Thursday, November 29, 2012

Freeze cheese

I have a new friend who doesn't know me yet. Last time we met she brought cheese. It is fine with friends who wants to bring things, although not required.

At dinner we didn't finish all of the cheese, and she said that I could keep it. Freeze it, since apparently cheese is good frozen. I don't understand. Cheese stays good in the fridge for weeks, why would I freeze it? And why did she think that I would throw it away? I would never throw away food. At least not good food.

And thanks, just enjoyed the last few slices. It tasted fresh.

Not trustworthy

Every time I get a letter from the police (yes, they send me updates on boat related issues) or the tax authorities, I get worried. Not because I am guilty of a crime, but because I am worried I have done something wrong without meaning to do so. I guess I have a healthy respect for authorities.

Today I got a letter from the tax authorities, which kinda excited me since I know I overpaid taxes last year and expect a substantial amount back. You know, you send your tax return in at the end of March each year, but ze Swiss are slow and I thought, yay I'll get it back this year at least.

But no. Despite the fact that they have all my financial information correctly reported for 2011, they wanted a further confirmation of my lack of income for a period last year.

And as a trigger they attached a sheet telling me what could happen if I do not report correct information. Up to 10,000 francs it could cost me. Nice touch.

So now I have to sign again for something I already reported, send it in and who knows how long I have to wait for the return of the money that is rightfully mine. Mind you, the government gives a much better interest rate than any bank, so I might turn out to be the winner in the end.


It's funny how we prioritize in life. I agonized quite a bit before I decided to invest in my fabulous but expensive bed. Haven't regretted it though. My back problems are gone, and I sleep like a baby every night. Worth every penny I would say.

My good friend on the other hand, decided to buy a new car. To the cost of two of my fab beds, and despite that he has two other cars already. Plus the fact that he has some back problems and a 20-year-old bed. What was he thinking?

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Role model

My mother was a model, an underwear model. In those days it wasn't a big deal, and you didn't need to weigh like 40 kg's in order to succeed. She just travelled around, showing bras and corsets to men who were buying. I know, it sounds funny but was totally fine back then. I travelled with her.

I remember sleeping in train carriages on the top shelf...there were three on each side in the sleeping quarters on the train. I slept good, not sure my Mum did.

So she modelled, while I was sitting outside in the stairs playing with a doll or similar, and waiting for her to join again. I might have been 3 or 4 years old at the time.

Sometimes I stayed home with my Dad. I remember him being a very bad cook. One time he served meat with a sauce, and the sauce was so thick a spoon would stand up in it. I complained, but he just thought I was picky. My Dad was a proud man, he would never admit to being wrong. Some people say I'm just like him.

It may be true, but I aim to be like my mother. Kind, accepting and always open for new things.

Only she told me about a train ride when I met my first black man. In those days black people were not common. I screamed.

But it wasn't because of the skin colour of this man, it was because I had squeezed my finger. I remember my mother telling me how embarrassing it was and how much she apologized to the man.

So where am I going with this? Not sure. Just a memory that popped up.

No beef

Said to a vegetarian: "I have no beef with you". Haha, I am so funny!

Monday, November 26, 2012

Memory as a chicken

This morning I made a fantastic sandwich. It reminded me of my last boyfriend. When I used to travel a lot, he always made me a great sandwich to enjoy on the flight and there was always a note packed with it like "I love you" or something. Yeah, I know, pathetic but nice at the time.

Anyway, fresh baguette, strong mustard, Gruyere cheese and marinated cucumber. Yum!

And then I left it in the fridge. It wasn't quite the same enjoying it this evening I must admit, but there you go. Is it called Alzheimer light?

Married with child

I seem to come across children a lot lately. And there is such a difference in the parents. Recently I met up with a fairly new mother, who had a very easygoing way with her 9-month-old kid. He was there, she was carrying him, but he wasn't the center of attention as so many kids are these days.

He was there, and mostly he was happy, and when he wasn't she just rocked him a bit and he went to sleep. Mind you, I dunno if it has anything to do with him having to eat lightly cooked cauliflower and broccoli (yes, Mum is a vegetarian and I felt for the kid!). Perhaps he fell asleep out of boredom?

And when we were parting she mentioned in passing; "oh, btw I got married last week".

Easygoing is the word of the week.

Onion festival

I ventured out of Zürich today! All the way to Bern! They have a famous onion festival (why I do not know) every year, and I heard so much about it.

Gotta say though, big disappointment. You really had to look for the onions, it seemed more to be just like any carnival/festival to me.

And who wants to pay more than 20 francs for a ring of onions?

And what was all the stuff with throwing confetti around and banging people with hammers in the head? I wished the hammers were real, when a kid threw confetti straight into my face!

So even though it cost me 94 friggin francs for a return ticket to Bern (SBB, I might have to reevaluate all the good things I said about you before!), it was worth it to meet a good friend I hadn't seen in a long time.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Another birthday party

Went to a birthday party yesterday, a grown-up one this time. That didn't stop kids from showing up, but this time it was only two. Two very different ones.

One was polite, quiet and playing on his own. Never bothered anybody.

The other one demanded attention at all times, was crying, no not crying, screaming when something didn't go her way, ate all the time, spilled and put crumbs everywhere.

You know, I don't blame the kids, I very much blame the parents. There should some kinda driving license to have children.

Too bad I don't like'm much, I would've been a great parent. Borders, rules and love, that's all kids need.

Friday, November 23, 2012

The divorce flat

There are four flats in "my" building. And coincidentally two of them are changing tenants at the same time. Tonight two unknown people rang my door, turned out it was a couple moving in tomorrow and they wanted to present themselves. Nice.

We didn't speak for long, since they were of course busy, but I learned that they are moving together for the first time.

I refrained from telling them that everybody who has ever lived in that flat has divorced or separated. We call it the divorce flat.

Let's see how long they will last.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

What's for dinner?

Yes, raclette. Which had to be explained to one of the guests. I guess nearly 5 years in Switzerland hadn't exposed him to the heaven of cheese. Well, some people take their time learning. Especially men.

It was a nice evening, and I was thinking about friendship. Friendship is many things, and can last a long time even if you live on different continents. But friendship in the immediate vicinity is nice, since it gives you the chance to talk about daily stuff and current issues.

And even if friends sometimes probe too much into things you don't wanna talk about, it's probably good in the end. Rather get things out of the system than keep it in is my motto.

And when friends leave and you feel good about the evening, that's what you want. I hope they come back soon!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Cat talk

Was out with a few friends tonight having drinks. Half the evening we were talking about our cats, all of us have them. It is fantastic. You can share experiences, talk about the difference between them and be secure in the feeling that nobody will be bored.

The opposite of a cat fight!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


I am one of these alcoholic-likes that binge-drink for weeks, then are dry for months, only with food. If I taste something I like, I can eat it for days.

Right now I'm in a sandwich-stage. Big lovely crusty baguettes with creme cheese, Gruyere, mustard (yes, something I learned here in Switzerland, mustard goes very well with cheese) and cucumber.

The mustard I have wasn't very strong though, and didn't give the right amount of sharpness to my sandwiches, so bought a new one today. Mustard injected with horseradish.

Used about the same amount I usually do, and whooooaaaahhh! Sweat was breaking out, I was gasping for air and running for water.

But scraping off some, I must say, it was delish!

Sunday, November 18, 2012


Finally! I have tried and tried and tried to do this "knäck", the fudge-like Christmas delicacy four times now. And whaddayaknow, four times lucky.

Somehow it didn't work before, and I was blaming ze Swiss ingredient, because I did as I remembered it from when I was a kid and used to do it with Mum. I think my memory perhaps was a bit clouded.

Now I know the trick, apart from using a big-bottomed pan, it has to cook at a high temperature, and it has to be taken from the pan, clicked into little forms at the exact time. Which is difficult, 'cause it's sticky, sticks to the spoon, and you have to move quickly.

You can see from the pic that I tried when it wasn't quite done, those are lighter.

Anyway, now it's done and I think it's not called patience, it's called persistence and stubbornness. No way was I gonna admit I couldn't do it!

Spoiled kids

Went to a birthday party this afternoon, a 3-year-old. Which would've been fine, had it not been for the other 9 kids that showed up. All between 2 months and 4 years. Phew! Am I happy or am I happy for my two quiet cats?

Wish I would've brought my camera, have never seen so many toys in one confined place before. It was plastic container after plastic container with toys, toys, toys. As well as kid furniture, a complete kitchen, a slide, a doll trolley, soft animals and who knows what else? They could easily give toys to a few orphanages in a poor country, and each kid would get their own toy.

And of course there was a cake. The biggest one I've ever seen live.

So if judging by who has the most, this kid is a winner.

And I got to take a balloon with me for the cats to play with. But at least Zetti doesn't seem to care. Zina took one look at it and discarded it. My little girls are growing up!

Friday, November 16, 2012

Death mask

Was talking to a friend today. He had visited his aunt, and she was asking him to help clean out the basement. There he found a death mask. What?

My mind went immediately to Hannibal Lecter, and whether his aunt was a black widow. Turned out that she had a plaster head, moulded from her (2nd) husbands head.

None of us could work out the reason she had it made in the first place, but now it is crushed into little pieces.

But really, how weird is that? And did my friend have anything to do with it? Haha, just joking. Seen too many episodes of CSI.

But the head was there. Really, who wants a replica of a dead person?

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Except for it being extremely crowded in 7-8 ships at every wine counter, it was a nice evening. First grounding with some raclette (I only had one portion, some other had two!), and then onto the wine tasting.

The German saying "Gratis ist gut" applies here. It's just too bad they serve just a few drops in each glass, so you really have to work on it. Nevertheless, we managed to get a few drops.

And the trick is, if you have several tastings at the same counter, to play interested and ask for the wine list. That way you don't have to feel bad for drinking their wine for free without ordering boxes of it.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Oh darn, I have to go shopping for new tights!

Or maybe I can use them one more time, wearing boots? I mean, they are still covering the legs, and I'm not the type to throw away something that still works. And it's only one toe, right?

Pinot Grigio 3.90

My house wine cost 4.25 full price, but clever as I am, I usually buy when it's on sale for 3.25. Now the other day I found a Pinot Grigio in tetrapack for 3.90. And I think it's worth testing. Guineapigs, anyone?

Mat in place

So finally Grandmas plants were re-planted, new soil, new pots and a brand new purple mat underneath. The cats very much like it, the mat that is. It's apparently funny to play with, to duck underneath, to push aside. But what the heck, we all have to have some fun in our lives.

Kid presents

Am surrounded by kids these days, well at least two and one is having a birthday coming up, so had to go get some presents. For the wee one I got a book, she'll be almost four months at Christmas, and you can never start too early.

Ok, not a book about rocket science, but pictures of for example a cat, saying cat on the side, or a car, saying car on the side. An idiot should be able to read that one. Time to do some IQ testing! You cannot get by on looks alone. Well, at least I couldn't, and since she smiles like me, I am not gonna take any chances.

Friday, November 09, 2012


On Christmas Eve I am invited to spend the day with my family, well what is left of it. And since it is planned to have food from home I am tasked with bringing meatballs and "knäck", which is a kind of toffee/fudge sweetie.

Now, here in Switzerland I have not been able to locate the paper forms needed, so had my aunt send some. She doesn't do anything halfhearted, so sent 500 of them. But when I checked the recipe I realized you need 100 of them for one bunch. Clever aunt.

Tonight I'm doing a trial round. And yes, I have done it before but it was probably like 20 years ago, so wanna be sure I do it right for the new part of the family. Pride I think they call it.

And when reading the recipe I realized you're supposed to use a thermometer to check the exact degree...well, we didn't do it when I was little so I'm gonna take a chance. Besides, the very old thermometer I have only goes to 90°C, so useless anyway.

Living life on the wild side, yes that's me!

Cinnamon sticks

Yesterday, when shopping for the last tiles, I came across cinnamon sticks. Bought a bunch of them. Me thinking that it would give off a whiff of Christmas, and take away the smoke smell that I'm sure my flat has. Not that anybody has ever complained.

But I gotta tell you, cinnamon might be aromatic, and smell nice, but not even six of those sticks smell anything. Nor does my smoke mind you.

It is friends way of arranging the sticks, I had nothing to do with it.

Balcony feature

Am very happy with my feature on the balcony. Friends were advising another row, but I dunno. Think this is what I had in mind, and although I appreciate their help and advice, I might stick with my own opinion. As always :).

Too early phone call

At the crack of dawn this morning my phone rang. My landline, 'cause my mobile is only on when I'm awake. Terrorists.

It was a really strange conversation with me speaking English, since I thought he was selling something (this is my strategy, "I don't understand German" when I think they're wanna sell me something), but he lacked the lingo. He asked who lived on the top floor in my building, and when I understood he phoned from a heating company I gave the name of the top floor neighbours.

He then asked for the phone No of the neighbour, which I didn't give.

I contemplated this for a while, then emailed my neighbour about the story, and it turned out that they had booked a guy for some maintenance and it was legit.

I still find it strange though, that he probably looked me up in the phone book first and phoned me. Hmmm. Will have to speak to the neighbours again.

Thursday, November 08, 2012


Was just watching a program about stalkers. Made me remember my parents. When I was little my Mum had a breather, you know one of those that phone you up and breathes heavily. I of course only learned about this much later.

Anyway, my Dad had the phone calls traced (and this was in a time when you had to apply to the government to get a phone! A fixed line!), and it wasn't cheap. Turned out to be a neighbour.

My Dad approached him, told him to back off (not privy to the exact words), but that was the end of it.

Watching the stalker show today, I think that people have gotten more violent. Am very happy I am not famous. In all my seven years of blogging, I only had one hate comment, and that was from an American. Which doesn't count, since most of them do not know the difference between Sweden and Switzerland :).

But go Obama, at least a slight majority of the Americans understand what is best for them.

But yes, this is kind of a new type of assault, one that I believe is to be taken seriously. Have a feeling though that the police wouldn't know what to do. I hope I'm wrong.

Wednesday, November 07, 2012

She smiles like me

Ok, so baby is cute. Made me think of 'West Wing' where assistant questioned the shoot of a baby "is it a cute baby? Not everyone is".


Have you noticed how time at the beginning of a party/dinner/get-together/pub-crawl or whatever seems to go at normal pace, but from approximately 10 pm it races? You get more comfortable with the people (in case you didn't do that from the beginning), the alcohol is flowing and you seem to be more witty and more sociable than at the start.

Not that I'm not witty or sociable at all times, but still. Hmmm, might be the alco then :).

Anyway, last couple of times I've been at some friends place I almost missed the last bus. Next time I will have to set the alarm.

And that's another funny thing. I didn't used to care about when to go home, but since I now live in Zürich, and everybody (at least above the age of 20) goes home with the last bus/train/tram I have adapted.

I have the solutions to this problem. Start the partying earlier! Yes, that's it.

Sunday, November 04, 2012

People and a lamp

Oh yeah, here's the gang from tonight.

And the "intriguing" lamp.

A whole menu

Ok, I dunno know if it's something wrong with me or my phone, but the photos don't make the food justice. Yeah, yeah, I know my phone is old but still.

Anyway, the food was delish, a starter with three types of tiny sandwiches, a bruschetta (right spelling, S?), something with kiwi, goat cheese and balsamico, and a third one with some meaty thing on it. Delish, and almost too much as a starter. After all, you wanna save some space for the main.

Then it was a salad with celery, walnuts, apple and other thingies in a dressing including a Greek (like yoghurt or the likes). Equally delish.

Almost finally was a lamb dish with couscous, and oh gosh, I ate too much. But what to do when one tasty dish is served after the other?

And finally-finally it was a chocolate cake. With real chocolate!

I had a feeling it would be good, and almost brought plastic containers for leftovers, but thought it would be too obvious. Now I know better. I got leftovers sent with me, and next time I will bring them. I'm proud to say I'm no longer ashamed :).


Was leaving this evening to go to a dinner, and as I always do, I turn around to look at my house (ok flat then if you're picky), thinking how lucky I am to live here.

If you're clever you can figure out which windows are mine.

Saturday, November 03, 2012


Was out with a friend this afternoon. I think one can easily say that he's not too much into fashion.

It's good to know somebody who is worse than me.

Btw, when I blogged about the baby having nine pair of shoes, a friend remarked "that's probably as many as you had in your entire life". Haha, he's not far off.

Friday, November 02, 2012


Yes, tiles turned out nice. Am very proud of myself. Scrubbed the balcony and laid the four test tiles. There shall be more. I foresee a few trips to the shop, can only carry four at a time.

Baby shoes

Went to see the wee one the other day, and was asked whether I wanted to hold her. I politely declined of course. But I wonder, does an infant need this many shoes? It's not like she's walking.

Thursday, November 01, 2012

Freak magnet

I was out today, standing innocently waiting for the tram, when a woman approached me. She was first asking which 'kreis' (part of the city) we were in, then if I knew where the nearest social security office was. Excuse me!?!

And this was not like when I sometimes go shopping up the hill in comfortable clothes, I was in a skirt, nice boots and my 500 francs jacket (ok, 2 years old but still).

I think I might have inherited my mothers genes, she was also a freak magnet. Every homeless, drunk or psycho always approached her, and she was very kind to them. And now I seem to do the same. Ouch!