Wednesday, September 10, 2014

I'm not a racist but

You know what people say, "I'm not a racist but..." and then comes all the reasons why they really are. "They are not like us", unclear what the "us" is. They are this or that, meaning I don't understand them. And so forth.

Today I had to laugh at myself. Was meeting up with a friend, and was telling her about my struggles with ze Swiss authorities, and how my home country is too efficient in comparison. She was saying, "I know what you mean, I heard the same from my country". What? She's from Romania, and I was wondering what the empirical stats were. Two people? I mean, how many are there really wanting to be citizens of the country of Dracula?

But then I got it. Romania is nowadays a member of EU, and is therefore an entrance into a better world than where many people come from.

I guess I'm a product of my world, where I come from and how I grew up. It doesn't mean I should be ignorant. In my world as long as you are honest, decent and nice you are a good person. But I think if I'd have grown up in a world full of hate, war and dictators I would have another view. And I do believe that hunger beats morals.

I'm trying to be a better person than I was yesterday. I hope it'll be easier than losing weight!

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