Thursday, November 06, 2014

Swiss VII

Yesterday I got a confirmation that my application to become a Swiss citizen is now in motion. A full A4 with information that they will now check with my "Wohngemeinde", which is the area I live in, and if in my favour it'll go on to the canton and eventually on to the governmental body who deals with us foreigners.

Not to forget, it's also gonna cost me. No surprise there. But also a reminder not to send any more documents to the Zürich city people, from now on I've been passed over to the next level. No problem with me, the less papers the better.

But it reminded me about the last questionnaire I sent in. It asked me about my marital status, like if I'm married, divorced, widowed or similar. It said "Ledig (noch nicht verheiratet)" which I find hysterically funny. It means "single (not yet married)". Like being married is a goal that everybody strives for. Haha, if that is a criteria I shall never become Swiss. But if I do, I shall exercise my right to vote, 'cause at least I, as a woman, will have one :).

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