Thursday, November 27, 2014

Cookie monsters in the building

I may have painted myself into a corner. The other day after making gingerbread cookies and having a lot of them, I decided to share with the neighbours, so put a plate full of them in the staircase for them to enjoy. A day later, it was nearly nothing left. My guess is nobody wanted to take the last. So filled it up. And yet again, today it was almost empty.

Funny thing is that I enjoy baking, but I seldom eat myself what I produce. Not that I don't like them, but it's not the same when you make it yourself. I now understand my Mum better. She used to love when I took her out to a restaurant, whereas I more enjoyed coming home to visit and getting her homecooked food.

Anyway, feeling the pressure now, I am baking again. Guess I love it when I'm appreciated. Even if it's just for cookies.

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