Thursday, September 18, 2014

I hate shopping

You know how it is, you go shopping for something specific, and can't find a thing.

Today I needed sportswear, I know, a bit unlike me, but since I nowadays do sports every day and only have one top and one pair of old shorts and I just wash like once a week, it was time to make an investment.

H&M, where I got my current gear, had only long pants and tops not in my size. Small and medium just doesn't cut it for somebody with a decent shelf. Why do they always have 10 small and 5 medium and no large at all?

I also was looking for some cheapo boots and a helmet for riding. And to my surprise the sports shop in my hood had no helmets at all. How weird is that?

The two shoe shops had nothing under 50 francs, and I just want something really cheap. I mean, I'm not planning on competing in horse riding exactly.

So I came home with cheese and wine. But at least I tried. And as a friend said, "you got your priorities right".

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