Thursday, September 25, 2014

Bottom rub

A funny thing today with the riding was that I realized I had spectators. Well not like a whole audience, but a few people, and at first I thought "oh fuck", 'cause when you're not an expert you think they are better than you. But then I relaxed and thought "what does it matter?". And forgot about it.

After I jumped off Diamante I felt my bottom, 'cause my tailbone hurt, and I was kinda rubbing it. That was before I realized a guy was having a lesson just after me, and he was standing there waiting to take over. Oh dear.

So not a good thing. Not that we had a date or anything, but rubbing ones bottom is surely not gonna give a great first impression.


Anonymous said...

he he. But better or worse than the being drenched first impression? ;)


Witchbitch said...

Good question, but probably being drenched since I had an actual date with that guy.