Wednesday, September 03, 2014


A couple of weeks ago I was dog-walking. A friend had an appointment, where doggie couldn't come along. It was a bit disappointing, since the dog is very attached to her owner, and she was wimpering a lot.

This despite that she is very fond of me, and always run towards me when we meet.

Today I did the same, and it went much better. She whimpered for about 20 seconds when she could still see her owner, and then she happily trotted beside me for an hour or so. Always stopping when there was water in sight.

In the end we went home and met the cats. They are very aware of each other, but keep a respectful distance. I think if it came to it, the cats would win, since the dog has more respect for them than they for her. I was told that doggie has had a couple of bad experiences with cats. Haha, never pick a fight with somebody with sharp claws.

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