Sunday, February 28, 2010

Interior design

Ok, so next step is to get some pics up on the walls. I also decided to paint the outer of the fireplace silver gray. That'll stop it from looking slightly yellow from the smoke + it'll add a bit of feature to my already fab flat. And I got the sign-off from a trusted neighbour tonight. Always good to have a blessing.


It is great to have many windows when you have a fab view. However, there are times when I wish they weren't quite so many. Today I cleaned four windows and four balcony doors, and I've still just scratched the surface. Decided to only look out those windows, and leave the rest for now.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

I met Imeldas Mum

Tonight I was entertained with the story of an English company that measured ones feet and how the shoes were fantastic. Lasted like 20 years. What can I say? The apple doesn't fall far from the tree...

Friday, February 26, 2010

No duck, no nuts

When I invite people over for dinner I usually ask them what they do not eat, rather than the opposite. Last time I did they answered "no duck, no nuts".
And now all I can think about is cooking duck, which I've never done in my life and also how I can work some nuts into the menu. Funny that.
It's like when you ask somebody not to think about the colour blue, and you can be sure exactly what they will think about. Blue.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Balcony door

So repair man showed up at 9.30 and the work that was supposed to take 3-4 hours has now been extended to at least 6-7 hours. He's muttering to himself, swearing over colleagues who gave him the wrong information and in general talking a lot of switzedütch that I do not understand. It was something about waterproof this and glue that and lots of other things that really do not interest me.
It's a good thing it's 10°C and sunshine today since I am currently without balcony doors!

Ultra modern lamp

This shopping thing is continuing. Today I bought a fab lamp that goes in colour with the other lamp I bought some time ago. Pink-green-blue lights that dim. It's like a feature that lits up the room. I am happy. Not quite so happy with the price tag but who cares? It's only money.

Missed out opportunity

Ok, just to make it clear for anybody who wants to bring me sweets or any food with carbohydrates (A, never ever keep that lasagna to yourself again!). I am off the diet. I got tired of eating only fat and protein. Boring, boring, boring. I don't mind eating veggies and meat but occasionally I crave sweets. Never mind carbs as in potatoes, pasta or rice, but sweets I cannot really live without. So today I went to the bakery and bought a chocolate cake. Skipped breakfast and had schoggi at about 2 in the afternoon as the first meal today. Ok, had I known that the older gentleman had diabetes I might have chosen a different menu, but I was ignorant. As I so often am. The Levis 30/30 just have to wait another year or two...

Back to normal

So after having interesting discussions all afternoon with a distinguished gentlemen, everything went back to normal. Well I say normal, but really...
So what was planned to be a quick drink turned into perhaps we should eat something, cooking, eating, drinking some more, and dissecting relationships, men, women, people. Everybody who were not there really. Like I said, back to normal.
And tomorrow morning I have to get up at the crack of dawn since the people who are gonna fix my balcony doors from the break-in attempt have finally after 3 months decided to show up!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

James Dean

I had an acquaintance over for afternoon coffee today. We have known each other for almost 8 years, but never been close. He's quite a bit older than me, a fine gentleman who I have always had a lot of respect for. He's the only one in Switzerland that I am fine calling "Sie". Today he told me a story that was hard to believe. He's in the auto business and many, many moons ago he worked with this guy named Rolf. Rolf decided to pursue his future in America and wanted my friend to join. However, my friend chose to stay and Rolf ended up the US of A being an auto mechanic working for James Dean. My friend told me Rolf was in the same car as James Dean when he crashed. I was a bit skeptical. I sounded like when I was living in Denmark and my landlord told me his ex-wife had had an affair with Sean Connery. Hmmm. Then he proceeded to tell me that Rolf was badly hurt after the car crash (where James Dean died) and that he hurt his head so badly he never recovered. Which is probably why he married 9 times! All told by my friend. After googling the story (which seems to be true!!!) I am happy that my friend told me they lost contact, since this Rolf guy ended up stabbing one of his wives 14 times. The things you get to hear on a perfectly normal Wednesday!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Compulsive washer

After a discussion with neighbours some time ago I was told to always do the wash or run the dishwasher after 22.00 (and before 6.00), alternatively on Sundays. This is because it is cheaper with electricity these times. Fair enough. Now I've become a compulsive washer. Is it after 10pm? What can I wash? Is the dishwasher full enough to run? Funny that. And then I checked my electricity bill that I got when moving out from my previous place. For 10 months I paid a whopping 150 francs. And this when I always washed daytime. Frankly, I shouldn't be arsed about this, but guess who's washing right this minute?

Shopping - again

First I found a nice-coloured top and then I ran into the bargain of the year while looking for a spring jacket. 80 francs (formerly 249) for a leather jacket! As the cash clerk said: "good price". Indeed.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Fasnacht in Zürich

Fasnacht is another one of these festivities that occur every so often in Zürich. Even though I lived here for more than 7 years I cannot keep track. So today when taking a long walk into town was when I realized there was another party. Unfortunately we had to leave early since I was there with the neighbour with the baby. I blame the baby, really. Anyway, nothing was prohibiting me from going back there in the evening to listen to some fab guggenmusik. I mean, really you have to see it to believe it. These bands usually have 15-20 members, and each band dress with a theme, like the band with the bird costume that blocked the pathway to my boat, being pissed at 1.30 in the afternoon. But most of the bands are playing, parading, having fun. And some of them are pretty good like Ladykillers who I heard tonight. I know, it might be tacky but I don't care, I love it!

Spring has arrived!

Finally, finally, finally spring is here. I know it might be one or two set-backs later on, but today is a lovely day. Sun is shining from a clear blue sky and I can once again see the mountains from my windows.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

To give is better than to get

Had dinner for friends tonight, and one of them had birthday. I cannot tell you how fun it is when you really hit it off, giving a present that gets so appreciated. I really think she's gonna have the husband sleep on the sofa tonight and the radio/cd-player I got her will be next to her on the pillow.
I love you guys. Let's have more of these nights!

Thursday, February 18, 2010


Hahahahahahahaha! The cleaning lady who "got stolen" from me never showed up. She was sick, and then sick again so the neighbours fired her before she started. Cannot help but feeling smug. And on Tuesday the other neighbours cleaning lady is coming to my place for an interview. I may have lost the battle but I won the war!

A baby in the house!

I know, this is unlike me but when you want to see the neighbours the baby comes automatically with. I dunno why they cannot just leave it. I have been told that the new Mum was formerly a real party queen. It is sad what happens to some people.
However, the baby shut up and we had a nice dinner.
As a pre-drink I made this years first strawberry daiquiri. Too bad the strawberries were imported from Spain and tasted like water! But the drink looked nice against my new blue-purple colour scheme. Even bought flowers to match today!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Sniff of a man

Neighbour stopped by today to ask if we could have a drink together. I asked if she wanted to come to my place and bring the baby (I can always smoke under the fan) but she sniffed the air and suggested that we do it her place. Fine, I'm a smoker so don't always feel when it's stinking. Only, when I came back to my own flat I realized what she was thinking. Earlier in the afternoon I had sprayed the shower walls with "Potz badreiniger", waiting for it to work, then intending to clean but forgotten. It smelled like a man with a bad after shave. Haha. She is probably still wondering...

Out of hand?

I'm thinking this shopping thing has gotten a little out of hand. Went to the grocery store, and apart from groceries came home with; one pair of purple extremely comfortable jogging pants (not that I plan to jog), two cushions since I realized yesterday when putting the new pillowcases on the old pillows that they didn't really fit nicely, one thingy to hang window-key on in the shower and one little blue thingy to put my shampoes and stuff on. Looking much better than when they were standing on the floor. See, the reason I need a key for the window in the shower is the friggin burglars fault. Had to make it as secure as possible, so every time I want to open the window now I have to use the key and it bugged me that I couldn't have it on the shelf underneath the window (too easy for them to reach), but now it's available even if I'm already showering. Neat.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Today I took a crack at shopping, and to my surprise I didn't hate it. And I also rediscovered that I'm nuts about towels. I see a rack of fluffy, colourful towels and I'm there touching them. Managed to walk away today, but I loooove towels. Anyway, came home with; a chick-lit book, two satin pillowcases for the sofa, one light purple and one dark purple, a matching candle, seed for parsley (yes, I plan to grow my own), lightbulbs (unfortunately they didn't have the blue ones I wanted) and vanilla&apple body butter. The last one an impulse buy, but it smelled so good. And today it's Tuesday = going out day.

Monday, February 15, 2010

White leather sofa

Lately I've taken quite an unhealthy interest in interior design. I have a very comfortable sofa, but it is, I must admit, starting to look a little bit saggy in the middle. So I browsed thru an interior design catalogue, as you do, and found a white leather sofa that might fit into my fab flat. Just one little thing. Or two actually. First of all it's nearly 10,000 CHF! And second, it doesn't even look comfortable! And third, I'm so upset I have to add one, it doesn't even come assembled! Ok, so IKEA is the divorce-store No 1 (good thing I ain't married!) and the most irritating place I can think of, but no way I am paying more than 2K CHF tops for a sofa! IKEA, here I come.

Flag burner

I'm not really a flag burner but finding an old dirty flag in one of my boxes today I decided that it was time to let it go.
I loved living in the Netherlands 1996-1997 but I have memories that will never be wiped out. I don't need a flag to remember.

Colour scheme

Just like I am a black-and-white person my apartment is equally black-and-white. I believe that either a person is good or bad, that you tell the truth or not, that there are no grey areas. Which means my flat is reflecting the same. However, one of my dear neighbours who visited last Friday was commenting: "it is very black and white" and I think he's right. It is time to factor in some colours. I'm thinking purple, pink-like purple, blue-like purple. But only on cushions, placemats and peripherals. After all, it is my flat and it should reflect me. Not anybody else. And I already have a multi-colour lamp. I can choose to have the red-light-district, the green lamp (signalling exactly what?) and the blue colour. So colour it is. I have to go shopping. Arrrrgggh!


I cannot tell you how satisfying it is to see Venus gulp down old papers. Papers that at the time I thought were sooooo important. You can see how important they were on the doodle at the bottom of the sheet. Goodbye bad parts of my life! I won't miss you.

Project kick-off

One box done (well sort of) and two to go. Notice the cushions? That's where neighbour and I were sitting while I was sifting thru my life. Only her job was to just sit there watching me go thru pile and pile after pile of paper stuff.
But got it into three major chunks eventually;
1. cards that people have actually written manually to me.
2. photos that will go into selection for the collage.
3. papers that my Venus will eat.
A good days work.


I think I have figured out why dead birds keep falling on my balcony. I have never seen birds fly this low, so I think what happens is that they fly against the upstairs neighbours glass balcony walls and fall down on my balcony. I'm pretty sure if we checked, we'd find more birds around the house. Considering that they have 80 m2 terrace I'm not sure I can require them to cover it all in curtains or these plastic birds one can plaster onto the glass. What is the learning curve of birds?

No electricity

Today we had a scheduled break of electricity in the house. Unlike some neighbours I had actually read the note that was in the mailbox a couple of days ago, hehe. Got me thinking about how vulnerable we are in todays society. There is so much dependant on electricity like cooking, the fridge and freezer (or in my case the food-center), using the computer for longer than the battery can handle it or connect thru the wireless device for that matter, watching telly, using domestic appliances like a hoover (not that I would dream of doing so having my Saug-Peter but still), charging the mobile phone and on it goes. At least we had water.


Today I have a sense of freedom. That's all.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Sperm on the floor

Was having a drink with the neighbours tonight, and at one point I had to powder my nose. When washing my hands after I pushed the button for soap only to see it take a loop and land on the floor half a meter away from the sink. It looked like sperm. Charming. It reminded me of the time when I took driving lessons about 100 years ago. In Scandinavia you are required to drive on ice, which btw is easy since it snows 6 months a year, and I was told to brake. I put my foot down and the car spun around. It was on a field. My teacher told me he had never experienced a woman who took his advice that literally. I was told most women brake softly and gradually. I put all my weight on and stepped on the pedal. Are you surprised?

New theory

I have a new theory. It concerns the pro's and con's of the diet. The pro's are obvious; I have lost weight, I feel better about myself, I don't get heartburn at all, my blood pressure is lower, the cost of food has gone down and I look like a babe. Ok, so only after a bottle of wine but still. The con's are that the taste in my mouth is constantly bad (so bad I have to eat Ricola's when I'm around other people because I'm afraid I will stink), and that I sorely miss sweets. Especially chocolate. So today I decided that once a week I will allow myself a treat. I think that if my body get used to this high-fat-low-carb regime it'll react badly when I start to eat normally again. Body needs carbs once in a while, so that I won't gain everything back in a minute when going back to normal. It could be an after-construction after having 15 pieces of Toffifee but I'm sticking to my theory!

Love thy neighbour

I have no problems with my neighbours. I would even go as far as to say that I almost love them. Especially tonight when one of'm "volunteered" to remove the cadaver from my balcony.
Only, he managed to throw the poor bird into the tree facing the downstairs neighbours terrace. Hahahahaha!


I dunno why birds think my balcony is a place to die on. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw another stiff out there.
The neighbours upstairs have an 80 m2 terrace, but somehow they choose to go to meet their forefathers on my turf.
Now who can I invite to remove it for me, cause no way am I touching this thing!

Out with the house

Tonight I dragged the neighbours out to party. And I gotta say, they seemed to enjoy it!
Didn't tell them it was a schlager-party until just before we left. Clever me.
But we had fun. And for some of us it got pretty late!

Thursday, February 11, 2010


Next week I'm starting a new project. I intend to make a collage of photos. Pics from my childhood, from holidays, from parties and highlights of my life. When I told my aunt she said that the 2 meter long wall in the hallway where I plan to display it isn't enough. Hmmm. Anyway, that's my plan and it involves going thru the 3 boxes I still haven't unpacked and that are full with paper photos! This is gonna take time!

For free?

Tomorrow I'm taking a few people with me to go to the new local bar where I know the owners. I have been informed that there is a schlager-party (!) and that every 3rd drink is for free. This poses a bit of a dilemma. Is it every third glass for free? What if I order a bottle of wine, will then every third bottle be for free? What if I only manage two bottles? Do I get no discount then? Oh, the problems of the modern world.

Monday, February 08, 2010


Men who are sick are pathetic. Always asking for soup, for care, for something. It could drive any woman crazy. But what can I say? I live alone, and that is for a reason. Which is why it's a pleasure to spend an evening with strong women. One is a pilot and a member of ze Swiss army, one is a self-learned professional and a survivor. Ain't a bad start to the week...

Friday, February 05, 2010

Levis 501

Today I felt unusually skinny. I tell you, this is not a common feeling with me and I basked in it. Even so that I tried on my Levis 501's that I bought about 5-6 years ago when I was skinny. Unfortunately I never got to wear them since I immediately after gained weight. And I can tell you that I can now button it up half-way. Not bad, huh? Now is the time to pursue the diet even if it feels for a while it doesn't get anywhere, because it always does. But I really really really really really want to get in those jeans. 30/30 is my goal!

Scandinavian eve

Since I left my home country I never had the urge to mix just with people from my own country. However, occasionally it is nice to speak only your mother tongue for an evening. Especially when one of them is a gourmet and can cook like a pro. That together with being a bit of a wine wizard serving only the best. What can I say? I have the best friends.

The shoe house

Not only do we have a neighbour in the house who has close to one hundred (100!) pair of shoes, we also have another neighbour with a "no-shoes-in-our-flat-policy". How the hell do those two families get along?

Thursday, February 04, 2010

Bar opening

I am the lucky friend of the new kings of Zürich nightlife. Their latest conquest is a bar called Löwen (Lion) which they have transformed from being one of those places having a clientele drinking beer 9 o'clock in the morning into a modern place with (hopefully) a more decent customer base. I was invited to the VIP opening tonight!
They had a jukebox. Well, jukebox and jukebox. Nowadays it means a internet-connected device, still coin-operated but one that can choose from about 4 million songs. And like my friend said: "they have 4 million songs to make a selection from, and they chose THIS?"
To top it off there was a dartboard that is electronic. Gone are the days when the fun is to argue whether the arrow hit bullseye or not. These days it's scientific.
But the party was great, and I wish my friends success with this entrepreneurial business. I will for sure be a regular!

Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Bomb shelter

Ze Swiss are extremely security conscious. Even though they haven't been in a war since (from what I can wikipedia) like forever they keep their rules of having to build a bomb shelter into every new house. Like ours. There are four flats in our brand new house. One of the basement storage areas is a bomb shelter fitted with a sanitary toilet (one of those that you do your business in and cannot flush). Of course it is also filled with all sorts of stuff that neighbours couldn't fit into the flat, and apart from there being a small window there really isn't a lot of space in case of "ze bomb" hitting Zürich. What are the odds? Considering that every crook in the world has a bank account in Switzerland?

High five Swiss style

Just got an sms saying "high 5 Swiss style". I have no idea what this means. This is one of the jokes that in German means it is "around the corner". I just don't get it. But it was sent by a Welsh, so I suppose I have to interprete it, just like Gavin&Stacey's Owain Hughes. Funny. Ish.

Zürich HORECA kings

HORECA is a Dutch expression which is an abbreviation of HOtel-REstaurant-CAfe. It sounds a bit suspect, like whore with an ending, but is (usually) serious. I am happy to know the new Zürich HORECA kings, and am therefore invited to an opening of a new bar tomorrow. I cannot think of a better way to spend a Thursday eve...

Hungry hippo

I have a friend with morals like an insect. There a childrens game called hungry hippo which he played with his 3-year-old daughter, and when he realized he was losing he tilted the board so that he would win. His reason was: "but she was winning!". There is nothing really to say to that, other than: GROW UP!

Norwegian blue?

Coming home today I found there had been a bit of a drama on the balcony. Personally I think it is because even snow-covered my terrace is fabulous, so this little one decided it was a good idea to spend eternity there.
Fortunately for me I had a friend with me, who isn't as squeamish as I, and with the help of a pizzabox (good thing I had that pizza the other day) he was gently thrown out.
Equally fortunately friend managed to throw it out in the forestlike area, and not drop it at the neighbours, which on the other hand would've been quite funny.
I could've sent a mail saying: "watch out for the dead parrot".

Monday, February 01, 2010


Zug in German means train, but it's also the village in Switzerland where you pay the least taxes. Every management company will tell you that before you move to Switzerland. Mind you, at the same time you should know that housing is friggin expensive. So unless you earn like Ingvar Kamprad (IKEA) or the likes, you're better off in Zürich. Less travel for fun. But I gotta say, Zug being a village, the foreigners tend to meet up in the same places. The few there are. And it's fun. They all know each other and it's like a melting pot in a very small place. Tonight I met a countryman (who didn't want to appear in a pic, and would rather tend to his blackberry that speak with actual people!), a Scottish, an Aussie, a Japanese, an English, an American and Costa Rican. I don't think I spoke to a Swiss tonight. And I'm probably better off...

Diet update II

Yes I folded yesterday. Sunday seems to be the day when one has time to think about food. However, I did only eat the toppings on the pizza and left the whole bread-thing alone. Don't ask me about the Häagen-Dazs choc-chip!! But the Michelin tyre around my waist is now more like a bicycle tyre. Ok, perhaps a mountainbike but still. And half a success is better than the alternative. I will continue for a while yet.


When I thought it couldn't be worse weatherwise it started snowing. Going on two days non-stop now. My poor boat is going to sink!
This from my balcony. It should've been sunny with a table and a sunchair and me out there enjoying with an umbrella drink. And now this!?!
Something ain't right in the land of Switzerland.