Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Afternoon excitement

I certainly live in an exciting neighbourhood. Just now two Asian girls, living in the house on the opposite side of me, got arrested. They have a "massage" studio, but I thought it was legal to be a prostitute in Switzerland. Maybe I'm wrong.

But it was really exciting. Two big police vans, at least eight police officers, half of them with bullet-proof vests! One of them posted behind the house as to prevent them from fleeing I guess.

But it was all very calm, the girls just came out, hopped into the vans and off they went.

Not sure what two short, tiny girls could've done to the police. Wouldn't it have been enough with just two or three officers?


Anonymous said...

I would have assumed the extra force would have been because of the owners, not the girls. They cold have been the 'madams' and more lethal than they looked. But Zurich police do like to overdo things.
Prostitution is legal here, but regulated, so maybe your neighbour's business isn't registered, or the girls were underage, or trafficked, or there was other dodgy illegal stuff going on in there and they are witnesses.


Witchbitch said...

Oh, the excitement!