Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Compulsive washer

After a discussion with neighbours some time ago I was told to always do the wash or run the dishwasher after 22.00 (and before 6.00), alternatively on Sundays. This is because it is cheaper with electricity these times. Fair enough. Now I've become a compulsive washer. Is it after 10pm? What can I wash? Is the dishwasher full enough to run? Funny that. And then I checked my electricity bill that I got when moving out from my previous place. For 10 months I paid a whopping 150 francs. And this when I always washed daytime. Frankly, I shouldn't be arsed about this, but guess who's washing right this minute?


Anonymous said...

How wierd, I never knew that. but then again we had Swiss neighbours who would not have taken kindly to having the washing machine on afetr 10pm or, god forbid, on sunday.

but, surely if you do washing when you dont need to it will still cost you more than not doing it at all?

BTW, whats with the new word verifciation thingy? most annoying!

Witchbitch said...

It actually says on the back of the bill, but I had the same when living in a rental flat, no washing after 10pm.

Actually try to only wash when machine is full, but sometimes I fail.

Sorry for word verification, but the last year I had so much spam, mainly from Japan that I have to reject. Got tired of it, and pushed the problem to my readers :)