Saturday, November 29, 2014

Thumb down

Tonight I got reminded of how quickly things can change, and how very important it is to be healthy.

That little wound I got yesterday, caused me a lot of trouble. First it kept on bleeding through, I ended up with eleven plasters, whereof three wrapped extremely tightly around my thumb. Went to bed normal time, but the finger was pulsating with pain. I visualized all the write blood cells flooding in to help and concentrating on my thumb only. Like the finger cells calling down to the guys normally operating the feet or face, shouting emergency, leave your post and come help.

Between 1.30 and 3.30 this morning I took three painkillers, and managed to finally fall asleep at 4. I don't think I've ever taken so many. Usually I try to stay away from pills.

Today it is slightly better, found another painkiller (ok, expired 2010) that seems to work better. Only took one so far + slept a couple of hours in the afternoon.

Haven't had the nerve to change the bandage yet, but a friend of mine, who is a nurse is coming around tomorrow to help.

Also had this horrible feeling that the skin flap wasn't put back in the right position, and that I will end up with a disfigured thumb. Stupid I know, but when you're in pain there is little else you think about.

The only ones happy were the furry ones. They couldn't believe their luck when I was in and out of bed for hours this morning...hey, she's awake again, let's play. Empathy, heard of it, you ungrateful little b'stards.

Thumb up

Today I was scheduled to have yet another private riding lesson, but 'cause of circumstances it got cancelled and I was asked if I instead wanted to join a group in the evening. I did want.

It was different, the others knew each other, had different levels, and of course being in a group of four is something other than being alone with a teacher. Not only that, I got the biggest horse there was. 1.78, had to stand on a thingie to get up.

But it all went reasonbly well, even though I much prefer to have a horse that is not taller than me. 50 minutes of riding takes a toll on me I tell you. Even though I'm fairly fit by now, it is a long time trying to manoeuvre half a ton (?) of a living creature.

Jumping off I nearly fell backwards, but managed to compose myself. Probably because I didn't want to look stupid in front of others.

Afterwards I wanted to give the horse his carrot, but he had another lesson with a new student, so I went to his box to put it there for him to enjoy for later. Only the barn was closed and it was dark, so when opening the door I hurt myself quite badly. Cut my thumb. It was bleeding like hell. But a bit in shock I still went it in, sucking my thumb, and emptied the carrots in his food bowl.

Coming out I realized I needed help, but there was nobody there. No staff, and the next lesson had already started, so I pressed my other finger against my thumb, held it high and with my left hand fished out my mobile phone and called a friend. And lo and behold, he was home on a Friday evening.

Ten minutes walk from the barn, holding my thumb high up while still pressing (haha, a taxi that passed by slowed down, thought I was flagging him down), and my friend had gotten out the plasters.

First he opened a bottle of spirits to clean the wound, then we put on three plasters. Then he gave me a glass of water and glass of wine, and immediately it felt better.

But by the time I got home it had blead through, so now I'm sitting with eight plasters, the last three extremely tightly wrapped around my thumb. It was actually a pretty deep cut. Like you could flap over a piece of skin. Oh dear.

It won't stop me from riding again, but it might stop me from bringing carrots.

Thursday, November 27, 2014


I believe that heritage and environment have an equal weight in who we are. For example, for most of his life my Dad used to take a half-hour nap after lunch every day. He used to run his own little company, and come home for lunch every day. Then half an hour on the sofa, taking a nap. Then I didn't think twice about it, it was normal.

And as it has turned out, I'm the same. For the last say ten, fifteen years or so, I have a serious energy dip in the afternoon, when all I want to do is sleep. Nowadays I can, and I fall asleep very easily, then wake up and have loads of energy. Evenings and nights are when I'm most alive and energetic.

So I dunno know whether to thank my Dad, or to say that I'd rather had inherited another habit. But in the end it doesn't matter. He was who he was, and I am half of it, like it or not.

Cookie monsters in the building

I may have painted myself into a corner. The other day after making gingerbread cookies and having a lot of them, I decided to share with the neighbours, so put a plate full of them in the staircase for them to enjoy. A day later, it was nearly nothing left. My guess is nobody wanted to take the last. So filled it up. And yet again, today it was almost empty.

Funny thing is that I enjoy baking, but I seldom eat myself what I produce. Not that I don't like them, but it's not the same when you make it yourself. I now understand my Mum better. She used to love when I took her out to a restaurant, whereas I more enjoyed coming home to visit and getting her homecooked food.

Anyway, feeling the pressure now, I am baking again. Guess I love it when I'm appreciated. Even if it's just for cookies.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

One take what one has

One thing that is good about this time of the year is that it's allowed to gorge on raclette. Luckily many friends of mine are as keen on cheese as I am. Tonight we enjoyed almost one kg of cheese between us + everything that goes therewith. Mind you, the new show on youtube I am getting addicted to is called "Fat doctor" where they do gastric by-passes on morbidly obese British people. They would probably have happily munched down a kg on their own. As a snack. But that's beside the point, and worthy of a whole blog item later.

So we enjoyed an evening together, four grown-ups with lots of life experience, and there was never a shortage of topics to talk about. Funnily enough my two pants came up as a subject, and it turns out that everybody has more than two pants in their wardrobe. Well, so do I, 'cause I haven't gotten around to give it to charity yet, and as one pessimist amongst us phrased it "maybe you better keep it for when you get it back on again". Hmm. Not. If I now managed to keep it off since half a year, I very much plan to keep it off for a lifetime. It's not yo-yo-dieting when you change your lifestyle as well.

But getting back to the two pair of pants, I also have two, well actually three pair of shorts. One that I had for let me guess, maybe 20 years, and have holes where there shouldn't be holes. I use them for training at home. One pair I bought only a few months ago at H&M's and they are already falling apart, I find bits of them in my bed every morning, yes I sleep in them. The last pair I bought at H&M I got money back for, but I cannot be arsed one again to go back and complain. Which is probably what they expect most people to do. The third pair are all right, except I don't have to open the zipper anymore to take them off, i.e. they are too big.

Anyway, I was gonna write about my new drink, but got a bit carried away there. All of my visitors tonight enjoy a rich Irish coffee, and so do I. Problem was I remembered too late, and didn't have cream at home, so what to do? I did an "Irish" coffee consisting of coffee (obviously), brown sugar, Greek cognac (well, it's alcoholic and therefore had to do substituting any whisky) and foamy milk, using my little whisky (haha, that got funny without being meant to...maybe whiskie?) thing.

But they all seemed to enjoy it, and when my guests are happy, so am I.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Cooking and baking

It's been a very grey day today, one when one had to have the lights on all day. This is unusual here in Zürich. So I decided it was a day for cooking and baking.

First I did another lasagne, had to redeem myself doing one without sails. Then it was on to Christmas gingerbread cookies and finally small little crusty thingies with Roquefort cheese. The latter as a starter for tomorrows dinner.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Blame the right person

It is said that you cannot be cautious enough when choosing your parents, but in my case I must say that even though I didn't exactly choose my neighbours, I have been lucky.

That said, we are an uneven bunch, all very different and not always agreeing, different ages, different political views, from various countries and I could go on, but still. We are a group that have over the years become very close.

Today we celebrated a birthday, and I, as a childfree person, noticed a difference in the parents there. Two kids were loud, sometimes obnoxious, they were everywhere and interrupted any conversation. When they left, the two remaining kids were hardly noticeable. They were there alright, but not in the way and not in any way disturbing.

Which proves my point. It's all down to the parents and how the kids are raised. And for the record, the kids are not to blame, the parents are.

Saturday, November 22, 2014


I went to a dinner the other day, and realized just before leaving that I had only one pair of pants that fit me these days. And those were the pants that I wore when riding. Ok, so the lower part of the legs are covered in chaps, and the upper part is only getting in contact with the saddle, but still.

Luckily the hostess didn't comment on any possible stink, not that she would being polite and all. At least not to my face :).

But to avoid this in future I went shopping for new pants today, and got frustrated yet again. Low waist, super-low waist and one sort that had high waist. As I'd like to avoid the grandma look, I was finding only one with normal waist but they were ugly. Also 60 francs. Eventually I ended up buying a pair of black jeans, looking just like my old ones for 20 francs. I mean, I don't understand why the 60 francs pair would be better than a 20 francs pair, since they're all made in Asia anyway. Not that I'd like to contribute to child labour, but I have to trust H&M to be honest...well honest-ish I guess.

So a new pair of jeans it is, and the only good thing with the low waist is that my still somewhat wobbly stomach is "hanging out", so that I won't forget that I still have some kg's to go.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Veggie stuff

Ok, I may have to stop putting down vegetarian food, 'cause tonight I had another delish meal, purely consisting of veggie stuff.

First a creamy pumpkin soup, perfect to dip fresh bread into, and a salad with halloumi which was new to me. A goat/sheep cheese from Cyprus, that you fry or grill. Salty but tasty.

Yes, I might consider to stop dissing vegetarians, but on the other hand, maybe not. I gotta have something to focus my displeasure on :).

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Lasagne - Sydney opera style

Had a friend over tonight, and we were cooking together. Cooking together for us meant today that we were shopping, he was paying and I was cooking. Or so he thought. Ha!

But I was in the lead, together with my computer. Looking up a lasagne recipe, and I thought we were home. And we would've been had I not been so hungry in the end, that I told him to put the lasagne sheets on top and shove it in the oven.

In guess I should have taken another second to think about it. Pasta needs some glue, something wet on top to keep it together.

But I tell you what. After we scraped those hard bits off, it tasted absolutely delish. Plus we learned something. And that ain't too bad.

I got a compliment!

I cannot believe I waited this long before I started with horseback riding again. Why? I really don't know, and I've been a slow starter, having only had lessons like every two, three weeks or so. And every time I had butterflies in my stomach. But not after today. I feel invincible.

Last time was the first time I felt that I was back in the saddle (I know, sorry, but the quote fits), so today I had the feeling that something is about to go wrong. Surely this cannot last.

But it did! Not only did I fend off a nervous fit from the horse, but twice! He was hearing something from outside that I didn't and galloped off without being told to, and I reacted just as I should. Sitting back, holding the reins and being calm as a cucumber. Well, not quite, but nearly.

This riding thing gives me so much energy, and I'm happy to say that today was the first time I lasted half an hour without having a drop of water. Before I always had to stop, asking the teacher to give me my bottle, 'cause I had absolutely no saliva left in my mouth. I'm getting fitter while having fun.

I have had quite a few comments from friends lately, who don't believe I'm me anymore. I have changed so much. And I can understand. I mean, I rather stay home cleaning on a Friday night than going out, and I'm doing sports every day. If you would have told me that only five years ago, I would have laughed you in the face. And given you the finger.

But there you go. People change, and so do I.

Oh, the compliment? I finished my riding lesson, and the next student came over to take the horse, and said to me "das hast du gut gemacht, du hattest alles im Griff". Hmpf! Meaning, you did good and you managed the horse well. I, as usual, had a hard time taking a compliment, and felt like an idiot after. Why couldn't I just say thank you? Perhaps because I am so not used to getting them...

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Kid 5

It is strange to think that a kid would be close to me, and a child that isn't even related. But she is. And today she turned 5. I knew that she would have a kid party in the afternoon, so I stayed miles away, but in the evening I knocked on the door, presenting her with painting material. She's very good with that.

And as it turned out some other neighbours were there too, and it turned into a party. We were chatting, having discussions about everything and nothing, all while the kid in question were painting away.

A good excuse for a party I'll say.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Bloody business

Since I started my new and somewhat healthier regime in January this year I had some digestive problems. My Swiss friend would phrase it like I have problems with depositing my waste, I would like always be frank and say I have a shitting problem.

Or had. It took about six months to sort it out and for my body to get used to my new and healthier diet, but in that time I developed some sort of haemorrhoid, a little thingie just inside that makes "depositing waste" painful.

Since I'm not the type to run to my doctor for any little ailment, I've treated myself with baby oil. Which hasn't worked. So today I went to the pharmacy, thinking a little stronger medication was needed. But you know, standing there with people around, you feel a bit embarrassed. So I zoned out the people around, first asking for some other medication for my home pharmacy, and then wispering "I need a creme for haemorroids", at which the assistant just nodded and brought me without so much as a flick.

I really don't know why that should feel embarrassing, since I read up on google that 50% of the population have it one time or another in their life. But it does.

Then I heard from my "stalker" that he works in the medication business, and I immediately thought that I should ask him if he can provide me with some free meds. How's that for a first date?

A stalker?

I just had the weirdest phone call ever. A guy called just now on my landline. Normally it's always somebody who wants to sell me something calling on that line. Except for a few close friends, everybody uses my mobile phone.

So when the phone rings on a Saturday evening at a quarter past ten, I'm thinking immediately it's an emergency of some kind.

Instead it was a guy, calling me Annika, telling me the weirdest story. At first I thought it was the boyfriend of a good friend of mine, the name suggested it, but it wasn't.

Turns out a couple of weeks ago he had seen me outside my house, and thought I was hot. He claimed he didn't find a parking place quick enough to approach me, so he looked up my name on the mailbox. He then needed some weeks to work up the courage to google me and find my phone number. And then call me. I asked him if he was drunk, and he claimed he wasn't. And I believe him, since he didn't sound like it.

But I have a weird feeling. I mean he was nice enough and all, but in the end he did mention something about "I bet we'd have great sex" and that's when I kinda ended the conversation. In my world that is no start of a good relationship. Not anymore I should add :).

He gave me his phone number, three times, to be sure I got it. But I'm gonna have to marinate on this. And I do feel a bit uneasy that he knows where I live. It gives me a bit of relief though that he asked if I have a jealous man in my life, and I didn't tell him I didn't.

However, I cannot help feeling a little bit flattered. An eleven years younger man thinks I'm hot! Good for my self confidence. Ha, like I need it!

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Personal hygiene

Florence Nightingale had a point. Personal hygiene is important. Some years ago, quite a few actually, it was a hype about some Asian bird flu and the company I was working for was installing antiseptic spray thingies everywhere. I especially remember a collegue of mine who loved it, he used to spray as often as he could and when we were in the elevator together it was stinking of alcohol.

Not that I have anything against alcohol, but the stench was overwhelming. Personally I believe in normal hygiene. I learned then to always wash my hands coming home. At first it had to do with my kittens. They are indoor cats and I didn't want to contaminate them with anything from the outside.

Now it's become a habit. First thing I do coming back home is to wash my hands, and believe it or not, I am healthier for it. Before I used to have colds like 2-3 times a year, now I haven't had any since I can remember (and no, not yet Alzheimers, but you get my meaning). I am careful going on trams and buses, trying to not touch any buttons or poles, and if I do, I try to do it using my jacket or an arm from a sweater.

However, I am a firm believer of bacterias and that you cannot avoid everything in life. I think that the more you get exposed, the better for your immune system, but at the same time, avoiding unnecessary colds is a good thing.

And sensible personal hygiene I heartily recommend.


I have really learned to like cooking, especially since I have time to do it properly. Today I prepared a duck for a feast tomorrow. 2 kg's of prime bird. I used salt, pepper, olive oil, chili, rosmarin, orange zest and stuffed it with the rest of the orange. Mouth is watering already.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Me eco-friendly?

Lately I've been upping my breakfast/lunch, which btw is always combined, with eating more. Before I was always hungry again after like three hours, so realized it's better to eat the main meal midday, and then something smaller in the late afternoon/evening. Two meals a day is fine for me, with a snack now and then in between.

So since a few days I added a banana yoghurt to my first meal, but when I read on the contents label I realized it was 12% (!!!) sugar and other additives. Not good. So today I bought "bio" yoghurt and wanted to buy real bananas for taste. They were imported from Colombia, so no go. I ended up purchasing frozen raspberries from Serbia. Not optimal, but I'm really trying.

And I'm wondering, do bananas not grow at all in Europe? It surely is warm enough in the southern parts, isn't it?

This living eco-friendly certainly ain't easy.

Thursday, November 06, 2014

Swiss VII

Yesterday I got a confirmation that my application to become a Swiss citizen is now in motion. A full A4 with information that they will now check with my "Wohngemeinde", which is the area I live in, and if in my favour it'll go on to the canton and eventually on to the governmental body who deals with us foreigners.

Not to forget, it's also gonna cost me. No surprise there. But also a reminder not to send any more documents to the Zürich city people, from now on I've been passed over to the next level. No problem with me, the less papers the better.

But it reminded me about the last questionnaire I sent in. It asked me about my marital status, like if I'm married, divorced, widowed or similar. It said "Ledig (noch nicht verheiratet)" which I find hysterically funny. It means "single (not yet married)". Like being married is a goal that everybody strives for. Haha, if that is a criteria I shall never become Swiss. But if I do, I shall exercise my right to vote, 'cause at least I, as a woman, will have one :).

Back in the saddle

I am continuing my strive to get fitter (and smaller), but sometimes I get demoralized. Yesterday I was doing one full hour on the spin bike, 21 km and 700 calories according to the display...and another half hour in the evening, 9 km and 300 calories. 0 grams lost this morning. And I didn't stuff myself full with food at all, rather the opposite.

However, after having a riding lesson this afternoon I feel invigorated again. Especially since I had the feeling that I'm back in the saddle again so to speak, meaning I feel it went as good as it went when I stopped so many years ago. I felt in control, and started to really enjoy riding again.

Not that I didn't before, but it feels so much better to have a sense of achievement, like it's going forward, I'm getting better.

Still, I'm not up to the fitness level I need to be. Ten minutes of trotting and I'm panting like a dog, almost with my tongue hanging out. Condensation on my specs, that's how much I'm sweating.

But considering I've only taken five or six lessons so far, I'm hopeful for the future. Beach 2015, I'm gonna be a cougar!

Wednesday, November 05, 2014

I'm a nobody

I am so extremely happy I am not famous, or even known to the public. I read a lot of news, as well as blogs.

I'm thinking about Obama, who now has a struggle with the republicans, meaning he will not be able to get anything through in his last two years as president. Everybody loses, it becomes a standstill, which in my opinion is worse than going forward.

I'm also thinking about a famous blogger who recently posted an item about her swimming with dolphins, and immediately got anti-comments about how bad that is. Not that I approve of swimming with dolphins not being free, but still. Not being able to do anything without being scrutinized must be horrible.

I mean, all of us are making mistakes now and then, it's human and unavoidable, politicians as well as all other famous or infamous people, and with the press today they are not getting away with anything.

One might argue that if they choose to be public, they must accept the criticism, but I think sometimes it's gone overboard. Imagine the stress these people must feel. I'm not surprised it's a turnover amongst politicians worse than in big corporations, and that's quite bad, I know from experience.

Just saying. I am so happy being an unknown, a nobody, a person behind the scenes. And grateful that I can blog without being judged. Well, except for the occasional sarcastic comment from friends of course :).

Sunday, November 02, 2014


So after some harsh advice from friends, one in particular, I did decide to go for the riding lessons every Friday evening starting January, going on to June. Six months, every week, I still don't know if it was a good choice, but I'm sure I'll be superfit come summer.

It was funny last time I was there, I got the gear I bought, and told the teacher I had a dream that she told me the helmet was too big and she got angry. She just laughed and said "you put the chaps on the wrong legs". Ah. Nothing like feeling like a fool.

But taking lessons with four people means you do not get to ride the same horse every time. And with every horse you have to learn how they react to you. I was foolishly asking if I could get Diamante every time, but no go. "Everybody wants Diamante". Ok. So I guess the other horses are more difficult.

This is definitely a challenge, but I'm up for it. On Thursday is the next lesson. And I pushed forward my goal to jump, since I feel I have a bit more to go before I'm ready. But I'll be there. Again.

Saturday, November 01, 2014


There is a chain of food shops here in Switzerland called Spar, meaning save. And I guess they have cheaper prices than other stores. But today I was a bit disappointed.

I was on my way home being hungry, and needed to shop for food, I was planning to cook but needed an energy boost immediately. Saw this package of two sandwiches, prices 2.40 and with a sticker saying 50%. Neat.

But when I got to the cashier I turned out that 2.40 was half the price already. I'm not entirely sure it's legal to have a price tag saying 2.40 and another saying 50%, meaning the discount is already taken off.

But ok, I bought it, I'm not gonna sue them :), after all I'm not American, but still. It bugs me. And I think I'll stick to Coop and Migros in the future.