Monday, September 29, 2014

Biggest loser is back!

After enjoying fifteen seasons of the US version of biggest loser on youtube, I thought I was gonna have to wait another year for the next season, but whaddayaknow, the next season is already there. I guess there is always somebody who's willing to share quicker than anybody else. Good for me.

What is not so good is that my weight loss the first four months this year was on track, then four months maintaining it, and now I planned for the last four months of the year to lose another 3-5 kg's. Not going to plan. One day (after I was out drinking with the date) I lost 800 grams. Great, fantastic, I should do this more often. A few days later I gained 500 grams. One day I was gaining 400 grams even after doing sports morning and evening. Then another day I lost 400 grams doing nothing special. And last time I was riding I lost exactly 0 grams.

I think the body get used to the exercise, and that you have to shock it in order to lose more weight. Not that I'm overweight anymore, but I wanna stretch it and lose more. I know, I'm never gonna look like a greyhound and have no aspirations thereto, but maybe a slim dachshund?

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Bottom rub

A funny thing today with the riding was that I realized I had spectators. Well not like a whole audience, but a few people, and at first I thought "oh fuck", 'cause when you're not an expert you think they are better than you. But then I relaxed and thought "what does it matter?". And forgot about it.

After I jumped off Diamante I felt my bottom, 'cause my tailbone hurt, and I was kinda rubbing it. That was before I realized a guy was having a lesson just after me, and he was standing there waiting to take over. Oh dear.

So not a good thing. Not that we had a date or anything, but rubbing ones bottom is surely not gonna give a great first impression.

Shark tank

I just love youtube. Now I've found the next series to which I'm already addicted. Shark tank. Five Americans, pc with three white guys, one black and one woman, all selfmade millionaires or even billionaires. They are investors and candidates come in, present their business ideas and some get funding, some not.

And it goes to show that it's not only the product that's interesting, it's how you present it and how well you have prepared.

Just like in other aspects of life.

Wind in my hair

Went riding again today on Diamante. He's a great horse, and fits me perfectly. And even though it went much better today than last time, there were some mistakes made. And it was always my fault. Guess I have to realize that I'm not 17 anymore, and even if my fitness level has gone up from 0 to I-dunno-know maybe 7 on a 10 scale, there is still some work to be done. Especially with regards to leg strength.

For you who are not familiar with horse riding, the legs are the steering mechanism with a horse. You push, move and give the horse the indication what he or she needs to do with the help of your legs.

Galloping today went really well, only I was told to sit back. I tend to lean forward 'cause that makes the horse go faster, which is fun I think, but did as I was instructed and unfortunately hurt my tailbone. But I guess standing up on buses and sitting on my bar stool at home with the bum hanging out isn't that bad.

And no, no wind in my hair but sweating down to the hair roots. Last time I lost half a kg by riding, it'll be exciting to see what the scale says tomorrow.

A new friend?

Had another date yesterday, who turned out to be a nice surprise. He was polite, interesting to talk to and good fun. As I thought of him as harmless, I decided to invite him home for a coffee (him) and wine (me) before he had to drive home.

That's the difference between meeting people online and irl. Irl you have the opportunity to assess and get the feel about them in a much better way, and I'd like to think I'm good at that.

So maybe I have gotten myself a new friend.

And yes, he agreed to have the pic posted here, although I haven't given him the blog yet :).

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Bio eco what's the difference?

I put the question out there some time ago about living more green, and the only answer I got was quit smoking and become a vegetarian. Very disappointing, since I'm not willing to completely give up my lifestyle, however I am open to change within limits.

And today I was thinking about it again. I don't eat a lot of mayonnaise, but I use it occasionally in my cooking, and so needed to stock up. Surprisingly enough in Coop they didn't have any mayo at all containing eggs from free roaming chicken, even though one of the tubes said "bio".

Last time I bought it in Migros and they did have one with the free living chicken. But I dunno. Is that really better? And is eco better than bio?

Ecological to me sounds healthy and produced without any E-numbers or substitutes added. But bio? Biological? What does that mean really?

And when something bio states that the ingredients come from Europe, not specifically Switzerland, isn't that a bad thing? Shouldn't everything be produced locally?

I may have to start making my own mayo, but then comes the problem of what to do with the eggwhites. Meringue?

It ain't easy to try to do the right thing.

Neighbour day

I really like my neighbours. There are some I know better of course, but all of them are nice people as far as I know.

Today I ran into one of them outside the house and she asked whether I would come with her for a short walk. Sure, nice to catch up. However, she was going to fetch a kid in school, and I didn't realize how loud it actually is in a stone hallway with oh-I-dunno-know, like 50 kids running around having screeching voices. Good thing I already have tinnitus.

Then of course we had to wait while kid had to show us how she could climb. Fascinating. Not.

But still, a nice caring neighbour.

Later in the afternoon I was going food-shopping, and noticed that one of the other neighbours door was wide open. I know she also has a small child, so didn't think twice about it, figuring she was on the way out organizing the kid or something.

But when I came back some time after, the door was still open so I was gently calling her, thinking they were asleep and had forgotten the door (why you would do that is beyond me but still). After ringing the door and going into the hallway checking there were no unconscious people or criminals in there, I realized she had left without closing the door.

And right I was. Left a msg on her voice mail, and sure enough. She called me back and told me she had forgotten to close the door, admitting to also losing her brain by giving birth. Just as I thought.

Conclusion? People without kids are more clever ;).

Sunday, September 21, 2014

This dating business

I have now been registered to this friendship/dating site for more than a year, and I do admit to not being very active.

The first guy I met, which is now about a year ago, I connected with immediately, and we are still friends and meet up around once a week for walks and dinners. We have become good friends, and that was exactly what I was looking for.

Then I had some exchanges on emails with a couple of guys, but didn't get the vibes and chose not to meet up with them. And as a friend and I was discussing the other day, if their interests show they are into astrology, why waste time?

I'm not the kinda person who wants to "get to know" somebody through emails and telephone calls, I want to meet them directly and then I'll know.

So today I had a blind date. Was taking a stroll into town, and when I left it was sunny and nice. After about five minutes it started to rain cats and dogs, and by the time I was at the meeting point I was drenched. Didn't bring an umbrella.

Even though I was on time, he wasn't. He had waited until it stopped raining and then arrived some five minutes later. With an umbrella. Hmmm, first negative impression.

And I know, as you get older you (read I) become more judgmental, but still. I would've thought that giving off a good first impression was important.

He was also surprised that I didn't get the Switzedütch after living here for twelve years, which I thought was a bit much coming from a guy who only speaks German.

Anyway, he turned out to be quite normal and I'm sure a nice guy, but for me he lacked a bit of energy. He wasn't so easy to talk to, and it didn't click immediately.

However, he wants to meet up again and I think I'll give him another chance. Perhaps, as another friend suggested, he was nervous. Not sure it'll be a lifelong friendship though. I think I'm more looking for people who pick me up, rather than pick on things I cannot do.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

The plot thickens

Remember those Asian girls who got arrested? Today they seem to be back. I say seem, since I'm not sure how many there are and if they are the same. Anyway, today they brought all the furniture out on the street for cleaning, which is weird. We're talking sofas, chairs, tables, pictures, bed frames, even the massage table. There were two guys, two girls and an older woman who seemed to be the manager. I've never seen her before, but she just walked around doing nothing, so it made me think of a manager.

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for cleaning, but doing it on the street? Was there a sanitary problem, is that why they got arrested? Is this something they do every year?

I am so glad I live in my house, rather than that one.


Was visiting a friend this evening, and as usual I was a bit apprehensive considering she's a vegetarian, but gotta admit, the food was delish. I now have an appreciation for sweet potatoes, and those goat cheese baked thingies tasted fantastic.

I love trying new foods, it gives me inspiration to my own cooking.

But the funniest thing was that I brought a puzzle for the kid. Thinking it wasn't gonna be appreciated, since nowadays kids only seem to be impressed by the most technical and advanced toys. However, surprising me and also giving me pleasure, was that the kid seemed to enjoy it.

Even funnier was that the Mum had trouble putting it together. We're talking about a puzzle not suitable for kids under three years old. Haha! Mum may be a doctor but the kid (two and a half) is quickly catching up!

Thursday, September 18, 2014

I hate shopping

You know how it is, you go shopping for something specific, and can't find a thing.

Today I needed sportswear, I know, a bit unlike me, but since I nowadays do sports every day and only have one top and one pair of old shorts and I just wash like once a week, it was time to make an investment.

H&M, where I got my current gear, had only long pants and tops not in my size. Small and medium just doesn't cut it for somebody with a decent shelf. Why do they always have 10 small and 5 medium and no large at all?

I also was looking for some cheapo boots and a helmet for riding. And to my surprise the sports shop in my hood had no helmets at all. How weird is that?

The two shoe shops had nothing under 50 francs, and I just want something really cheap. I mean, I'm not planning on competing in horse riding exactly.

So I came home with cheese and wine. But at least I tried. And as a friend said, "you got your priorities right".

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

No bugs here

I'm watching this series about exterminators. Seemingly it's become a huge problem lately with mice, rats, bugs, wasps, cockroaches and lice. Jeez, the hair on my arms are standing straight up just thinking about it.

Ok, living on the second floor and with two predators in the house, I'm not too worried about mice and rats. And I don't think a wasps nest would find its way to my flat, but cockroaches and lice? Oh, I dunno know. It probably helps that I don't travel anymore, so no risk of bringing one home in the luggage. And I do keep my apartment clean, but that's not a guarantee I understand.

And I'm sure, if I were to look closely, there are holes and openings under the kitchen, in the bath, and of course through the balcony. Given that my neighbours are more filthy than I, or just travelling more.

I think of all these I fear lice the most. The thought of having creepy-crawlies on my body makes me wanna puke.

Once or twice every summer I wake up having gotten a bite from something. I guess it's a mosquito or a spider, and I hate it. The feeling that something was crawling over me in my sleep (cats, where were you when I needed you?) makes me sick to my stomach.

Not sure why I watch these type of shows, maybe because it makes me feel good 'cause I don't have these problems, but on the other hand, it makes me understand that I can get them too.

I really don't know. I'm an enigma.

One working, two being lazy

The first time I stepped on my new spin bike, I had two spectators watching with very round cautious eyes, like "what the heck is she doing now?". Nice with a little bit of support I thought.

Just being on the bike right now for my evening half hour, I was seeing one of the felines lying in the hangmat, all four paws in the air. Is life fair?

I'm thinking, I'm working my butt off for you (literally), I feed you, I cuddle you, I do everything for you. And what do you do? Sleep and couldn't care less. Hmmm.

Afternoon excitement

I certainly live in an exciting neighbourhood. Just now two Asian girls, living in the house on the opposite side of me, got arrested. They have a "massage" studio, but I thought it was legal to be a prostitute in Switzerland. Maybe I'm wrong.

But it was really exciting. Two big police vans, at least eight police officers, half of them with bullet-proof vests! One of them posted behind the house as to prevent them from fleeing I guess.

But it was all very calm, the girls just came out, hopped into the vans and off they went.

Not sure what two short, tiny girls could've done to the police. Wouldn't it have been enough with just two or three officers?

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Wiping, dusting, polishing and cleaning

You know, I've really gotten into this cleaning thing. I started, and while I was at it, I realized there are so many filthy things in a home. Fine, with the weekly or bi-weekly normal cleaning, like removing dust, mopping floors and cleaning the toilets, but there is so much else to do cleaningwise.

So every day I do something I really haven't done before, like wet-cleaning doors including the frames, wiping off the tiles in the bathroom, and I have lots, floor to ceiling. Decalcifying and scrubbing the shower floors. And every knob in the place is getting a good wipe-off :).

In, under, between, over, I'm going over everything with a comb. Before I'm done, this place is gonna be spotless!

And when I'm done, I'm sure it's time to start all over again. Hmmm.

Friday, September 12, 2014


I have a friend who turned 70 today. Omg, how old does that make me? But I cannot help laughing about how we met. He was my boss, and I absolutely hated him the first year. Well, hate is a strong word, but I totally disliked him. He was weak I thought, he was not what I expected from a manager.

But after about a year I realized he did know what he was talking about, and even though he has a demeanour and a completely different approach to what I do, I came to respect him.

He has a way of sweeping problems under the carpet, whereas I want to take the fight. Where he gets along with everybody, I choose my alliances. He has a (very) traditional life with a wife, two kids, a car, two houses, and even used to have a dog. I don't.

And yet we're still friends after all these years.

So today I raise a glass to R. Cheers!


Unfortunately my cleaning lady is seriously ill, and has cancelled several times. Totally understandable, and I have no problem with that, considering what she's going through. But it left me with a problem. I don't wanna dismiss her, since I know she takes pride in helping me out, but I also couldn't let my flat get into one of these full-with-cat-hair, dust everywhere, and god knows what you find on the floor kinda places. That really would put me in the category of crazy cat ladies.

So I took it as a woman. And cleaned myself! I know, it's shocking, but I did it.

Ok, so once in a while I hoover myself, besides it's like doing sport, it's boring and you sweat, but more than that I have done in decades.

But yesterday and today I hoovered, mopped the floors, dusted and cleaned one bathroom (yes, still a bit to go), and I gotta admit, it felt good. Afterwards.

Not sure I'll keep on doing it, but it wasn't as bad as I remembered.

Just so you don't think I'm a total idiot, I have no problem with washing, ironing, keeping the kitchen clean and tidying up. It's just that the cleaning bit has always been something I avoided, and chose to pay somebody else do. Like more than 20 years ago I had a flat of 45 m2, but still had cleaning help. Just couldn't be bothered, and it was nice getting home to a clean flat not spending time on something as tedious as mopping floors.

So let's see. Maybe this'll be my new work-out-session? Only I wouldn't place a bet on it.

Thursday, September 11, 2014


Getting back into it, and lovin' it. Today's beauty was named Diamante, and although he was Spanish we got along really well.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

I'm not a racist but

You know what people say, "I'm not a racist but..." and then comes all the reasons why they really are. "They are not like us", unclear what the "us" is. They are this or that, meaning I don't understand them. And so forth.

Today I had to laugh at myself. Was meeting up with a friend, and was telling her about my struggles with ze Swiss authorities, and how my home country is too efficient in comparison. She was saying, "I know what you mean, I heard the same from my country". What? She's from Romania, and I was wondering what the empirical stats were. Two people? I mean, how many are there really wanting to be citizens of the country of Dracula?

But then I got it. Romania is nowadays a member of EU, and is therefore an entrance into a better world than where many people come from.

I guess I'm a product of my world, where I come from and how I grew up. It doesn't mean I should be ignorant. In my world as long as you are honest, decent and nice you are a good person. But I think if I'd have grown up in a world full of hate, war and dictators I would have another view. And I do believe that hunger beats morals.

I'm trying to be a better person than I was yesterday. I hope it'll be easier than losing weight!

Water hose

When my house was being built, I was asked if I wanted a water outlet on my balcony, which I thought was a very good idea. Until I was told it was gonna be 4,000 francs. 4K! They gotta be kidding. So decided against it.

Then some time ago when cruising on the lake with my friends speedboat I saw that he had a hose for cleaning the boat, and we got to talk about it.

He's very resourceful, as well as helpful and so today, after quite a few visits and him driving around town to buy the parts, it was finally installed.

He came up with the idea of adding a tap to my existing shower, and I bought a hose, one of those that becomes three times as long when filled with water, in total 22.5 meters, which is enough to bring the water from my bathroom to the outer corner of my balcony.

With his work being for free and the parts less than 100 francs, I am totally happy with the result. Now I can not only water my plants but also clean the balcony and the furniture out there without having to carry loads of water all the time.

Only one thing, I wish the hose would have come in purple!

Tuesday, September 09, 2014

Fat war

I am really p'o:d. Since I started my weightloss journey (as they say on Biggest loser, which btw sounds really stupid), I kinda reached my goal weight. But then I was going up, going down, and I wasn't sure where I would be at the next day.

So I decided that another at least 3, possibly 5 kg would be good to lose. That way I would have a bit of leeway. But the plan didn't work out, despite my efforts.

All of a sudden I was up 2 kg's. That didn't make sense. I was sporting every day, I was careful with what I was eating, and morals did rapidly go down the drain.

This was three days ago.

I had to up my game, so two days ago I did not only do half an hour on the spin bike in the morning, but also half an hour in the evening. Sweating like a pig (I really don't know if pigs sweat, but that's what you say), doing the up-and-down-program, starting out light, then a bit harder, then really hard, then light again and so forth. According to the bike I burned 300 calories and biked around 9 km's every half hour. So in total 600 calories and 18 km's of biking.

Next morning the scale showed exactly the same as the day before. How is that even possible?

But I'm not a quitter, so yesterday I biked half an hour in the morning and did two sessions * half an hour in the evening. In total 900 calories burned and around 27 km's of biking. And I didn't eat anything after three in the afternoon. At all.

Guess what? The scale didn't move one inch this morning. WTF?

I am really pissed off. I try so hard, and nothing works. I bet if I stop working out, I will lose weight. Maybe this sports thing is overrated, which would be fine with me.

Swiss V

In my strive to become a Swiss citizen, I have to prove that I have no beef with the police, and that I'm not a criminal. For this you can go to any post office in the whole of Switzerland, as the king informed me of proudly. So today I did.

Apart from providing my permit, I also had to state the birth names of both my parents. This is surprising, since first of all they're still dead, second, they have never lived in Switzerland, and third, this document with my parents names, will be provided by my home country. Somebody didn't think this through.

And I had to pay another 20 francs of course.

Friday, September 05, 2014

Swiss IV

I believe the biggest hurdle to become a Swiss citizen is the efficiency of my birth country. When I was going head to head with the guy in the Swiss citizenship office, he was adamant when informing me that all EU countries have birth certificates. A certificate that apparently is crucial in the application process.

I refrained from mentioning that Switzerland is not part of EU, and that all cantons have their own rules. Plus that I lived in my home country for many years, and probably know it better than him. Not approriate to mention when I wanna be a citizen I thought.

Was trying to explain to him that I've never seen one, but that we have something similar. Like a paper stating who you are, where you live and where you were born. Not good enough according to the king, it also needs to state who your parents are/were. Not entirely sure why, since mine are no longer, so therefore cannot be questioned, but ok. I have parents, I assure you. Or rather did have.

So through a website I ordered the document available, in English (yes, has to be in German, Italian, French or English or you have to pay yourself for the translation) and it arrived after two working days. For free, no charge. But unfortunately it didn't state the names of my parents.

So I sent a question, again through the website to my home country, asking if they could provide a certificate containing all the requested info. And a day after I got a personal answer, saying sure, we can include your parents, we can provide it in English, we can stamp and sign it. Ha you Swiss!

I bet the stamp and the signature will make ze Swiss squirm with delight! And it is all for free!

Wednesday, September 03, 2014


A couple of weeks ago I was dog-walking. A friend had an appointment, where doggie couldn't come along. It was a bit disappointing, since the dog is very attached to her owner, and she was wimpering a lot.

This despite that she is very fond of me, and always run towards me when we meet.

Today I did the same, and it went much better. She whimpered for about 20 seconds when she could still see her owner, and then she happily trotted beside me for an hour or so. Always stopping when there was water in sight.

In the end we went home and met the cats. They are very aware of each other, but keep a respectful distance. I think if it came to it, the cats would win, since the dog has more respect for them than they for her. I was told that doggie has had a couple of bad experiences with cats. Haha, never pick a fight with somebody with sharp claws.

Swiss III

A couple of days ago I ordered yet another paper online and today it arrived in my postbox. For 30 francs I now have a confirmation that I actually live at my address. I really don't get it. I could have confirmed that for free.

I have also been to the "Betreibungsamt" who for 17 francs confirmed that I have no registered debts. It took them about 30 seconds to print out the piece of paper. They must earn a fortune there!

Tuesday, September 02, 2014

Swiss II

I was reflecting back on the visit to the City hall yesterday, and while the guy was rattling off all the conditions and forms and whatsit to me who tried to be nice and friendly, I was thinking that this is a typical guy acting like a king in his own little kingdom. He has all the cards, and I'm just a minion, a nobody, a non-wanted.

It makes me even more want to fight this, and become equal to him. It's not like I desperately need this passport, oh excuse me, citizenship, it's not like I'm a refugee, but I want to beat this mentality. I want ze Swiss to realize (all of them, not just the clever ones) that foreigners are needed in order to make Switzerland stay alive.

Anyway, I was being nice and when he stated that I needed a piece of paper to say that I'm not a crimimal, I started to ask if that's what is needed from all countries...and here he interrupted me to say "oh yes from all countries in the world"...when I wanted to ask if it was from all countries where I lived. He then put on half a smile (not sure, but think so) and confirmed it was only from Switzerland. For the rest I'm only asked to put my signature on another piece of paper to say I'm criminal-free.

Ze Swiss and their sense of humour. And I was thinking back, yes maybe once I was speeding (when I was still driving), I may have crossed the street despite there being a red man (coming to think of it, why not a woman?), I remember peeing once in public (but I was about 17 so maybe not relevant anymore?).

Nah, this one I nailed. Every day I'm gonna attack another request, so who knows what's to come?

20+ kilos

You know I was thinking. The first four months of this year I was losing kilo's, so that I (almost) ended up where I want to be. The next four months I kept my weight, and was (almost) happy.

Now I'm thinking how far I want to go, and how much I want to give up for getting there. Then I realized that the body actually consists of around 65% water, so in fact, I'm really skinny (obviously minus the water and in my case also the wine).

I was also contemplating that when they on Biggest loser say (with a very serious voice): "you have 65% body fat and you're gonna die soon". How does that add up? 65% body fat and 65% water. Maybe it's because they are 30% overweight :) ?

Monday, September 01, 2014


1st of September seems to be an important day in my life. Today it coincided with me changing network provider. As you probably know, these things are never easy.

So this morning everything was functioning as normal, I had actually forgotten that this was the day.

Before lunch I lost the connection, or actually didn't, since my computer automatically connects to the neighbours network when mine chooses to have a nap. However, it is not as strong so realized that it was time to unpack the new modem.

Didn't have time to sort out the eight cables and thingies in there, so just left it and decided to deal with it later.

After several tries in the afternoon where the modem started to blink and there was a sorta connection but not the wireless I needed, I decided to put a plea on the whiteboard in our house.

Funnily enough, after about half an hour all of a sudden it was green lights all over the place and I was properly online again! And this after not having an installation guide that made any sort of sense whatsoever. And I had to use one adapter from the old modem in order to get it to function. Ha! It wasn't me being so stupid after all.

Ah well, who needs an IT guru when one can do it oneself (pat on back)?

Swiss I

12 years ago to the day I arrived in Switzerland officially. I'd been here before on a project, but not to live.

So today I went to the City hall to apply for a Swiss passport. And was immediately told that what I first had to apply for was a citizenship. Big, huge difference according to Swiss guy behind the counter. Ok, fair enough, but hardly worth the lecture I was given.

Anyway, it boils down to gazillions of forms to be filled in, or ordered from various authorities, both here and abroad. These have to be sent first to Zürich city, then to the canton and finally to the governmental body handling new Swissies. Each Swiss unit demands payment for those documents of course.

I think we're looking at around 3,000 francs and up to 2 years. Let the battle begin!