Monday, August 22, 2011

Boat check

Oh dear. Next week I have to go see the lake police in order to check my boat. This is compulsory every 3 years. My worry is not about that the boat is not in order, it is that I have to go there and park the boat in a place I do not know.

Done it twice before. The first time the previous owner was with me and it was all fine. He parked. The second time I paid half an arm to have a company do it for me, it was also fine.

But now I've asked two people for help, they both declined due to some vague reasons, and I've decided to take the bull by the horns. I'm gonna do it myself!

See, I don't mind asking people for help but there is a limit. When denied twice, I rise to the occasion.

If I'm really lucky the lake police may have to rescue me!

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