Thursday, January 31, 2013


You know what they say, three people can keep a secret if two of them are dead. I think I'm just as good as everybody else in keeping secrets, and I understand peoples need to share sensitive information. However, every secret shared is a burden put upon somebody else, because no matter how much you do not want to betray people, the fact is, you know something sensitive about them.

And it's difficult to know how sensitive certain things are. I may think it is not, and they may think the total opposite.

Personally I don't have many secrets. In fact, I cannot think of anything I want to hide. There must be some things, but nothing I can think of right now. When people ask me, I usually answer honestly.

So I guess the conclusion is, if you don't want people to know, think or discuss your sensitive issue don't tell them.


Anonymous said...

Very disappointed at this comment Annika, obviously your definition of friendship is very different than mine. If you ever care to know what mine is, lets have a talk. Steph.

Witchbitch said...

I don't agree, I think we have more or less the same definition of friendship. And I'm up for a talk anytime.

And contrary to what you might believe, I don't go around telling people secrets. That's not what I said above.