Thursday, June 30, 2011

Gegessen / gesessen

I hate German, I really do. Was reading 20 minutes today (that free morning paper) and there was an article about a helicopter going down. Fortunately nobody died, but it was mentioning that the only woman who got hurt was the one who had eaten before. ???

Turns out it said gesessen, meaning the woman who sat in front of the helicopter was the one who was hurt. Not the one who had eaten before (which I thought was kinda irrelevant when I read it).

German? I'm never gonna be fluent!


On occasion I am forced to use Excel, and today I was creating a workbook with lots of tabs. I knew there was an easy way of summarizing, other than just clicking on the cells, but couldn't remember what the formula was.

So called my private technician. He told me how, but I still couldn't make it work. Until I realized I was working on a German version of Excel. How very silly. Sum is not sum in German, it's Summe. Stupid!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


'fraid we're back to the cats. Was talking to a friend today about how Americans are crazy. They buy all sorts of things for their pets, like toys, clothes and even luxury hotel rooms. Silly.

The funniest things for my cats are an empty toilet roll and a piece of paper tied to a string. They can play a long time with that.

And I bet they're happier than the cats in America.


I have been accused of having transformed into this crazy cat woman, I cannot imagine why.

So this time it's about the boat. We went cruising today, hadn't been out in a long time due to weather and other engagements.

Saw the new sport in Zürich. Not quite sure what it's called, but there were several of them out there.

Perhaps not the most challenging sport, but I guess walking on water ain't bad.

Monday, June 27, 2011


Until now the cats have done everything together. Sleep, eat, shit and play together. Calling on each other as soon as they lose sight.

But all of a sudden they are snoozing separately. Zetti in the armchair, keeping a watchful eye out that I do not come too close, but letting me be around. Zina has taken a liking to the plants for some reason, and likes to be petted. She comes up to me voluntarily. Feels really funny when she's stroking herself around my legs. She's so little and it's ticklish.

Cat update

I know that you all are eagerly waiting for an update on the cats.

Well, I'm pretty certain they are settling in fine. Last night I was woken up by two playful kittens at 3.30 in the morning. They were on the bed, under the bed, climbing around the bed and jumping on me. Charming.

At five o'clock I gave up and gently pushed them out into the living room to continue their play there. I closed the door and finally got some sleep.

It's nice having cat babies, but much nicer during daytime :).

Well, they are lovely and as long as they have each other, they'll be fine staying in the living room at night.

Oh, my alarm went off this morning scaring them. Got up, couldn't find them. They were huddling in the guest bathroom shower. Cute!

Everything is new for them, but I must say they are adapting quickly. And it's fun watching them play.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Hide and seek

Have a feeling they are comfy on my bed, and that I will wake up staring into 4 round cat-eyes every morning. Oh joy!

Waking up

I woke up this morning around seven, and was too tired to get up. The cats were playing, but I decided that was all right.

When I around two hours later opened my eyes, I was staring straight into 4 very round cat-eyes. They were both on my bed, waiting to see me waking up. Or something.

The good thing is that even Zetti is starting to bond. Today I could touch her without her running away, and they were both purring.

The funniest thing is when one gets out of sight of the other, they miaow. The other one hears it, and goes running. They like each other. And I like them. A lot!

PS. A candle-holder had fell on the floor and was broken this morning. Just glad they didn't hurt their little paws.

Meeting new people

A friend of mine was visiting. She told me that if I start to speak baby-language with the cats, she'll resign our friendship.

Hahaha. Guess what happened when she met them? "Hi sweeties, you are adorable". In baby-language.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Everything happens for the first time

Cats discovered an insect.

Have a little problem with Zina. She was at the vet on Wednesday and a small fungus infection was discovered. I got a creme to smear under her right eye once a day. Problem is when I do, she immediately starts to clean herself. Which probably means she eats the creme instead of letting it do its business for the infection.

But they both seem healthy, and are playing like crazy, before they fall asleep in a heap. It's fantastic to have them here.

I think it's home

I was planning on only giving the cats dry food in the beginning, since that's what they are used to. But I don't think they've eaten enough, so I have tempted them with wet tuna, mashed potatoes with butter, and now a whipped egg.

Zina ate the egg like there was no tomorrow, whereas Zetti looked at it with suspicion. But at least she had the dry food.

And they have discovered that it's more fun to go on the sofa, than under it. As small as they are, they are really good in jumping and climbing. And my curtains in the bedroom is pretty fun to play with!


And like many young girls they like to go to the bathroom together.


The night went very well. My cats are behaving wonderfully. I woke up at 4.30, looked up and they were playing quietly in the living room.

Then at around 9.30 they miaowed, probably thought it was time for me to get up. Even though the miaows sounds more like little birds.

And both have eaten! When I cleaned the cat toilet there were quite a few lumps in there (the sand lumps the stuff together), which is very good news. First of all, they are house-trained, second, they wouldn't go there if they hadn't eaten.

My cats, very well-behaved.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Wrong advice

When we were driving back today with the kittens, and Zina was drooling 'cause of travel sickness, my friend informed me what would be good. To give'm a bath in the evening. "That is gonna make them feel better".

You would think a person with 3 cats had some empathy! But no, she was laughing about my worrying. And no, I yet have to meet a cat who likes water!


Ok, I'm sorry, I know it's all about the cats just now but they are hilarious. I have some mirrors in my flat, they look into it, and back down with thick fur and tail straight up. It's so funny to see.

I know, it says a bit about the IQ of the kittens but I don't care. And hey, how intelligent were you first time you looked into a mirror?

Sharp claws

I don't care that they are clawing into my sheets on the bed, I am so happy they got over their shyness and are now playing that kittens should.

Still just worried that Zetti hasn't eaten or drunk, but she will I'm sure given ti

me. Pretty certain they will wake me up during the night.

And I'm looking forward to it!

Play - snooze - play - snooze

Cat tree - a hit

A snooze is a snooze, they it's play time again!


Little ones need their snooze. And they found the cat tree!

Cats playing!

With the help from a broom (gently) I woke them up and got them out from under the sofa. I opened up the door to my bedroom where the fabulous cat tree is. Now they are both (!) starting to run around the place exploring a bit more confident.

Zina miaowed when she got too far away from her sister, then Zetti came running and Zina jumped on her. Playing cats are happy cats. And Zina even ate without being asked. And she went to the toilet! Zetti still hasn't eaten or drunk, but has now located the food and the toilet. It's a matter of time I think. But I never knew there were so many hiding places in my flat!

I'm starting to feel confident that they will like it here. And they are still adorable!

One room at a time

My friend has 3 cats, and she advised me to just let the cats into the living room to start with. I have closed the doors to the other rooms for now.

But considering they are mostly hiding under the sofa, I wonder how long it's gonna take before I can open the other doors.

On the other hand, I can so identify. I don't take to new people easily either. They gonna have to prove themselves.

But when they're ready, I'm here.

The worry

It's worrying having cat babies. Just then I worried about them not eating or drinking yet. I got Zina (the one who was travel sick) to drink a little, and then I got out the hard ammo. Wet tuna! She had a few licks, and a wee thing like that made me happy. Especially when she started to play with my plant. If cats play, they are happy.

Zetti is still under the sofa, not happy at all to be handled. Two sisters, very different personalities. Reminds me of something...

Zina is miaowing when she misses her sister, Zetti hasn't said a word yet.

I googled how long cats can go without water and food. Not very long. This is agonizing!

Amerigo Vespucci

Started to get worried with the cats hiding under the sofa, so decided to get them out of there. They went exploring for a few minutes and then hid under the sofa again.

The cats are home

With the help of a very good friend with a car I went to pick up my kittens today. It was a big moment for me.

The drive back to Zürich took some time and Zina got a little travel sick and drooled. I felt so sorry for her. Zetti slept most of the time.

When we got home I opened the door to the cage and left them alone. It took about 15 minutes before Zetti dared to leave the box and started exploring. After half an hour I had to lift Zina out. They are both very shy and cautious yet.

Zina is ok to pet, but Zetti has been hiding under the sofa since we came home. At one point Zina was miaowing loudly, and then Zetti came to rescue. They are quiet when together, taking comfort in somebody they know. I just hope it won't take too long before they feel they know me too.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Zina and Zetti

Am very excited. Tomorrow I'm picking up the cats, Zina and Zetti. Starting to be a bit nervous. Are they gonna like me? Are they gonna enjoy living with me? What personalities do they have? What food do they like? What stuff are they gonna destroy in my flat :)?

But I don't care. As long as they will be happy with me, they are allowed to do what they want. I have waited to have cats due to my lifestyle for a very long time, but now I'm ready. And one of my readers said to post pics, he doesn't know what he asked for. My life is gonna circle around the cats from now on.

Time to rename the blog to züricats?

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


When I receive an invite in writing to something I respond. Whether it's on sms, email or any other way in writing. A written invite requires a written response. Or so I've learned.

I only know one time when I didn't, and that was an invitation to a wedding where I didn't like the groom and kinda made myself forget.

These days it's different. People tell me thru Skype, or in person that they are coming to my party. Which is good but not entirely correct. At least I don't think so.

Don't get me wrong, I'm happy that people will come, but what is so difficult with answering in writing? It's one sentence, and pressing the send button. And even if the answer is no, they cannot make it it's fine. At least I know.

Am I oversensitive? Perhaps.

Another related thing. I sent a text to a friend saying "let's have a drink tonight". She responds saying "sorry, cannot do this evening". Which is fine, since not everybody is that flexible. But I would have expected to be given an alternative date. And when not it feels like that person doesn't want to meet me.

It's funny, with all the communication tools we have these days, people still haven't learn how to communicate. Oxymoron.


Today my cats were having their first shots. Not entirely sure what against, but all cats here in Switzerland go to the vet and get treated as a prevention.

Funny, my Romanian friends who just came back from their holiday in their native country were laughing, since the problem there is different. They don't know how to get rid of all wild cats, other than shooting them.

That would never happen here. Remember, it took me like 3 months to find cats at all.

But all went well and my cats have now had their first treatment. And it's only 2 days before they will be with me.

I keep on looking at the pics, and they are übercute. Remember the pic with one of them lying on the cat tree with two legs hanging down, like she cannot coordinate her movements just yet. I soooo gonna spoil them!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


This morning I forgot to put deodorant on. I realized when in town, and never have I felt so conscious about my body smell as today. Normally I couldn't care less, 'cause I shower every day and wear clean clothes.

But today I kept on going to the bathroom, wiping my armpits with wet paper cloths repeatedly.

Didn't help that it was 28°C...


LinkedIn is a virtual business network that anybody who is somebody in the business world is supposed to belong to.

Personally I am more for irl contacts, and so skeptical to these type of networks. Nevertheless, one time I registered on this and have never since logged on.

And unlike Xing, who drives me absolutely bananas sending unimportant emails every week that I delete as spam, LinkedIn has been modest and not bothered me. Until today.

Got an email saying 4 people wanted to add me to their network. One was a person here in Switzerland that I know, she's in the beginning of her career and this network might possibly benefit her going forward. Not through me though.

One was a guy I think I worked with many years ago in Holland. His name was kinda familiar.

One guy I never heard of.

And the last one was a guy I was in love with 15 years ago. He was married at the time, which I knew and didn't bother about, his problem. But we had a fall-out and even though it took me some time to get over it, I did. And now he wants to be my friend on LinkedIn! Hahaha. What a joke. Don't think so pal. If you haven't contacted me in 15 years, I don't think I want to help you businesswise. But I think he wants to get in touch again, ulterior motive. Good thing I can read between the lines.

Now I just gonna have to remember the password so that I can reject him. Will feel good.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Remote assistance

Ever since I upgraded to Explorer 8 (or was it 9?) my computer has been acting weird. Slow and freeze of screen and whathaveyou.

Today my very own technician connected to my computer remotely and fixed it. He deleted stuff I never use, and installed latest version of everything. Perfect. And he didn't even need to touch my computer!

Expensive cats

Ok, so went shopping for cat food and extra sand, now realizing it's not for free to have cats. They will have their meals on a 40 francs plate, while I'm eating my food on Ikea plates.

Bought two bags of dry food, one wet food and cat sand. 74 bucks. When I was little and had cats, we used to go to the beach to pick up sand. That time is over. Now it's the designer stuff for cats.

But they are so gonna be worth it. Only I don't agree with how my friend named my place. Annika's pussy palace. Hmmm.

Sunday, June 19, 2011


I'm melting


Finally I found my cats. They are absolutely adorable. They were born on the 14th of April and are about 9 weeks. They have a brother, but I'm taking the two sisters. I so look forward to spoil them rotten! In 1-2 weeks they will live with me.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

I feel good

I feel good.

Finally I got around to sort papers. I'm very good in paying bills on time, never miss, but I'm less good in sorting papers in binders afterwards.

Today I went thru all my bad conscience piles of papers I've ignored for years. Even found tax returns from 2002! It was triggered by neighbour and I moving a shelf into the basement and I ended up with the piles on my bed.

Tonight I'm gonna sleep so good, switching off the light without getting out of bed!


I am getting my hopes up in getting kittens. Tomorrow I'm going far out of the city to look at two kittens. I really hope we'll take a liking to each other, and that they'll be happy to stay with me.

I know, if they do, they'll speak with another accent, heck even another language but they'll learn.

It's three kittens, two female and one male and I'm looking at the two girls. Black and white I've been told.

Or as my kind neighbour phrased it when looking around in my flat today: "all you need now is a purple cat". Haha.

Bedside lamps

Finally the bedside lamps are in place, thanks to nice neighbour.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Never UBS

I happened to be in the neighbourhood of one of the large UBS offices this week. There was a party going on at a terrace outside. Was told that they party every week for one reason or another.

That's a bit weird, considering all the troubles they've had according to the papers, the big bonuses paid out to managers, and customers losing out.

What does that say about the leadership in UBS? Exactly, that they don't care one bit about their customers.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Was watching this show about cooking. Yes I know, I have become interested in cooking and home design, sad but true. But I am not ashamed, that's only for small people.

Anyway, was thinking there is something weird about vegetarians. As well as people who do not eat certain things (whiny voice: "I don't eat mushrooms, I don't eat meat with bones, I don't eat seafood, I don't eat this" and so on).

These people are spoiled I think. They have never experienced not having food at all.

Ok, so the reason might be not liking the way animals are treated, but do they wear leather shoes? Yes they do.

I can understand not liking certain food very much, but a varied diet is good for you. And a little of anything has never hurt anybody. Unless you're allergic and your throat swells up, then of course you're excused.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Zürich airport security

Went through security as you do when leaving Zürich, and while I was loading my bag and my jacket in the plastic thingie they give you, I was asked by the security guard "flüssigkeiten?" which means liquids.

It was very early in the morning and so wasn't completely awake and heard "süssigkeiten?" which means sweets.

Ok, it sounds kinda the same anyway. My answer? "Süssigkeiten? No, not this early in the morning". She started to laugh.

Monday, June 13, 2011


Was lying around a pool yesterday, spotting a leaf frog. They are very good in looking like a leaf, but this one couldn't have been too smart, not realizing that against a blue background, that leaf is visible.

Very cute though, when he was swimming all alone in a giant pool.

Zürich airport

A leisurely stroll from the plane, a quick stop at the bathroom and a fag in the smoking lounge. Then onto pick up my bag that just arrived, and outta there in no time. You gotta love ze Swiss efficiency.

Was only gone for the weekend, but missed it.

Home sweet home.

The camel resides in the smoking lounge, and seem to be well-travelled.

Austrian airlines

Had the questionable pleasure to travel over the weekend, this time with Austrian airlines.

Got up at 4.30 in the morning, and at 8.00 we were in the air. Apart from a quick coffee I didn't eat that early. Got served a muffin. A sweet, thick, lemony muffin. Yikes!

Landed and almost had to run to my next flight. Up in the air it was time for lunch. Or so I thought. Another muffin! In 12 hours all I had was two half muffins. Good thing we got served dinner in the evening. Great dinner too at a mussel farm. I have never seen mussels cooked in so many ways!

Going back today with Austrian airlines again we, lo and behold, got served a hot toast on the flight! Wow. Probably because I had planned and bought a sandwich. But then again on the last leg, yes guess, another thingie that looked remarkably like a...wait for it...muffin!

Thursday, June 09, 2011


So as usual I haven't gotten around to pack yet. This time it was my friends fault. She didn't show up until late, and I couldn't pack the dress and the other stuff until she had seen it.

And now I have to watch my daily quiz show before I crash. So yeah, will have to get up at 4.30 to do all the chores. 5 hours from now.

But it's only a dinner arrangement tomorrow eve. I can go a long way just on stamina.

As Schwarzenegger say I'll be back. With loads of pics.


Trying to come up with a good poem for a wedding card. So far I googled:

"The woman cries before the wedding and the man after"
- Polish Proverb

"Marriage is a three ring circus: engagement ring, wedding ring, and suffering"
- Anonymous

"The secret of a happy marriage remains a secret"
- Henry Youngman

and as much as I would like to use one of those I think I'll have to choose:

"To keep your marriage brimming,
With love in the loving cup,
Whenever you're wrong admit it;
Whenever you're right shut up.
- Ogden Nash


Fuckin' loved ones

I just sent out a mass email to my friends, and from three of them I got postmaster telling me the email addresses didn't exist. That's weird.

One of them was from a friend who had a bit of difficulty in the beginning of the year, and had asked to contact me "later in the year". Now 5 months later I had heard nothing. So when the email came back I decided to call his home phone. Number didn't exist anymore.

Got really worried so left a msg. And he called me back! Told me he was fine, and not cancer as I thought. He referred to some family issues, calling them "fuckin' loved ones". I can relate to that.

And now I know he's fine, and we'll catch up next week.

Mani- and pedicure

Pretty cool I think. And may I say, my feet have never been this smooth since I was a baby. Which wasn't that long ago :).

Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Reading light

Went to pick up my bedroom lamps today, and for the first time the price estimate was less than estimated. 34.30 instead of the 50 they told me. Together with the win from Euromillion (went to the kiosk to have them check and would you believe it!, got 15 francs back) it almost amounted to nothing.

And the drilling will be for free thanks to my kind neighbour!

Tuesday, June 07, 2011


As most of you know I have to travel soon. I have asked the people to book me into a studio flat next to the event. This is the pricelist:

"Studio (for 2+1 people) total price:

for 2 people: for 11.06.11 - € 35; 2 nights - € 95; 3 nights - € 155; 4 nights - € 215; 5 nights - € 275".

I have never stayed in a place which charges more per night the longer you stay. Only another thing to put me off.


Talking about blood. You know what I don't understand. I thought that the blood type 0 could be given to anybody, and I know most people have this blood type. Then why is my blood so sought after?

Any intelligent people out there who can explain this to me?

Bad conscience

My blood is precious. So precious that after not showing up at the blood donor clinic they actually called me. So now I feel really bad, since my arm has been ok since a few months.

Just wonder if my Hb is up enough, since I have lost some weight (got a remark today from a friend that gosh had I him for that!). And it's funny, I haven't dieted for quite some time. Just haven't had much appetite.

And I happen to have an opening in my calendar tomorrow, so will do what is right and go there and give 500 ml of my unique blood, and hope I'll save somebody's life.

New cover

About 5 weeks ago I had a fitting for a new boat cover. They said it would take about 3 weeks, so I called them. Turns out they had been to the boat last week and put the new cover on without informing me!

And I wanted to be there to take pics! Darn. Well, it now looks lovely even though I would have preferred a pink or purple cover.

I guess the boat industry is run by men...

Monday, June 06, 2011


I love ze Swiss! I have even adopted some of their sayings, derived from trying to translate straight from German to English, like "we see us soon". Cute.

And I have several times received sms's from friends saying "I am save at home". Makes me smile every time.

It might have something to do with ze Swiss pronouncing the letter 'v' as 'fau'. But what do I know? I cannot even translate German to English!

Repaired friendship

Throughout my life I have lost friends. There are different reasons, sometimes it's just that you drift apart from living in different countries, sometimes it's because you have an argument and other times it's just because. No particular reason, you just didn't have contact for a longer period of time.

Tonight I think we repaired a friendship that was fizzling into nothing. It felt nice, and I actually did miss her. We're different, but we always have a lot to share.

And through talking tonight I learned why we drifted apart. Communication is awesome. Understanding reasons rock. I hope this one is a stayer.

And I was delighted to learn she has started to sing again!

3 men in my bedroom

It doesn't happen every day, that I have three handsome men in my bedroom, but today it did.

They came to deliver and assemble my new cupboard, where I'm gonna hide away my binders, books etc and create more space for other stuff.

Sunday, June 05, 2011

Blue lipstick

When my friend was trying to beauty me up, she brought along a number of...well beauty things. I stuck them in a drawer and forgot about them.

Until yesterday, when I was making a list for what to bring to the wedding. Normally I always pack in the morning, and no lists, but this time I have to bring stuff I'm not used to, so did.

And I found blue lipstick. How very cool is that? I didn't even know it existed. Looks extremely cool in evening light.

Saturday, June 04, 2011

Roses and lavender

A great view out my window, now when the filthy neighbours have gotten a bigger trash container. Mind you, this evening I noticed them overflowing the green container, holding weed trash. What is wrong with people?

Have we met?

I got a personal email from some people organizing an event I'm going to, saying "In the spare time you can relax by the pool, play tennis or golf or have a beer in the bar".

Oh that's nice! Offering me the opportunity to play tennis or golf (which I btw have never done in my life!) after a shoulder operation.

One might think these people don't know me.

The last painting

Across the already painted wall. I think it looks classy.