Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Isn't it amazing how some smell, visual image, music or a situation can catapult you back to a point in time? It can be childhood, 10 years ago or just recently.

I just saw an ad for Drostdy-Hof. For me that is Denmark. Ok, so it's a red wine and it used to be my house wine when I lived in Copenhagen.

My neighbour and I used to order food and wine and heavy stuff like washing powder online for delivery on Saturdays. We lived in two attic flats on the 6th floor. No elevator. As I remember it was 104 steps, 7 stairs. We were cheapos and ordered together, so that we could share the delivery charge :).

And we had a lot of fun. Possibly with the help of Drostdy-Hof...

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Travel with a cat

On the tram today a woman was travelling with a box, holding a cat. The poor thing was miaowing constantly, and I felt so sorry for both the woman and the cat.

It reminded me of my kittens trying to get my attention outside my bedroom door at 6 in the morning.

Conclusion? Miaowing is sweeter in daytime.

Monday, August 29, 2011


My computer has started to act up lately, and had my guru fix it. Or so I thought. Computer still shuts down, always inconveniently, when I'm in the middle of something.

Anyway, clicked on this thing "diagnosing problem" or whatever and actually followed the instructions! Like RTFM!

Installed some beta-version of something called Nvidia. Not the most sexy of names. And now it seems to work. I say seems, since anything can happen still. But for works! Hallelujah!


Two people have recently commented on that I fit in blue, that it accentuates my eyes. I think they are just trying to steer me away from purple, and make me go buy new clothes. Probably getting tired of seeing me wearing the same year in and out.

And I was thinking they were my friends 'cause of my personality!

Lazy x 3

A lazy Sunday afternoon on the sofa in our residence. I'm the one without a tail.

The stamp!

Another 3 years before I have to go the lake police again. Oh joy!

Saturday, August 27, 2011


You know when somebody is having a defect, like acting funny or walking funny or something similar, and everybody sees it but try to ignore it. Nobody wants to seem too interested, 'cause it's not pc.

I ask. But then again, I've never been accused of being politically correct or even diplomatic.

Turns out one of the visitors today was born without a leg. Big deal. I betcha loadsa people were thinking why is he walking funny? Now they know. And it's a no thing.

Except for I'm curious if he moved from a wooden leg to a metal one?

Party in da house

Happy family

Once I was part of a family. Happy days. Nowadays I moved from being angry at everybody who has a family, and especially those who don't appreciate it, to be happy for others who has it.

A family.

Here's one and a good one. But of course I had to challenge it. The Mum and Dad are open and friendly. Their son can I phrase it...very Swiss :). But I was assured that he will come around with time. And considering his appearance last weekend in the 60's outfit, I am inclined to believe the Mum.

Tall and taller

At the party tonight there was this tall couple. I haven't felt this little since I lived in the Netherlands. I first took a pic of them without heads, but they agreed to appear on the blog so here they are. Taller than ever.

Edit: Realize it doesn't show, 'cause there is nothing to compare with, but trust me, they were tall. He 2 meters and she like 1.80.


Or not?

I gotta say though, it is fantastic to see somebody who doesn't care about what he looks like. I can so identify.

Frog buddha

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, or so I'm told. But gotta say, I'm seriously doubting the taste of my neighbours.

However, the Cardinal beer changes the pic a bit. To the better.

Trash bin on the lose

I have suggested that the neighbours put their trash bin next to their house, and not on the side of the street. Maybe the storm last night will teach them.

Yeah, fat chance that's gonna happen, considering the IQ next door.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Gute Fahrt!

Omg, what an experience today with the boat. Very glad I had support with me.

Got there fine on time, so far no problem. Then trying to tie the boat up, I nearly lost it to the lake. I really do not know how to do these knots properly. Good thing friend did.

Went in to register at the Lake police office, and of course got the old one. There were two hunks just sitting there. Obviously my short skirt helped fuck all. He was extremely unfriendly and most probably a member of SVP who hates foreigners.

He asked for my permit, and I gave it to him in a plastic folder. He said, "no, the permit". So I thought he meant my residence permit and not the boat permit. Turns out he wanted me to present him with the permit without the plastic folder! Then he asked for my "Abgas-Wartungsdokument". Had no idea what he meant, but I had it with me. Only it wasn't stamped! Three years ago I had the engine serviced and got a stamp. That stamp is valid until tomorrow. In April I had the engine serviced again, but didn't get a stamp. Had the invoice though, which was worth nothing according to SVP-member at the Lake police. He really was the most unfriendly person I've met since I signed the contract for my apartment.

So thought lots of bad words, when he all of a sudden came out from behind the counter and said that he'd like to check the boat out. Aha, and I thought he was gonna say that I would have to come back. With the stamp.

At this point I was pretty nervous, and didn't understand when he asked for the "Navigationsbeleuchtung". When I said I didn't understand, he repeated the word instead of just saying that he wanted to check the lights.

He poked around and asked for all the other stuff like floating cushions, anchor, red flag, horn and stuff. Things you are required to have. Everything was in order.

Back in the office he filled in a form, shook my hand and said "Gute Fahrt!". What? Turns out I don't have to come back, and I can drive another 3 months without the stamp. The relief! Now I don't have to go back there for 3 years. That's worth celebrating!

And when I emailed the company who did the engine service, they said to just stop by and they'll stamp my document.

All is well that ends well, but this was a nerve-racking morning!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Thursday dinner

A thursday evening in Zürich.

And no, I was not playing the pity card to make one of you come with me tomorrow morning for the boat check-up! It was one of you, a friend, who offered to be moral support. Which I greatly appreciate.

Still worried, but less so. Hope I can sleep tonight!


London riots have now reached Bern.

De hardcore Schwiizer

Haha, hilarious! So now I know what I have to do in order to get a Swiss passport.

Scroll down to "De hardcore Schwiizer". A one-minute movie.

Bauknecht delivers!

Finally! I dunno if it's been 8 or 9 weeks, but now finally I am the proud owner of a Bauknecht GSI 5972 dishwasher with stainless steel and black on the display. Just hope it works!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Fashion cats

Zina is still considering whether we should go for cheapo Ikea or the much more expensive Pfister when it comes to a new bed, whereas Zetti had enough. For her a bed is a bed. As long as one can claw into it.


Funny weather today on the lake, but it produced this rainbow. And it was great to swim!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Bar cats

My cats like to hang around the bar.


40°C on my balcony today, there was only one thing to do.

Was swimming 3 times! But then packing the boat up and coming back on the tram, where it was about 50°C, I was just as hot as when I left.

On the tram

On the tram today, woman was asking driver "Can we wait for some people?". HAHAHAHA. Middle of rush hour, trams go every 7 mins or so.

What was she thinking?

Monday, August 22, 2011

Boat check

Oh dear. Next week I have to go see the lake police in order to check my boat. This is compulsory every 3 years. My worry is not about that the boat is not in order, it is that I have to go there and park the boat in a place I do not know.

Done it twice before. The first time the previous owner was with me and it was all fine. He parked. The second time I paid half an arm to have a company do it for me, it was also fine.

But now I've asked two people for help, they both declined due to some vague reasons, and I've decided to take the bull by the horns. I'm gonna do it myself!

See, I don't mind asking people for help but there is a limit. When denied twice, I rise to the occasion.

If I'm really lucky the lake police may have to rescue me!

Bauknecht did not deliver

Why wasn't I surprised when I got a phone call this morning to say that the guy who was gonna install my new dishwasher was sick?

Ok, so plus that they actually called instead of having me waiting at home, but minus that they after like 8 weeks still haven't fixed my problem.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Somebody else's fault

Had a really nice eve on the balcony with friends from down under, and also CH. The cats didn't know what to think. We were outside, but they thought best hide under the sofa. Suspect it's gonna be a long night, since they now are very awake and in the mood to play.

Funny story. One of my guests (male) went to the bathroom. He didn't put the lid down on the toilet. Next guest (female) thought it was strange with liquid all over the place and with hair on the ring.

Male guest blamed the cats, but I dunno. Perhaps he did an About Smith and took the opportunity to pee in the territory. Yeah, that's what I think. My kittens would never do anything like that. On the pic, the guilty one.

Peace man!

The neighbours stopped by on their way to...hmmm...some sort of party, wanting advice about the 60's. Told them how would I know?

Saturday, August 20, 2011


F it's hot today. Shouldn't complain, since July was shite but it really boils (34°C) today.

So am cleaning up on the balcony, since I'm having guests from down under this eve. We will enjoy a nice dinner on the terrace. Only, one is a half-vegetarian so had some thinking to do before I decided.

It'll be fish, baked potatoes and a shrimp dressing, and salad. Plus I found fresh mushroom on sale in the shop.

I even hoovered. Zetti was running for her life, disappearing onto the balcony, while I was trying to control the vacuum-cleaner monster. I later found her in a flower pot.

Really look forward to a nice evening with good friends.

I get it

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Who's raising who?

Having kittens is like a light version of having human babies. Much nicer of course, but still with some inconveniences. Like sleeping patterns. They snooze all day and evening, wake up at around 8.30pm, when it's time to play 'catch-the-mouse'. This means that I throw and throw and throw, and they catch and catch and catch.

When I tire of it, I sit on my bar stool and watch a show on internet or something. Then I feel a tap from a paw on my foot, looking down I see Zetti and a mouse on the floor. She has now trained me so I know what that means. I get to throw the mouse once more. And once more. And once more.

And here was I thinking I was raising the kittens.

Bauknecht called

So this morning Bauknecht called to inform me that they were not coming. It was something about taking too long to order the part, so now drum-roll please I'm getting a new machine. Which I was told about 3 weeks ago, before they changed their mind.

I mean, if a new dishwasher breaks down twice in less than two years, yeah, then I think it's a good move to replace it.

So on Monday I'm getting a new dishwasher sometime between 9 and 11 in the morning. Logistics seems to be difficult. But who am I to want to interrupt an hours coffee break?

Now it's up to Bauknecht to bring a new machine that has the exact same measures as the old one. Put the bottom part of the kitchen back and new silicone to prevent dirt and water from the floor coming in.

What can possibly go wrong?

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Eat your heart out fly!

Ikea catalogue

Got the new Ikea catalogue today. I am happy to report that they finally have been influenced by my very good taste. Front page is white, black and purple.

Me, once again the trendsetter.

Oh, and I've decided to get one of those.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Denner rocks

I have fallen for it! I have prided myself of never listening to advertising or commercials. That's for other people (with less intelligence - which btw is most people!), not me.

But when the cats were arriving I bought special cat food for kittens in the pet shop. Nearly 50 francs for 3 kg's! Only the best for my cats I thought.

Yesterday in my fav shop, Denner (cheap and have the most fabulous wine) I noticed that they also have cat food. The crispy sort that is always available for the cats. Bought a box of 1,5 kg's for a bit more than 2 (repeat two) francs. Like 10% of the price in the pet shop.

And they liked it! Served them both, and they actually preferred the cheapo stuff!

My cats, soon they will lap Hungarian Pinot Grigio!

Of mice and one woman

This is what I sleep with at night under my pillow. Just in case I have to get them out when they get too playful at four in the morning. Charming!

Egg time!

I think it may be time to get them separate bowls. They are getting too big to share.

Sisterly love. Despite me having 6 chairs, they cuddle up together. With the colour scheme it is difficult to see where one starts and ends, but it's Zettis leg that so graciously hangs down.

Bauknecht the sequel

You're not gonna believe it, but today a third guy came to finally repair my dishwasher. And AGAIN brought the wrong part. Do they have any people working in Logistics in Bauknecht?

Was up at the crack of dawn in order to be ready for the guy at 7.30. He arrived at 8.45. And the kittens woke me up several times during the night. Am totally exhausted!

Anyway, so third guy spends a good hour taking the machine apart, then tells me it's the wrong engine, puts it back together but not completely. Still carton.

I write them an email. They call back, to tell me now they will send me their chief technician (why am I not filled with confidence?) on Thursday morning. He will determine whether it can be repaired at all. If not, yet another person will come to install a new machine. 'Cause it's not the same people who repair and install.

Is it service to visit a client 5 times in order to repair a dishwasher, which they were given all the details about in the first service request?

Ridiculous I say.

PS. Before they realized it's on warranty, they were pretty quick in sending me an offer for repair!

Sunday, August 14, 2011


I have a beauty product called J'adore. I'm pretty sure it's French and means I adore you. Anyway, it's a body oil and I used it yesterday after shaving my legs.

Zetti loved it. She licked pretty much all of it off my legs. Which was quite a strange feeling, with a rugged cat tongue.

But J'adore my cats, so they can pretty much do what they want. Except for walking on the kitchen counter, which is still under discussion!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Street parade 2011

It is Street parade again today. They expect 900,000 people. I am reluctant to go. On the one hand, the cats want me to be with them, on the other hand, it would probably be stupid to miss.

I will compromize. Go for a couple of hours, watch the people, pop into my usual place, have a drink, then come back home again. Yes, that's what I'll do.

Purple lamp

Flip or flop? Googled this lamp instead of the idea from yesterday.

Last paintings up

Now my home is almost ready, and today I got the last paintings up with the kind help of a neighbour with a toolbox.

Friday, August 12, 2011


I just had a designer moment. Am watching those shows again where they fix peoples homes up.

I do not have any ceiling lamps except for the spots in the hall and kitchen.

Perhaps the tv area in my living room slash kitchen would benefit from a couple of shiny purple round glass lamps hanging at different levels?

I like the fact that the base in my flat is black, white and grey and if I would change my mind re colour scheme purple I could easily do so by just changing a couple of items. And repaint the hallway wall.

Seriously, I think it would look funky.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


A tad bad in blogging lately, except for about my cats who I manage to bring into every conversation :).

Sunday was brunch with a couple of friends, who had both recently broken up with their respective boyfriends. Gad am I happy I am single. No problems whatsoever. They have plenty, but after bacon&eggs they seemed a bit happier.

Monday was catching up with a friend who has, hmmm, let's say, some personal issues. Going to therapy, that type of thing. But she's a survivor, and she'll come around.

Yesterday was a happy night. For the first time the cats and I slept together (told you, the kittens will find their way into the conversation any time). Woke up sometime in the middle of the night with one of them purring next to me. Then they slept until 5.30, at which time I found the mouse hidden underneath my pillow.

Tonight was dinner with a friend, and a catch-up of his latest conquests. I have a hard time keeping up with the names!

And tomorrow I'll listen to somebody with a broken heart. The dramas I experience. Very good none of them are mine!

Tuesday, August 09, 2011


I know, too much cat stuff on this blog but I love my kittens. Today Zetti was playing and Zina had just woken up. I threw a mouse for Zetti which happened to hit Zina, who was sitting there all innocent and yawning, and the poor cat just jumped half a meter straight up in the air. It looked really funny. Poor Zina.

The other thing, they really love a whipped egg. They fight over it, and it's gone in no time. Gives them a shiny fur. And it's funny, already they have learned to hear the cracking of the egg. I may not know where they are when preparing, but in 2 seconds they materialize around my legs. Being very friendly and purring. The words sucking up springs to mind.

And they mess up my place sometimes, but I just cannot be angry. When they sleep they look like angels.

Sunday, August 07, 2011


Sometimes I'm a bit evil to my cats. When I think they have been sleeping enough in daytime (like 8 hours) I wake them up and throw them on the balcony. They are not happy when they cannot come back in, but I keep on telling them that fresh air hasn't killed anybody.


And then of course 5 minutes later I cave in and open the door.

My darlings

Cheap-ish wine

I am usually an honest person with moral, but yesterday in the train I suddenly decided it was time to go bad.

I ordered a bottle of Riesling (well, it's actually only 37,5 cl so I guess half a bottle) for the outrageous price of CHF 25.10. Why the 10 rappen you might ask, but I ask more why they have the nerve to charge 25 friggin francs for a half-decent half bottle of vino. Anyway, I ordered and therefore accepted.

The waitress first brought me another bottle (there are two on the menu, so I guess it was easy to mix up Riesling with whatever-other-type-of-cheapo-farm-wine-there-was). Then without me asking for it, she brought me the bill. I paid with two twenties, and got 15.90 back. And decided, if she's so stupid she can take the loss.

That's not normally how I am, but I was in that mood yesterday.

PS. For less than 25 francs I get a box of my housewine. 75 cl x 6 bottles.


When visiting my friends yesterday, seeing they had a "water wall", I got inspired to get one myself. Just thinking where it would fit.

And googled this pic, showing my exact bar stools (vintage Ikea) with a whole water wall behind. May not be practical in my place, but something similar? Yes, I think so.

Pretty pretty everywhere

Food, food everywhere. And plants. It looked like a friggin postcard.

The balloon was filled with rice, meaning people in the house should never go hungry. He's from Latin America, so a custom from there. The things you learn!