Friday, January 04, 2013

New Years resolution

I told myself it is time. Time to get at least a little bit more healthy. And don't you get overexcited, I'm not gonna stop drinking or smoking, but maybe just try to get a wee bit more fit.

It started out fine on Tuesday. Not too much to eat and a walk to the shop, instead of taking the bus. Since I don't believe in overdoing it, I took the bus back. It might have something to do with uphill all the way.

Yesterday I didn't do too well. I didn't leave my flat. However, I didn't overeat either, only healthy stuff and no sweets.

Today I took a walk to the store again, not the one closest to me but maybe 20 minutes walk from where I live. And then, lo and behold, I suggested to some friends that we'll take a walk! Just for walkings sake, not because we were going anywhere in particular. Unheard of.

Only it turned out they walked even slower than I do. Friend suggested he didn't want to rush it, since I was wheezing. Wheezing my ass. I can actually wheeze and walk at the same time.

So now I have to talk myself into doing a powerwalk on a daily basis. If only there was a prize in the end of my struggle!


Anonymous said...

Good for you Annika! I hope you are still doing it. Walking is the best thing you can do to keep fit. You don't walk too fast...or too slowly..fresh air. Its good for you.


Witchbitch said...

Yessir! Still doing it!