Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Bauknecht the sequel

You're not gonna believe it, but today a third guy came to finally repair my dishwasher. And AGAIN brought the wrong part. Do they have any people working in Logistics in Bauknecht?

Was up at the crack of dawn in order to be ready for the guy at 7.30. He arrived at 8.45. And the kittens woke me up several times during the night. Am totally exhausted!

Anyway, so third guy spends a good hour taking the machine apart, then tells me it's the wrong engine, puts it back together but not completely. Still carton.

I write them an email. They call back, to tell me now they will send me their chief technician (why am I not filled with confidence?) on Thursday morning. He will determine whether it can be repaired at all. If not, yet another person will come to install a new machine. 'Cause it's not the same people who repair and install.

Is it service to visit a client 5 times in order to repair a dishwasher, which they were given all the details about in the first service request?

Ridiculous I say.

PS. Before they realized it's on warranty, they were pretty quick in sending me an offer for repair!

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