Thursday, January 31, 2013

Parmesan bread

It seems like I'm going from being a sandwich-eater to a bread-baker. Not that the two are contradictory.

Pat on shoulder once again.


You know what they say, three people can keep a secret if two of them are dead. I think I'm just as good as everybody else in keeping secrets, and I understand peoples need to share sensitive information. However, every secret shared is a burden put upon somebody else, because no matter how much you do not want to betray people, the fact is, you know something sensitive about them.

And it's difficult to know how sensitive certain things are. I may think it is not, and they may think the total opposite.

Personally I don't have many secrets. In fact, I cannot think of anything I want to hide. There must be some things, but nothing I can think of right now. When people ask me, I usually answer honestly.

So I guess the conclusion is, if you don't want people to know, think or discuss your sensitive issue don't tell them.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Mock interviews

So lately a did a few mock interviews with young people, in order to prepare them for the real one. The first one I did, got the job. Well done me. And a little credit to her too :).

When having the second interview with another youngster, I raised the obvious question that always comes up..."what is your weakness?". She replied "I cry when I get emotional". HAHAHAHA! I so advised her to "invent" a new weakness. Which employer wants an emotional one?

Veggie lunch

Had some friends over for a veggie lunch today. It was nice, even if some people should learn some table manners.


Look what I made! All by myself! Pat on shoulder.

Sat night dinner

Had a nice dinner last Saturday, you know one of these evenings where everybody gets along and it's just a nice cozy feeling. Fish and as dessert a lovely apple pie (and no, I didn't make it).

Friday, January 25, 2013

Memory skills

When I go food shopping I very seldom have a list of things to buy. I try to keep it in my head, as I believe it's good practise for the brain. Unless I have a dinner planned with very specific ingredients, like today.

Walking down to the shop, I had some empty bottles to dump in the bottle bank, and when I threw in the first one, I saw a millisecond too late that my post-it with things to buy was stuck on it. As I didn't want to be seen sticking my arm down a bottle bank, I just cursed and moved on.

But I do believe I remembered it all, including the lemon sole I'll be offering my guests tomorrow. Funny thing, when I used google translate for the fish it came up with "witch". How fitting is that?

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The wee ones

And for all of you who have been complaining about lack of cat pics, here you are :) !

Oh gad, am I becoming a vegetarian?

This is what I eat a lof of these days. Veggies. My Aussie friend would be proud of me! Sometimes I feel that Brussels sprouts are gonna grow out of my ears!

Animal pro

Got it!

Diet follow-up

Doing fairly good on the diet front, and more so with walking. I would say, 5 days out of 7 I'm out there. Ain't bad for being me.

Today I walked all the way to the city, checked on boat (ice chunks on gone) and then ended up in my fav bar. Ok, maybe not so good caloriewise but fun!

Tonight I baked. Thought was to always have something at home when people visit. Ate three. So shoot me, but I can yet again get into my pants. The ones I bought recently (haha, recently for me is like 6 months ago).

The dream of looking like a greyhound will never be me, since I, when I feel like I have lost, I slack. Besides, getting a wee bit older, who wants to look wrinkly?

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Five years

It is no news to friends of mine that I do not get along very well with my Bro's wife. However, I have put in a lot of effort to change that, as you also know.

I have visited many times, I have tried to be positive, I have taught her how to bake, I have been open since she's the one my brother chose. To no avail it seems.

Although "you're always welcome here", she has not visited me one time in one and a half years. First it was because of my cats, and now it's because of my smoking. "I will not expose my daughter to smoke".

Does she think that I blow smoke in the face of a baby? My friends who visit here know better. Friends with babies will not have to worry, I smoke under the fan. And none of my non-smoking friends have ever complained about it smelling smoke in my apartment.

So I guess I won't see my niece in five years, since that's what Bro's wife said. Good luck with not exposing the baby to life.


So I was visiting the neighbours today with their newborn. And the whole family was there with parents, sister and whatsit. The Dad in the family was bragging about getting seven people into his new car, which I btw critized for being non-environmental-friendly. It still is, 'cause it's very seldom you have seven people to transport. Public transport is the shit if you ask me.

And I cannot talk with them. The visitors that is. They speak a foreign language that I do not master, no German, no English, no Scandinavian. But they smile and are friendly.

So tomorrow I promised to take them for a walk. Up my mountain and back. This'll be interesting.

Oh yeah, the popcorn? I fell. They served popcorn and I ate almost a whole bowl. Eighteen days without anything sweet was enough.

But I'll make it up tomorrow with the walk. Only it's worrying these people look even more unhealthy than I. Good thing we're passing a hospital on the way.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Friend or foe?

I have a new friend who I like. However, sometimes he challenges me, and although I have no problem with that, I have a feeling that he does it in order to evaluate me. To see how much I can take, to see if I'm gonna break down.

I also don't like the way he tries to push his own beliefs on me. Jehovas witnesses-likes and I have never been friendly with each other.

But I seriously don't think he does it with an evil intention. And so I'm willing to go on knowing him better. Just as long as he understands that I have my life, living it the way I want, and that I don't want to change. If I wanted to change, I would've done it.

Strong-willed yes, game-player no.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Spitting image

I was visiting a baby again today. It's funny, I don't know what I looked like when I was little but I have seen pictures. Spitting image, if you ask me. Very round face, and a bit of a belly. Just like I was. Until I was one years old I was basically square, as round as I was tall.

Then I started to walk, and got skinny as a stick! Oh I wish those days were here again.

I have a picture of me in my early teens, or maybe just eleven. I was so skinny you cannot believe.

Anyway, gave a picture book to the tiny one and explained all of the pictures of animals twice. I expect she'll know them all in her mother tongue next time I see her. After all, she's 4,5 months now, and how difficult can it be?

And at the same time I told her what the names were in her mother tongue, I told the mother. She needs to learn too! There is no way I want my niece to speak some unintelligible language I cannot understand.

Yes, I worked as a teacher for two years in my youth. And now it's coming back to haunt those in need. HA!

Biggest loser - NOT

I love watching the biggest loser, it makes me feel good about myself that I never let it go that far. I realize that it's probably not the aim of the show, but still.

And I've been semi-good. I walked at least five times a week, and I've eaten healthy. Until today. I had spaghetti with bacon. It tasted phenomenal. I thought two weeks without any potatoes, rice and pasta was enough. And no sweets still.

I can feel the kilos coming off, but not in the places I wanted. My butt gets smaller and my legs thinner, which wasn't needed, and guess what? My belly is still there.

Sometimes I think what's the point really?

Monday, January 14, 2013

Almost engaged

Yes, and then we got to talk about Hitler. And it was ze German who brought it up. A serious discussion about a man who killed himself after having killed millions of mainly Jews.

But it still bugs the Germans. They have to live with the shame of having had a killer of that magnitude.

My friend still have parents who remember, and who have told him what went on. All I know is what I read in books and seen in movies and television.

And I tell you honestly, I do not know how I would have chosen had I been there. It is all so easy to say in hindsight what is right and what is wrong, but under the circumstances then...who knows?

But more happy news, my friend is almost engaged! Well, that's what I thought when he shoved his finger into my face, but it turned out to be a "friendship ring", rather than an engagement one.

What does one say? Better luck next time?

Tough love

You know how it is, sometimes a conversation with a good friend turns into something seriuos.

Today we talked about the job market. How we both believe in not giving too much to the lazy not-working people, but how to support the old people who worked all their lives in a crucial but not so much appreciated profession like nursing. How the unemployment agencies here in Switzerland pay far too much to people who do not work.

And how they do the same in Germany, which I wasn't aware of. At least here in Switzerland there is basically no job security, and people can lose their job in a second with the company firing them giving no particular reason. But in Germany? Ok, there they cannot be fired without being paid off, but still, the unemployment agencies apparently support people with little cause.

Personally I have no compassion for a single Mum with five kids, without a job. Well, she shouldn't have gotten five children if she didn't know how to support them, should she?

I know that the economy here in Switzerland is good, and I like the fact the the job market is competitive. That in my mind is the reason we are not in the position like Greece, Spain or many other countries.

Tough love, that's what we need!

Queen of excuses

Been a bit quiet for a few days, but you know, when you don't know what to say, don't say it. But I've been walking. Not every day, but almost. That's good for being me, since I am the queen of excuses. And not one sweet thing has crossed my teeth since the 2nd of Jan. Craving now.

Anyway, today I had a friend over for dinner and I cooked something I never had before. He's the type I can do it with, since I know he'll be truthful. I really don't want "oh yes, that's nice" not knowing if people speaks the truth. But I passed with flying colours, except for "maybe it'd be nice with some rice with".

Rice it is! Next time. When I'm eating normal again.

Oh yes, if you wonder what we ate, it was beef cooked with apple and spices for a long time, and a wok with veggies.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

At the hospital

So I went to visit a new one today. 3.6kg's and around half a meter long. She looked like all newborns do. A bit reddish and tiny.

Fortunately the parents know me, so they didn't expect ooh-ing and aah-ing over something you don't really know what to say about.

But the parents were oh so different from the last time. First time they were all over the place, worrying about this and that, overwhelmed and unfocused. Today they were calm and collected, and seemed like normal people.

At our entrance we have a whiteboard and yesterday I drew a stork (well tried to) to welcome the new one. Somebody has improved it by putting a baby in the thingie that hangs from the storks beek (oops forget to add the baby!). But at least I tried.

And the new one seems determined. A wee bit angry and hungry. She can go far!

Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Blue nails

I had a new friend visit me tonight. She's the niece of a good friend of mine and thus very young. Well, slightly younger than I.

It's like a trip down memory lane hearing her stories about the "troubles" she's having, and what she's wanting with her life.

I had the pleasure of making a fake job interview with her, and giving her some advice. Hopefully it won't ruin her future career.

But I did advise her to remove the nailpaint before the interview. I'm pretty sure that was a very good move.

Furry ones

I think if you're not into these type of pics, you're not a person I wanna know. And J, you're welcome to challenge me anytime!


I got a Christmas present, a thingie that you put on the table and that keeps food hot with the help of some paste. That requires a pan that fits, and I didn't have.

So bought a new one. I think a good one, since it said both green and Kyoto on the label. And I gotta admit, it's become a favourite.

Gone are the days when I got excited about going out, now I am happy with a domestic appliance. Hmmm.

Monday, January 07, 2013

I feel good

I did it! I took the powerwalk today. Up the hill, and back again for about 45 minutes. And it made me feel so good the whole day, I'm thinking I might have to do it again tomorrow.

I know these feelings wear off pretty quickly, but I think it's a good start of the new year. More fit, and hopefully lose a few kg's. Yes, I believe there is a promise here.

Saturday, January 05, 2013

Static electricity

At home I have a lot of static electricity. I'm not sure why, but the combo of hairy cats and fluffy blankets may have something to do with it.

This morning I woke up really early, and was freezing a bit. Normally I sleep with just a sheet since the heating in my flat seldom goes below 22°C, but then I felt I needed to unfold the blanket at the bottom of my bed.

Sparkles! It was like fireworks in my bedroom at six in the morning. Really weird, and it took me at least five minutes before I went back to sleep.

Friday, January 04, 2013


A friend of mine told me proudly she had gotten herself two gadgets for Christmas. It surprised me a bit, since she's not a gadget gal, but now that I know what she got I am craving for one of them.

Her new Ipad leaves me cold, I cannot stand the way the screen moves around and most of the time do not work.

But the other gadget, oh yeah baby. It's a Dyson. I had no idea who Dyson was, but apparently he was the guy who invented the bagless hoover. And she got a handheld one, in bright purple! I want, I want, I want.

Only it cost more than my normal hoover, so I'm hovering so to speak. But what a beauty! And think of all the cat hair it could suck!

Size matters

I have a neighbour who is not the praising kind. He rather than being appreciative always have a comment that sticks. Like when I painted my wall, and all he could comment on was that some of the paint had come off in the corner. Or when I served food and accidentally had put the placemats upside down. Or when I moved in and had not yet all the furniture and design in place, his comment was "it's very black and white in here".

So when he complained about my cinnamon rolls being too small (I know it was because he liked them and couldn't have enough of them...but I would have preferred him saying that rather than complaining about size) I decided enough is enough.

For Christmas he got it. On the right side is a normalsized roll, and the left is what he got. I hope it'll shut him up!

New Years resolution

I told myself it is time. Time to get at least a little bit more healthy. And don't you get overexcited, I'm not gonna stop drinking or smoking, but maybe just try to get a wee bit more fit.

It started out fine on Tuesday. Not too much to eat and a walk to the shop, instead of taking the bus. Since I don't believe in overdoing it, I took the bus back. It might have something to do with uphill all the way.

Yesterday I didn't do too well. I didn't leave my flat. However, I didn't overeat either, only healthy stuff and no sweets.

Today I took a walk to the store again, not the one closest to me but maybe 20 minutes walk from where I live. And then, lo and behold, I suggested to some friends that we'll take a walk! Just for walkings sake, not because we were going anywhere in particular. Unheard of.

Only it turned out they walked even slower than I do. Friend suggested he didn't want to rush it, since I was wheezing. Wheezing my ass. I can actually wheeze and walk at the same time.

So now I have to talk myself into doing a powerwalk on a daily basis. If only there was a prize in the end of my struggle!

Toilet business

I am a big supporter of the closed toilet door. It is not anybody's business what I'm doing in there, and I like the privacy. It is my space, and nobody should care what I do while in there.

I prefer also if other people close the door when they do what they need to do, I have no need in knowing whether it's No 1 or 2, or whatever. Something my ex had trouble grasping. He was happily shitting with an open door. While it wasn't the reason we split up, I'm happy to not having to deal with that any longer.

That was until I got my cats. They do like to participate, and closed doors are not an option anymore. If I do close the toilet door, there is miaowing and standing on hind legs, scraping on the door with their paws outside.

Nowadays when I sit there doing my business I always have at least one cat wanting to be petted.

The things I put up with!

Wednesday, January 02, 2013

The 1st

After midnight my friend had the splendid idea that we would make a painting. At the time it seemed like a fantastic idea, even though I haven't painted since I was like seven years old.

I thought we would just grab a brush and start painting, but no. It is more difficult than that. First we used some sort of paste, like wet concrete and a spade to spread it out on the canvas.

Let me tell you, it is darn difficult with a tool like that to make any sort of shape or form, but since it was supposed to be abstract, I can with certainty say we succeded!

The clever ones can guess the motive.

We did one each. Up to you to guess which one is mine.

Anyway, then the paste had to dry so we had to continue the next day. I can honestly say that inspiration was on a slightly lower level then.

The next day we used sponges to make the background colours. A bit too pink perhaps, so friend will finalize on her own. I had to get back home to my furry ones.

This is what it looked like when I left it.

And I have to admit, painting was a lot more fun than I expected!

The 31st

I celebrated the switch of the years on the countryside with some of my favourites.

Of course they cannot compete with my own wee ones, but once a year they serve as a great substitute.

We had a fab evening with food, drinks and a gathering in the little village at 12 o'clock, as well as interesting talks, the way it can be when you had more than your fair share of wine and bubbly :).