Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Personal hygiene

Florence Nightingale had a point. Personal hygiene is important. Some years ago, quite a few actually, it was a hype about some Asian bird flu and the company I was working for was installing antiseptic spray thingies everywhere. I especially remember a collegue of mine who loved it, he used to spray as often as he could and when we were in the elevator together it was stinking of alcohol.

Not that I have anything against alcohol, but the stench was overwhelming. Personally I believe in normal hygiene. I learned then to always wash my hands coming home. At first it had to do with my kittens. They are indoor cats and I didn't want to contaminate them with anything from the outside.

Now it's become a habit. First thing I do coming back home is to wash my hands, and believe it or not, I am healthier for it. Before I used to have colds like 2-3 times a year, now I haven't had any since I can remember (and no, not yet Alzheimers, but you get my meaning). I am careful going on trams and buses, trying to not touch any buttons or poles, and if I do, I try to do it using my jacket or an arm from a sweater.

However, I am a firm believer of bacterias and that you cannot avoid everything in life. I think that the more you get exposed, the better for your immune system, but at the same time, avoiding unnecessary colds is a good thing.

And sensible personal hygiene I heartily recommend.

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