Thursday, August 29, 2013

Private vs state

There are plusses and minuses with most things, and so it is with healthcare. There are countries where healthcare is provided by the state, and included in your taxes, but doesn't quite work. Waiting three years for a hip operation isn't optimal. And being treated by a doctor who has worked 24 hours straight, when you have a life-threatening condition, is also not desirable.

On the other hand you have countries like Switzerland, where you are welcome at any time to see a doctor and get treatment, or like in most cases, a referral to another doctor who supposedly is a specialist in the field.

In the end it all comes down to money.

Bearing this in mind, you have people in countries where the state provides the healthcare, and who are always abusing it. A cold? Going to the doctor. A minor scratch? Getting the doctor to put a band-aid on a bruised knee.

And in Switzerland, as well as in other countries like it, going to the doctor costs you. And they will all refer you to another so called specialist in order to save their asses. 'Cause it costs you, not them.

What is best? I'm leaning towards the Swiss solution, because it puts the responsibility on the person and I think there is too little of that these days. Blaming others seems to be the name of the game today. I don't like.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

These vegetarians!

There is nothing I like more than a challenge, and gosh am I up for one! Ok, so it's not a life-changing challenge as such, but cooking a good meal using no protein like chicken, beef or pork is challenging enough for me these days.

On Saturday I have to perform and come up with something tasty that doesn't include meat.

Think, think, think! Maybe avocado with shrimps and sour cream, but didn't I make that once before? Beetroot salad? Perhaps an Asian wok? Tofu I refuse, so don't even go there. Oh baked potato, that's good. But what to serve it with? A lush baked potato with butter, tasty! But what else? I'm thinking a spicy chicken leg, a moist lamb rack or perhaps a crispy wienerschnitzel. Mmm. What is wrong with you vegetarians?

Yes, these days I have a difficult life.

Monday, August 26, 2013

My wee ones

My cats are particular, not snobs that one commentator suggested, but cautious. This is good, since I don't have to worry. Except for yesterday when the big one followed the example of the small one and jumped up on the balcony wall! Oh dear. Not sure I can cope.

But I realize I have to let them do what they want. I don't have kids, but I guess it's the same feeling when they grow up. They have to make their own mistakes, not listen to their parents. And if they fall or jump down, well then I have to deal with it then. Which I will.

The little one is still choosing not to drink from the bowl with fresh water, but finds other ways.

Purple rain

Same friends even have a room in the house dedicated to orchids! It has special light and a humid-thingie to certify that the room has a certain amount of humidity at all times. It made me happy to see that the special light was purple.

Visiting the wilderness

Once a year I am invited to some friends who live in the wilderness. They throw a yearly summer party. Not only are they very hospitable, and cook very good food (omg, I was still full when I woke up this morning), but they live in a sort of paradise. And this was only the starter.

They have a garden full with flowers, a place where rhubarb, cabbage, raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, potatoes, salad, beetroots, tomatoes, grapes and everything you can think of is growing. All they need is a cow and they would be totally self-supporting. In the garden next-door goats are roaming and the immediate neighbour has cats, one of them very friendly.

I may be a city-person but to visit this place once a year is good for the soul and mind.

PS. It was funny coming back on the train, and it was ticket control. The conductor looked at my ticket for a long time, then at me, and said "I don't know where this place is". Then we explained to her how beautiful it is, and how little a place it is. She smiled and moved on.

Saturday, August 24, 2013


I think re-gifting is great. Sometimes you receive things you don't want, and then you can pass them on to somebody who can better appreciate them. Hopefully.

I wouldn't mind if things I give away would be re-gifted. But I probably would prefer not to know about it.

Reason I thought about this, is that I'm off to a party this evening (in the wilderness mind you!) and hadn't thought of getting a gift, so searching my own flat I found something I think they will like. Perfect!

Though still thinking about who will appreciate the wooden plaque stating Bulgaria on it, that I got some time ago...

Friday, August 23, 2013


Had a visitor yesterday and as usual I prepared too much food, so it was good I had somebody else over tonight for the leftovers. But he also brought and made a fab tartar. I am spoiled!

Dog aboard

There is a first time for everything, but this particular dog didn't seem to mind a cruise at the lake at all.

But it was funny, later when back on dry land, I was taking a walk alone with the dog and even though she walked with me, she kept on looking for her owner. When we got back to the parting point, she didn't wanna go any further. She's a polite dog, and listens even to me, but she really is a one-man-dog.

When we met up again with the owner, she was so, so happy. There is something very endearing with such devotion.

A kid with taste

I've been invited to yet another baby birthday party. Oh dear! Not sure I'm up to it, but it was funny the other day when I met the neighbours kid, who is now...oh lemme think...I think 3,5 years old, and she tugged my shirt, saying "it's purple".

Yes indeed. And she might not be as impossible as I thought.

Thursday, August 22, 2013


Since a couple of months there is construction work going on outside my house every night, they start around 11pm and it goes on until the morning. I've been told they are going to be finished end of August.

Normally this doesn't bother me, I'm lucky enough to live in a house that is very isolated. For example, I never hear anything from the neighbours kids. And for this I'm very grateful.

But last night I woke up around three. I don't think it was so much about the noise but the light! Somehow these monster machines they use lit up, and it reminded me of when I was living in this little town and a light woke me up then too.

Turned out to be a fire. A big one. A whole block of apartments just burned down. That was scary. I seem to remember an old guy died in that fire, 'cause he couldn't get out in time. There's another reason not to get old.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

English cooking

Hahaha, it's exactly how I have experienced English so called cooking. Bland, bad-looking and having no taste at all. Am watching UK Masterchef and in the first season the contestants were asked to cook a kinda dessert (I think), with something flowers looking a bit like fennel, deep-frying and in a pomegranate/raspberry sauce.

That reminds me of two Americans working in my home country, inviting a bunch of us for dinner. First of all, they thought that you dress up at work and down at home, whereas "my" people do the opposite. The host opened the door, clad in shorts and a ripped t-shirt, where the men came dressed up in suits and tie.

The food that they served tasted of absolutely nothing, since they thought that's how we liked it. Not even salt was used.

Maybe time the Americans learn to distinguish that there are different countries in Europe! Even though it may be questionable whether Turkey and Hungary are really Europe.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013


A great day on the lake. Very few boats out there, just the ferries and a few police boats. Highlight of the day when one police guy waved to me. Me thinking: oh, come search me please :).

Monday, August 19, 2013


I don't eat that much, the reason I'm kinda chubby is that I don't move enough. Like today. I went shopping and realized I had spaghetti at home for ages, and probably best I eat it soon. But what to eat with? Bought bacon, and visualized it with an egg and the cheese I already had. Yum!

But on the way out, I saw these pizza slices, thick with melted cheese, and with various toppings. Couldn't resist.

After eating said slice, I wasn't hungry enough to cook the spaghetti. But I was peckish enough to eat a few slices of the cake I baked the other day.

This is my problem. No regular times for food, and eating what is there and available. I really have to get my act together!

Happy I was born where I was

I have now watched two documentaries about life as a woman in Iran. It is difficult to understand the totally different circumstances under which we live.

The first one was about women who "get married" to a man for a pre-set period of time, say 2-6 months. Of course with the blessing of an "Imam", a so called spiritual leader of the Islamic community. The woman in question was 17 and the man 65, and the Imam thought it was totally ok. Hello? 2013 is calling Iran. And the reason the woman agreed was that she got paid. Fortunately for her this particular woman disappeared before her time was up and took the money with her. Well done!

Unfortunately a lot of these women left with no choice turn to prostitution and drugs. No wonder!

The second documentary was about a man with four wives and a whopping twenty kids. It has a phenomenal opening scene, when you see the mother of the man, sitting on a mat, saying "my son likes pussy". "A lot". Indeed.

The husband compares wives to sheep, they may look the same but are slightly different. Or when wife number four cannot have children, "you're like a well, if no water comes, you dig a new one". Charming view!

And he hits the women and the kids, when they don't do what he wants. And not a little, he breaks fingers and bones, leaves them with a fist full of hair. When one the many kids made a slight dent on his moped he said "kids like that deserve to die". Other cultures, including mine, would call him an asshole. Actually, I'm pretty sure the Iranian women do too.

And even though the Mum of the man claims "I have five sons, and they are all stupid as sheep", it doesn't help much the women of today.

In the end the man takes a fifth wife. A virgin who believes that love will conquer all. Gosh, is she in for a rough awakening!

You know, rather than helping out here in Switzerland, with so called non-profit organizations, I would like to help them. But how?

Friday, August 16, 2013


So the ducks arrived. Now I'll have to think about how to paint them. Ducks with whiskers? Black&white ducks? Hmmm, worth thinking about.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

The last supper

I'm watching Masterchef New Zealand ('cause Masterchef US is in the middle of a season and the next episode is another week). Anyway, I kinda like it, since it's not as fierce as the US version (compare Biggest loser), and they have a "last supper" episode. Like cooking a meal as if it was your last to eat.

It got me thinking, and I'm pretty sure I would choose crayfish. Freshly cooked, just with dill and salt and eaten with toast, a good rich cheese and mayonnaise. Last time I had it was when I brought it from my home country, and shared one kilogram with my friend. It was delish!

But it also got me thinking about the time when I lived in Denmark, and bought only three of those delicacies to enjoy on a Friday evening. Expensive as hell! Only to come home, set the plate and myself down to enjoy and then realize the thingies were not cooked, they were raw! Oh the disappointment.

Today I probably would've tried to cook'm myself, but back then I got angry and binned them all. What a waste!

Cat vs dog 1-0

Had my internet friends dog visiting today, and it went like expected. My two furry ones shot away like the blitz, hiding under the bed, while the dog were sniffing around being interested yet cautious.

Not even after the dog ate their food, they came out.

But later I got hold of one of the cats, introducing her by holding her tight, even though she resisted, but when I finally put her down she kinda stayed, staring the dog down, thick tail wagging to and fro.

And that's as far as we got today. Will be interesting to see if they mellow later.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013


My neighbour has a speciality, she does a fantastic dessert. It's airy, filled with whipped cream and berries of the season. And best is, she gives me leftovers when she had a party. Sometimes she sms's me, saying there is a plate outside my door. Yum!

But I thought I should be able to do this myself, so I tried the other day, using the technique she instructed me to, and voila, it worked! Ok, it may not have looked as nice as the one she creates, but it tasted fabulous made with fresh strawberries and whipped cream. There are two witnesses who can testify if need be (have a nice holiday and yes, I'll try not to kill your plants).

So I thought I'll make another one, making it look as good as my neighbours. But lo and behold, there were no strawberries available so had to settle for figs. Mind you they were fresh, even though they were imported from Turkey. But I must admit the taste (yes I tried) wasn't up to par so had to come up with an idea.

Cognac! Only I didn't have any cognac at home, but found a funny little bottle with Eastern European letters on it, and now the figs are marinating (and possibly getting rid of whatever they held in terms of bacterias before) in that juice.

Keep your fingers crossed it'll turn out if not good, at least edible.

Lost skin

You know that the biggest organ of the body is the skin, right? Lately I have noticed. And it's all because I was on the lake for too many hours burning it. And funny thing is that when I was younger wounds and burn sores healed in what seemed to be a minute. Nowadays it takes more than a week for the skin to even react.

But every day since a few days now I keep on picking up my own skin from the floor (or rather hoover it up with the AnimalPro purple handle Dyson :).

Still, it's downhill from here on. Hot flashes, two grey hairs and skin dropping off the body. Mind you, I'll be slimmer then, won't I?

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Hard as nails

When I was young and vain, I wanted very much to have long nails with paint on them. Back then my nails split all the time and never really looked good. Even with nailpaint.

Today, it's different. My nails grow like grass and I have to cut them every week. And I cannot be arsed to paint them.

Ironic, isn't it?

Hey, how're you doing?

I got a "hey, how're you doing?"-flirt today by a construction worker. I know, it's part of their job description to whistle to passing women or talk to them if they're near enough, but still. It gave me a nice feeling (hurray, I still haven't lost it!) and he got a smile.

Duck race 2013

I missed this last year, but don't intend to do so again. It's a duck race supporting the Zürich cancer fund.

I bought a pair of them. For my cats of course :).

There are options, you can have them send the ducks to your home and then bring them yourself to the race or have them do it for you. I chose to have them sent to me. Haven't yet decided if I'm gonna paint them, but I will definitely register nick names for them.

I just hope I can get them back after the race.

Friday, August 09, 2013


Had a bit of a mishap today in the kitchen. Was preparing a grill and put a whole plate full with meat (suck on that you vegetarians :), and stuck it in the oven.

Then I relaxed and went on my computer to watch yet another episode of US Masterchef. After some minutes I realized it smelled funny. Smoke! And not the cigarette smoke that is ever so common in my flat, but smokey-smoke. Oh dear, the oven was smoke-filled.

45 minutes later, with the fan on full blast, it was still smelly. And the cleaning lady was here earlier today, leaving the flat with an aroma of cleaning liquid. Darn!

Anyway, fortunately I have another oven, so eventually we could enjoy a nice dinner. But as usual, the guest had to work for the food.

That should teach'm Swiss

Haha, several people have pointed out to me that Oprah Winfrey was not allowed to buy a hand-bag, while visiting Zürich and her friend Tina Turner who got married the other week.

I would like to mention that I'm not responsible for all stupid people in Switzerland, but I think it's rather funny that it comes at a time when Switzerland is restricting access for foreigners. Not entirely sure of the details, hoping I'm safe.

Nevertheless, it's really Pretty-Woman-funny that one of the richest women in the world would be denied shopping in Zürich. I hope they sacked the shop assistant on the reason "how-stupid-can-you-be-while-working-in-a-shop?"

And let's all hope that we can stop judging people because of how they look. I would benefit I'm sure!

World cat day

I was informed that yesterday was "World cat day". Ok, I am a cat owner and crazy about my cats, but a world cat day? Do the cats appreciate this?

Nowadays it seems to be "days" about everything. Why not let it be about something important?

A present

I got a present today. I'm not entirely sure what to think about it. It's a cook-book called "neerim needlers' nibbles and nosh" and it holds ingredients like "Turkish pide", "Tahini paste", "tamari", not to forget "sponge fingers"!

I'm thinking of putting my finger (guess which one?) into water for half an hour. Maybe it'll become spongy then.

Thursday, August 08, 2013

Veggie and bio and all that nature can offer stuff

I have a friend who frequently comments on this blog, but who has complained that I do not provoke enough. Ha! Loadsa people would say otherwise.

Tonight I visited her and her family, so it's very tempting to exceed her expectations of my blog, and totally diss everything. But the veggie lasagne was actually very good.

And it's difficult when she served Ikea meatballs covered in white chocolate (ok, they were not really), 'cause it was delish.

But it did surprise me that she had no opinion on "green electricity". I just got a letter from the local provider, and wanted an insight into what to do. Now, there's your provocation :). Answer that if you can!


Today I managed to get my hands on a copy of "Blick am Abend". It's one of the two free papers here in Zürich, and the morning paper is elusive. Probably because I don't get to any tram or bus stop before the morning is over.

Anyway, today I read about the CEO of REGA (the rescue service organization, funded solely by private people) having a salary and bonus compiling a whopping total of half a million francs! What?

I understand that about two million people pay around 30 francs each yearly to support this rescue service, which means around 15,000 people have to pay a yearly fee just to support the CEO. I am so changing my will!

Wednesday, August 07, 2013

5°C and lasting?

I dunno about this fridge I have, or foodcenter as it was called when I bought it. For weeks now the temperature in the fridge have varied between 10 and 15 degrees C. Normal temp is 5.

The catastrophe is 1) that the wine bottles have condensation on them, and 2) the food doesn't last long at all.

But today, all of a sudden, the temp is back to 5°C. Mind you, the fridge is almost empty, and I'm thinking it's because of that. But what good is a fridge if you cannot store food in it?

I wonder if it's possible to find a person who is technical and can fix a fridge through one of these date sites?

Chop chop chop

Had my plant specialist over today, and she turned out to be a savage. Chop, chop, chop she went and all of a sudden my plant which was growing in all directions, looked normal again. She assured me that it'll grow even better from now on.

I have put some of the leftover leaves in water, hoping they will root, and if they do, she'll get a new plant.

It's a pleasure to watch an expert doing his or her work. And I'm an eager learner. How did that come about? Me, interested in plants?

Monday, August 05, 2013

A visit to the countryside

I must admit, having sunburn and hormonal bodily heat waves in the hottest summer in 10 years, is not a good combo. 30°C outside at night, and 28° indoors. I'm frigging constantly sweating.

But even so, it was nice today when I was walking the dog with my new friend in a new area of Zürich. Well, new to me that is, I doubt it's new to the people who grew up there. It was very pretty with farms and flowers and even animals, like sheep and horses (and no, not like the time when I remarked there were pigs, and they turned out to be cows, I didn't have my glasses on).

We passed the swimming station at the lake, where dogs are not allowed, and continued through the forest to a place where dogs could take a dip. And did they! We were sitting on a bench, having a cool glass of wine/water, watching at least ten dogs chasing things, swimming, having the time of their lives. Very relaxing and lot of fun.

And then I was invited for dinner to the new friend. I love seeing how people live, and this guy loves colours. I bet he'll be really surprised when he'll visit my place, since I understand that black and white are regarded "non-colours".

Sunday, August 04, 2013

It ain't gonna happen

Had a friend over this afternoon. It was very pleasant, sitting on the balcony, enjoying cold cuts and prosecco and talking about everything and nothing.

Among other things we talked about death, she had just been to a funeral. She is convinced that there is a next life, and that it's beautiful. I'm equally convinced there is not, but this is one time when I'm hoping I am wrong.

However, if some people are so convinced the next life is better, how come not more people are committing suicide? As I understand it, people commit suicide because of erroneous religious beliefs, psychological reasons or they got into a jam they think they cannot get out of. Not because they think the next life is better.

But it's a beautiful thought (however wrong) that one day I could meet up with my forefathers again. Or even better, my foremothers!

Oh, and she meant that the good people are dying young. There's a thought. Then I'm sure I'll be a 100!

Friday, August 02, 2013

Pots and pans

Talking about old people. Went to the bottle bank today to deposit empty bottles, and I dunno if it's new, but I only saw it recently. You can now also get rid of pans and pots in the metal container.

And I've become more cautious with my pans. I don't like scratches in them. They contain bacterias and whatsit plus the fact that I have more than I need. So I binned a pan.

There was an old woman there too, and when I threw away the pan, she looked at me like "are you crazy?". I was almost expecting her to dig down the bin trying to pick it up. But being heavy and very old, she didn't. Should I have offered her the pan?

102 years

If my grandmother had lived she would've been 102 years today. I wish she had. She was a grand woman, who definitely knew what she wanted. Some people say I'm like her. Which I take as a compliment.

My grandmother was a smoker, which means that she ate quickly, and if everybody around the table wasn't up to speed, she used to go around picking up our plates. If you weren't finished you had to hold on to your dish. It became a joke in the family, but she didn't mind. She ruled the family. She was 84 when she died.

However, we have had quite different lives. She had her first child at 22, being unmarried, then another child with another man, then yet two children with the man she finally married. It couldn't have been easy in those days, but she was feisty. And I loved her.

Even more so, my great grandmother was only 15 when she got my grandmother. And unmarried. This was in 1911 and I'm sure a scandal back then. However, she did marry the father later. I was a young kid when she died, but I have visited her grave. I have vague memories of her, but she must've been something. I wish I would've had the opportunity to get to know her.

Thursday, August 01, 2013

Swiss national day

Today was perfect, hot, not a cloud in the sky, and the water in Zürichsee is finally good for swimming, nearly 25°C. 31°C in the air, but when you're in the sun like we were it is much, much hotter. I think I might have burned a bit, since "sunscreen is for wimps". Probably not one of my better quotes.

Every time I come down to the bridge, seeing my boat there amongst all others, I feel so lucky. There I am, a foreigner, having a boat in the middle of the city. How cool is not that?

Took a pic of my Swiss flag, but it didn't cooperate fully, it was a wee bit windy. But if you look closely, you can see that there is still snow on the top of the mountains.

We were swimming like crazy, one of my guests were a real water-person, she spent more time in the water than in the boat. And she was the spitting image of a previous guest, only younger. Mind you, she was the daughter of the former guest, "only with the boobs higher up" as she was described.