swimming, a picnic, nice talks and some wine, I'm pretty sure I'm gonna sleep really well tonight.

Monday, August 04, 2014

Saving school IV - don't drive

If there is one advice I could give that would save you more money than anything else, it's don't get a car. A car is costing you more than you think. I still remember that finance class I had way, way back when the teacher made us calculate the cost of getting a new car every three years, versus getting a new car and keeping it until it broke down.

The breaking down car was way cheaper than getting a new one, and since status has never been one of my fortes I have saved a lot through that. Mostly by never having a car at all.

Some people would now raise their hand and say, "hey, you've got a boat", but let me tell you it's nothing like a car. I spend about 40 francs a year on petrol, the insurance is cheaper than a car and I bought the boat with cash, I don't have a mortgage which most people do on a car.

Yes I know, if you live outside a city you may need it. For me the choice was simple. When I was living outside a city I couldn't afford a car, and when I could afford it I lived close to or in the city, I didn't need one.

Plus, that I'm proud to say, it helps the environment. Yes I know, I used to travel a lot, preferrably by aeroplanes, but I've grown up and am now very conscious about being "green". Not to the extent that I'll be voting that way, but still. I like to think I'm helping the future generations. Not that they would care. Well, at least not until they've older and wise like me :).

I won!

It seems like these days I am happy with the smallest things. A couple of weeks ago I got an email from Ikea asking if I wanted to participate in a lottery getting a ticket to the launch of the new catalogue. It is very seldom I answer these type of emails, but I thought this time, why not?

And today I got a phone call that I've been selected.

Secretly of course I'm hoping for a giftbag, but at least there shall be something to eat and drink for free. However, knowing Ikea and their cost philosophy I'm trying not to get my hopes up.

But the best thing of all, I "won" something!

Saturday, August 02, 2014

No mosquitos

I just saw something on telly which reminded me why I love Switzerland so much. There are practically no mosquitos.

And the reason is that mosquitos absolutely, unconditionally, LOVE me. I remember when I was little and the family had been camping, and walking around the town we were in at the time, a woman stopped my Mum to ask if I had smallpox. Or similar. I was little I cannot quite remember. It may had been the just the pox.

Anyway. Today I learned that we have around 400 smelling thingies around our bodies, and sweat is one of them (hey, I don't sweat more than other people). I always thought it was my sweet blood, long before I knew about my rare blood group. I also learned that alcohol attracts the little buggers, which I could now understand, but I didn't drink when I was a kid.

Guess it doesn't help to be a professor in moquito'ing (when asked why she chose the profession, she answered "what's not to love, they kill more people than any other animal"). Hmm. They still don't have a clue. But I know for a fact that these little blood-sucking insects love me. It's not mutual.

Horseback riding

I am super excited! When I was in my teens I loved horses. Still do, but haven't been on one in decades. But I decided it was time again, and to my delight I found a riding school in Zürich.

So I emailed them, and got a reply (first impression counts) so now I'm gonna make an appointment and see how it works after so many years.

I've only booked half a hour dressage at first, since you need to crawl before you're walking, but my real love has always been jumping.

I am nervous and excited at the same time. And I expect I'll experience that I have muscles I forgotten existed. Half an hour on a horse sounds easy enough, but forget it, it's hard work and I remember how much I sweated back then.

Yay! This is gonna be awesome!

Street parade

After work I took a leisurely stroll into town to watch the madness and all the people. Omg, these days far too many people for me but I did manage to get down to check on my beloved boat and noticed that most of my fellow boat owners were out there. Watching a show or another.

I dunno, I grabbed some food from the Indian stand (when they advertise hot they apparently mean steaming but not spicy, big disppoinment!), and got outta there speedily.

Had a quick drink in my fav place (haven't been for ages!) and got home to my wee ones. Who didn't greet me at the door, but after a while came to see me stretching their legs and yawning. Ungrateful little bastards, didn't even miss me.

Short skirt

I got a good talking to today. Was strolling into my work, when a woman (resident) approached me, saying in no uncertain terms that my dress was far too short. And those things women can wear in Sweden and other open countries, but it's not appropriate in Switzerland. Because of the Muslim men. Eh?

She continued to tell me that when she was in Sweden she was encouraged to take off all her clothes on the beach, "feel free, nobody here has a problem with it", and she was appalled. "So I know everything about Sweden and the countries up north". I refrained from telling her that not all of the people are like that. Why rain on her parade?

And then I got a rant about Muslim men who apparently are attracted to short skirts (like other men aren't?), and that I needed to be careful, and how she didn't approve of the Burkhas and such.

So I tried with "but perhaps I can feel safe here in the old peoples home?". That joke fell flat to the ground. Sense of humour is definitely not her thing. But in the end I got her to agree that maybe somewhere in the middle would be good. And I reminded her that today is Street parade, which generated another rant about how young women nowadays walk around with belts doubling as skirts.

I happen to know this woman briefly from like a month ago, when she had just moved into the home. She was angry back then too, complaining about anything and everything, and since I knew that, I can kinda understand her. It cannot be funny to still be sorta clear in the head, physically seemingly healthy and be put in a place with other oldies, more dement and dilapidated than her.

So better she gets her anger out at me, than to the others living there. And I'm gonna charm her, putting a long skirt or pants on next time I work. If I can find something that still fits!

PS. I told my co-worker who is like 88 (and lives in the home but is still going strong) about the short-skirt-palaver, and she just laughed. "Oh that one, she's always complaining".

PPS. I have pants under the short skirt, that goes down a third of my thigh. And I have good-looking legs. Nothing inappropriate or indecent if you ask me.

Friday, August 01, 2014

1st of August

Today is the Swiss national day. Everybody is celebrating (well almost) except for me. I don't have a Swiss passport, plus the fact the every Swiss I know have traditions. Things they do every 1st of August. I don't. Yet.

So I decided to clean. Yes I know, the odds for that were tiny, but the weather was nice and my balcony glass walls had never been properly cleaned before. They are now, and I sweated like a pig. Better than any sport session I've been through. Mind you, the sun helped a bit and as well as getting a clean balcony, I improved on my tan. Win-win again.

And if I'm lucky, I can in two years celebrate like ze Swiss. Keep your fingers crossed.