Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Neighbour day

I really like my neighbours. There are some I know better of course, but all of them are nice people as far as I know.

Today I ran into one of them outside the house and she asked whether I would come with her for a short walk. Sure, nice to catch up. However, she was going to fetch a kid in school, and I didn't realize how loud it actually is in a stone hallway with oh-I-dunno-know, like 50 kids running around having screeching voices. Good thing I already have tinnitus.

Then of course we had to wait while kid had to show us how she could climb. Fascinating. Not.

But still, a nice caring neighbour.

Later in the afternoon I was going food-shopping, and noticed that one of the other neighbours door was wide open. I know she also has a small child, so didn't think twice about it, figuring she was on the way out organizing the kid or something.

But when I came back some time after, the door was still open so I was gently calling her, thinking they were asleep and had forgotten the door (why you would do that is beyond me but still). After ringing the door and going into the hallway checking there were no unconscious people or criminals in there, I realized she had left without closing the door.

And right I was. Left a msg on her voice mail, and sure enough. She called me back and told me she had forgotten to close the door, admitting to also losing her brain by giving birth. Just as I thought.

Conclusion? People without kids are more clever ;).

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