Sunday, January 20, 2013


So I was visiting the neighbours today with their newborn. And the whole family was there with parents, sister and whatsit. The Dad in the family was bragging about getting seven people into his new car, which I btw critized for being non-environmental-friendly. It still is, 'cause it's very seldom you have seven people to transport. Public transport is the shit if you ask me.

And I cannot talk with them. The visitors that is. They speak a foreign language that I do not master, no German, no English, no Scandinavian. But they smile and are friendly.

So tomorrow I promised to take them for a walk. Up my mountain and back. This'll be interesting.

Oh yeah, the popcorn? I fell. They served popcorn and I ate almost a whole bowl. Eighteen days without anything sweet was enough.

But I'll make it up tomorrow with the walk. Only it's worrying these people look even more unhealthy than I. Good thing we're passing a hospital on the way.

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