Thursday, January 31, 2008

Goodbye winter

Tomorrow is already February. I am so happy that it already is a bit brighter outside. I am just too busy for the moment. Feel I never have time to relax. Doing social things also, but I'm always on the run. Therefore I am taking Friday next week totally off. I plan to do bugger all. Except for maybe go shopping for that jogging overall I promised myself for Christmas. Tomorrow I'm having some good friends over for dinner. It will be inauguration of the tablegrill. Exciting!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

A foot fetishist and cheese

Somehow these two items go together, don't they? Anyway, that's what happened tonight. I was out quickly (or so I thought) for a drink in my place when I realized I hadn't heard from my foot fetishist guy for a long time. Shot off an sms and shortly after he showed up. So much to talk about. And I hadn't eaten anything since lunch, so we decided to go for a little something. That ended up to be a cheese plate.

But I guess we had too much to talk about to finish it. Note the onion ring though, think it's left because I said you can't kiss anybody after eating onions...or maybe it was just wishful thinking :)

Moving forward

Had the real estate agent over this evening to go through a few details in the contract, that I'm supposed to sign on Friday. This is a big deal in Switzerland I'm told. Think the RE agent was afraid I wasn't gonna be able to answer the questions in the registry office. Reminds me of the time when I wanted to buy glasses, and they wouldn't sell me unless I had a doctor's certificate. What is wrong with Swiss people? If somebody is willing to throw a lot of money your way, why object? So now I have shown that I have actually read the contract (just being blonde, not stupid) and I know what I will be signing. Obviously I don't know all of it, not even a lawyer would with the contract text they're using, but I have a good gut feeling. And that's good enough for me. At least it has worked so far in my life. So why wouldn't it now?

Cool site

This is such a cool site. You can follow trains live via Google. Megacool.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Another exhausting evening at IKEA. Only to come out with stuff for only 20 CHF. Think I have never shopped so little there ever. Of course I made it up with shopping in the food store outside, Swedish delicacies...yum. Even cancelled my going out evening. Early to bed is the plan. More tomorrow.

Praise for my twirl

Yesterday in salsa class I was doing good, and got compliments for my twirl. Amazing how happy you can be for such a small thing. And now it's starting to get interesting, when we have learned more moves. In the beginning it was just a lot of steps, like the 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8. Now it almost looks like dancing!

Sunday, January 27, 2008


Sometimes I remember why I fell in love with the ex. Like tonight. Don't feel so hot after angry feelings and stuff. And being a woman I drowned my sorrows with chocolate cake. Shot off an sms to ex saying I might not be so slim and beautiful when you come back. His take on it was "you'll still be gorgeous for me". Hmm. Perhaps I shouldn't have quit?


I just couldn't resist. Got an email from asshole guy who screwed me about salsa tomorrow. He's not going because he claims to be sick. Asking if I was intending to finish the course. My answer "Yes I do. I for one stick to my promises and commitments." Oh dear. I am not a very forgiving person am I?

Everything is relative

I used to love to speak to my grandfather because he always said "enjoy while you're still young". Even though I wasn't exactly a puppy at the time, to him I was always the little girl. His first grandchild. I really loved him.

Was thinking of him today when I was trying on the underpants I bought. Strange you may think, but my thoughts were around this everything is relative. I bought underwear in medium-size and when I unpacked them they seemed to be...hmmm...kinda small.

It's a good thing they stretched, and if I may say so myself didn't look at all bad...

Gay orchids

What is it with gays and orchids? All gay guys I know seem to have an unexplained love for orchids. Is it because the flower is supposedly exquisite and expensive? Or does it have some quality that escapes me?

I just know that when my gay friend visits me he gets green with jealousy because mine are blooming. In January! And this after I ignored one of them for about a year, no water, no nothing. As soon as I started to nurture it again, it just sprouted buds left, right and center.

Visit from Mandela

Yesterday Mandela showed up in my apartment. Imagine my surprise when I realized Mandela was a she. And a dog. Albeit a cute one. And very well trained I might add. I just don't get why the owners named her Mandela? Is this a common name? Am I the only one to connect it to Nelson? And what does a dog have in common with him?


On recommendation from my bank who went through all the papers about my flat, I asked for a translation of the actual contract to English. They complied, and on Friday I got it (later left in pub but luckily retrieved if you remember). Read through it today, and realized I'm gonna need some help interpreting the legalese. It ain't easy. But one clause states "If the execution of completion of the buildings is delayed by acts of God...blablabla"...HAHAHA! By acts of whom?

How to get thoroughly screwed

This is very easy. Distrust your own instinct, and instead trust a man. This will guaranteed make you very disappointed. The same day my future flatmate was to move in, he informed me on voicemail and in an email that he wasn't moving in after all. I had refrained from advertising, and held the room for him for something like 3 weeks and then he all of a sudden had an epiphany that he couldn't pay for it. Well, I guess on one hand that it was better to find out beforehand, because this is certainly not a person I would like to live with. But he did screw me good, because now I don't have the extra income I was counting on for my purchase of the flat. Men!

Not straight

This was bothering me in the room. I tried to get the paintings to hang straight, but they seemed to be glued (perhaps they used the body lotion?) to the wall.


For some reason the rooms had names. I have no idea where Swansborough is, but at least I had a smoking room. Not that it contained an ashtray, which I thought was a bit strange. Didn't they expect me to actually smoke in the room?

A happenin' place

In England it's really not on to go out by yourself to a pub in the evening. At least not if you're a woman. These oldfashioned guys will immediately think you're a prostitute looking for some action. So being a good girl I stayed in the hotel for the evening. Turned out to be a real happenin' place in the restaurant. NOT!

Hello 1950's

I cannot believe that the English still haven't understood the advantage of having one tap in the bathroom to regulate temperature. They still persist with one for cold water and one for warm. So either you get frostbite or burn yourself.

Reminds me of the first time I was in England, in Brighton to be exact. Not that it matters for the story. Stepped into the bathtub to have a shower and wash my hair. Was looking around for the shower in vain. Nope, only two taps so had to lie on the bottom of the tub trying to alternate sticking my head under first the hot and then the cold tap. Had a sore head for days after.

My dangerous shampoo

Oh travel is soooo glamorous. And safe. Especially since friggin Zürich security relieved me of my shampoo and body lotion bottles. No more than 100 ml can travel in your hand luggage. Yes, I should've known better but usually I check in my luggage and forgot about it this time.

An unopened favourite lotion and a shampoo bottle used once. Fuck! And these people have no compassion, no understanding of something outside ze fucking rules.

I even asked when coming back if I could possibly have my precious bottles back. No. But the security guard admitted it was a stupid rule. At least I got that.

So had to use whatever the hotel could offer. And that wasn't good. I had frizzy hair after using their products and walked around a whole day smelling like the glue we used in school when I was little.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Tram No 9

The pub is located in an area I'm not familiar with. I remember going back to town on tram No 9, which I didn't even know existed. And I've lived here for 5,5 years. Weird. So went back the same way I came. Remembering there were a few stops from the pub where we were and Paradeplatz. Turned out to be one stop. Good thing I was watching out for it. Went in. Had the four guys sitting at our previous table crawling under it to make sure my bag wasn't there. Not an entirely unpleasant experience I might add. When all this effort turned into nothing I went to the bar and voila, there it was. My bag with the new chick-lit fresh from the printer in Heathrow, my contract in English and some other paraphernalia. Went back to the table where the guys high-fived me. So glad when things turn out to the best. The fact that I was planning on going home, change and go out partying went awry, but who cares? PS. Is it terribly bad to have a kebab at 11 at night when I'm supposed to be on a diet? See, I didn't have dinner and was starving!


I am so stupid. Was out with two youngsters this evening, and there was a lot of talk. So much, so when we finally left I also left my bag. Not my handbag mind you, but my little bag with my book, and as it so happens my apartment contract in English. How stupid can you be? How stupid can I be? Realized when I was just home. Rushed to google the place and call. Of course no answer. Now my dilemma is to leave it, and hope that nobody steals it and pick it tomorrow. In which case I won't be able to sleep tonight. Better go and get it. If I could remember where the place was...

Thursday, January 24, 2008

England sucks

Just look at this! A smoking area. Outdoors!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Aldershot preview

Seems like I'm always just a little bit before my time. Flying off to this town tomorrow which is according to wikipedia a military place, I had a whiff of what's coming tonight...

Have you packed?

HAHAHAHA! Friend over for dinner. Since I'm off to this godforsaken place tomorrow he asked if I'd packed already. Do we know each other at all? Of course I have not. Coming home just now a little bit under the influence. Besides, I'm just staying overnight. How much is there to pack? A pair of underwear, a fresh top, and in winter socks. That's it. Shoes the same. Pants the same. Oh and yes, of course a toiletry bag with toothbrush, deo and stuff. Seriously, it's 5 min in the morning to organize. No biggie. Being a frequent traveller, or rather used to be, I can pack a flight-attendent-wheelie-bag in 5 min in the morning that will last me 5 days. Of course I ran into a problem on 9-11 when I got stuck in Gothenburg with instructions not to travel at all. The only time I had to go out and buy an extra top. Big deal. So, no I haven't packed yet. But will in the morning. I and will survive :)...Gloria Gaynor and me!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

A most unusual excuse

Following up on the feedback on me buying a flat. Today I heard the most unsual objection. It goes like this: German: "In Germany when we build houses we always dig up some war remnants and therefore any building project is stopped". Me: "Somehow I don't think that'll be a problem here in Zürich". German: "We also very often run into Roman ruins". Me: "???" German: "Yes, Cologne used to be a part of the Roman empire and we have lots of flats where Roman walls are preserved in glass walls. Sometimes within a flat". Me: "Hmmm". Thinking about it. The odds of finding a Roman wall in my building site is on par with the odds of me winning the Euromillion lottery. I just have to figure out which one I'd rather have...

A grating personality

Got a great compliment on another blog the other day, was called Switzerland-Annika with the grating personality. I am honoured. Just think about it. A grater is a fantastic tool. It can cut most things into pieces, and it's nothing you want to get too close to, but it does exactly what it's designed to do. Just like me! PS. The fact that this device gets a bit slow and mellow with age I choose to ignore...

Bank service

Long gone are the times when you had to take your hat off and bow to a bank in order to borrow money. These days they are happy to lend. Even so happy as to come to my home to discuss the details with me. That's what I call service people. So in a few minutes my bank guy will arrive, having read all the contract details on my flat (free legal advice is great!), and hopefully have an attractive offer for me. However, a bank is a business so in the end I'm paying. But hey! At least I get some service for my money.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Sexy salsa

Today in class we changed partners, so that everybody danced with everybody...well, at least of the opposite sex thank you very much. It was fun. And I singled out two guys who can really dance well just after three lessons. It was a pleasure indeed. Not to say that my partner isn't good, but especially one was outstanding. He had the moves. A man with the moves is sexy. That's just how it is.

Sunday, January 20, 2008


Somehow I got talked into going to some village in the UK for a coupla days next week. I really don't want to, but when I heard that it's "home to the British army" I reconsidered. Just think about it. A town full of men in uniform...;)

Men and communication

Have you ever thought about how different it is to communicate with women and with men? With women you get a full update on what's going on. With men you might get an answer to a direct question. In email for example, women tend to elaborate and be informative. Men answer the last question in the email. For example: Me: "Hi, I have bla-bla-bla-bla, and then bla-bla-bla, and also bla-bla-bla. Btw, how are you?" Him: "Fine".


Putz-Peter is back! Seldom have I been so happy. And it doesn't mean I'm not grateful to my temporary putz-woman but gosh, is it good to have him back! Somebody I trust completely, and who knows how to clean. Also in the places I didn't even think needed cleaning. He's quick, he's thorough, and he's nice. Welcome back!

Big boobs

Why is that men always underestimate a womans size? I got a late Christmas present from friends, turning out to be a medium-sized top ordered from that rent-a-german-website (I really need to evaluate the recommendations I do on this blog :). Ok, so it's funny. And totally suitable to wear on the boat. However. The medium-sized turned out to be an extremely tight top, meaning I don't need to wear any bra, the top will keep everything in place and leave nothing to the imagination. The question is, should I be flattered they think I'm a 40-kg model? And I have to rethink my view of gay guys being more body-fixated than straight guys...

Against all odds

Despite it being winter and sometimes below 0°, and might I add without me paying any attention at all like giving water, this plant has survived on my balcony. Talk about a will to live!

Saturday, January 19, 2008


Turns out NF (New Flatmate) wants a sixpack. Ok, so he's young and doesn't realize that a future sixpack won't change his life, but I appreciate his effort. And I must admit I do look forward to the effort he will put into this project :)

The Scandinavian Alps

Was out tonight. Had two guys staring down my cleavage, not an altogether unpleasant experience. In fact, it was a discussion over lunch today. I just don't understand this sexual harassment thing. I have been longing to be harassed. Just a little. And it never happens to me. I even took it as far as suggesting an "erotic corner" one time. You know, a place where you can go when you feel like a bit of flirting. Just like a smoking corner. No takers. Personally I think it's hugely overrated. And a way to get back at your manager. Trust me, there are better ways...

Friday, January 18, 2008

More enthusiasm

More feedback on flat-buy. Hungarian: This is cool. I think you should do it. American: The project from hell! (Apropos me annoying the builders and the architect with new ideas all the time.) Swiss: That's gonna be a lot of work for you! Can you start to see a pattern here?

Training session

Tonight I have agreed to do a training session with my salsa-partner. The objective is to get closer. Which I suppose is not a bad idea, since he will be moving in with me in February :)

Bad taste strikes again

Another lovely one from my American (need I say male?) friend, titled "Why men use post-it notes"...

Thursday, January 17, 2008


Seems like IKEA traditions have implanted themselves in ze Swiss. Had the real estate agent over yesterday to discuss those contract details. He entered my living room. He muttered "Knut" loud enough for me to hear. I had to excuse myself for not having had enough time to remove the Christmas tree. I don't think I like Knut...


No wonder people in Scandinavia are suicidal. Just talked to a relative up in Sweden. She told me they had 20 minutes of sunshine in December. 20 MINUTES! That's not a hell of a lot. I guess I laugh all the way to Switzerland :) PS. Was standing outdoors today having a ciggie with no jacket...sun was blazing! PPS. Ok, so it wasn't summer, but warm enough with no wind.

Hole in my pants

It's funny. Was going out quickly this evening just for a drink with friends. Realized I had been walking around with a hole in my pants the whole day. I didn't think that was a problem big enough to deal with so didn't change before I went out again. Me and my hole...HAHA. Perhaps it's like how my insightful brother once put it: "Sis, you're the only one I know who has a bit of money and doesn't look like it". Apropos me just buying a flat in Zürich :)


Here we go again. Met with the real estate agent again to iron out some details about how to make a contract and the payments and all that paper stuff. Turned out I needed two documents from the kreisbüro again (remember all the hassle with the C-permit?). Since I happen to know that these guys live in the 50's and don't believe in computers or the mailsystem I realized I needed to go back there in person. This time they were asking for "Wohnsitzbestätigung" which is a paper that states that I am registered at my address. I know, it's ridiculous. They could've just checked the phone book. The other one was "Handlungsfähigkeitszeugnis" (try to pronounce if you can!), which means that they approve of me signing contracts. Excuse me? I thought I was the one to decide that. For those two documents I had to pay 50 CHF. It took them 2 seconds to print, another 5 to sign, yet 20 secs to take my payment and give me a receipt. Let's round it up to one minute. 50 CHF x 60 min = 3000 CHF per hour. Nice job to have!


Forgot my mobile phone at home today. It felt like walking around without and arm or a leg. Or maybe not a leg, because that would indeed look funny. What if a really important message had come through and I wouldn't be there to receive it immediately? Like an invitation to something fun, or an sms from somebody I haven't heard from in a long time. The agony. PS. No message on the mobile when I got home :(

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Fat chicks

Good thing I have until May to lose weight :)

Hooked on zero

Almost ashamed (but not so ashamed I won't put it on the blog!) that I've gotten hooked on Coke zero. It contains absolutely nothing in terms of sugar, carbohydrates or anything close to being called nutritional value. And yet, it's not as good as normal Coke of course, but certainly not as bad as the chemically-tasting Coke light. In fact, it's ok. I refrain from speculating on what it actually does contain!

Monday, January 14, 2008

Get closer

This was the advice from todays salsa lesson. Perhaps salsa is a bit like life itself? Get close to a man, but not too close...

The world according to Americans

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Who needs a man?

Ha! I did it all by myself. Put the tablegrill together i.e. It's that patience thing I lack a bit, and since a man didn't materialize to help me, I decided to have a go myself. And guess what? It wasn't difficult at all. Unpack the heating thingie, put the stone and the grill on top. Even read through the manual. Shouldn't be a problem. Only, have to remember to buy a tablecloth to cover my precious table. I can visualize lots of nice dinners...


Hmm ah well, perhaps I lack a bit in the patience department, but otherwise...;)

Zug or Zug

Languages ain't easy. Heard about this foreigner who wanted to go to Zug (a village south of Zürich), so he went to the central station and hopped on a train named "Schnellzug". HAHAHAHA! He ended up in Basel. Zug in German = train.

Christmas tree throwing

The Swedes have a tradition of throwing out Christmas trees at a certain date every year. Ikea has taken this a step further, and according to a flyer I got yesterday they arranged the very first Swiss championship in Christmas tree throwing. Did anybody see this in Zürich HB yesterday?

Saturday, January 12, 2008

English and German

What does that make? Genglish? Engman? Never mind. In the middle of a conversation yesterday we decided to switch to German so that I could practise a bit. It was funny to see Swiss girl all of a sudden starting to make large lip moves and articulating very clearly, like I all of a sudden had become hearing-impaired or a little bit dumber just because we spoke another language. Why?

Repeat performance

Ah fuck, did it again. Stayed out too late. At least I know Hallau-girl is safely back home. So am I. Ah well, next appointment is at 1 pm tomorrow for haircut. Means I can sleep at least 11 hours. G'night.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Swiss enthusiasm

Think it can be described in one word: yawn. After I excitedly sms'd, rang and emailed everybody I could think of to tell them the exciting news about buying the "Etagenwohnung" I had all sorts of reactions: American: That's great news! English: That's terrific! But why isn't the second bathroom en-suite to the bedroom? Swedish: Sounds good (meaning: I'm jealous you can afford it). And too bad it takes so long before you can move in. Norwegian: Congratulations! Iraqi: Are you crazy? German: Is it close to shopping? Australian: Well done. Exciting. I'm jealous. When do you have to pay? Swiss: 'Yawn'. Perhaps I should explain. When I decided to buy I realized it would be a good idea to call my crooked lawyer friend to have him check the letter of intent. So left an excited voicemail on his machine. The sms back read: "Ok. Call me tomorrow". No congratulations. No I'm happy for you. The other was a Swiss woman who I told I had great news. And if she was interested she could check the blog. Answer on email: "If it about your future flat I read it! I also sent a comment…". Nothing on the congratulations front there either, and no comment... Sometimes I really love the Americans! (ah gosh, thought I'd never say that!)


If you hadn't picked up on it, I committed to buy a flat :)...a so called "Etagenwohnung" where etage refers to level and wohnung is flat. Exactly what the portion "etagen" refers to have as many translations as people I've asked. And I asked many, both Swiss and German. Perhaps the most reasonable description is that it's a flat that is neither on a ground floor, nor on the top floor because then it's called "Attikawohnung". I guess that means an "in-between-flat". Signed the reservations contract, and am paying deposit on Monday. No way back after that!

Thursday, January 10, 2008


I cannot stop myself from thinking about how my new flat will look like. And I get to decide. This is if nothing else übercool. What can I say? I'm apparently a risktaker. But an übercool one :)


Unfortunately I do not have a pic from the food we were served at the party. But it was great! A just-enough-spicy chili. My friend (not M...not that M is not my friend but another friend if you know what I mean) made it. He certainly is welcome anytime to cook at my place. In my mind I'm already having a new kitchen...

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

34th birthday party

This is a tricky one. It's not a big birthday, but it's a party. And that's a no-brainer. Ok, since you who know me are gonna be very quick in pointing out it wasn't mine, I admit. It wasn't. It was M's. Former flatmate if you remember. But what do you buy for a 34-yearold? There is no card to say "happy 34th birthday". I didn't know what he had and had not in terms of household items and flat stuff. Ended up giving him a pearl for swines. Meaning I gave him a bottle of Barolo, the nectar from Italy. And this to a guy who doesn't know a decent Rioja from any cheapo vino tinto. But I have great hopes that he will learn. Besides, he was instructed not to open the bottle during the party but to save it for a nice dinner with me :)

A 1000 ideas

...and no output. Was out celebrating new flat. Zzzzzz...

Tuesday, January 08, 2008


Guess how many steps there are in salsa? Yesterday we learned the basics, which included three types of movement. One back-and-forth with the 8 steps, one move sideways facing each other, and one move outwards from the partner. I know it may sound easy, but let me tell you, it wasn't! I spent the whole lesson either looking at the teacher or at my partner. At all cost I avoided those big scary mirrors that covered the whole wall. Who wants see 20 morons trying to move their hands and feet in the right direction? And might I add, not succeeding very well...

Tablegrill arrived

I'm going native. I am now the proud owner of a tablegrill. It's just a tiny hick-up. I need to invite somebody who can put it all together. It came in one big box, and even though I'm an IKEA-fan, I'm not very good at technical stuff. Hey NF, you up for it? And it only to plug it in and go? My experience says you first have to grease something, and then do something else I don't get, and don't forget to do this or whatever. There is always a hang-up. But in 1,5 years I will be able to use it on my OWN terrace...

Quilt update

Got some pics from the quilt progress. It's looking good. And all I can think about is if it'll fit with my new apartment :)...but hey! I can decide that myself. Ain't life good...

No longer a rich bitch

I did it! I committed. Not to a man mind you, as one of my friends asked me. He obviously doesn't know me well. After 20 years! Anyway. I committed to buy the flat! This is so exciting. It is the second time in my life I'm buying property, but the first time was not quite in the same league. This is awesome! And I will be able to have an influence on everything inside. I tell ya. You're gonna be so tired of reading my blog about the flat :)...when you realize it's gonna take 1,5 years before I can move in! Happy happy me. And since there is always a but...I will from now on carry around a hat called "Annikas flatfund"...

Monday, January 07, 2008


Fuckin' hell. Little did I know when I committed to go to salsa course. It is EXERCISE! Why didn't anybody tell me? I thought it was just gonna be practising a few steps the first lesson. NOT! I tell ya, I won't get out of bed tomorrow morning, my feet hurt and I was sweating all over the place. However. Reluctantly I must admit that it was fun :) even though some couples were, dare I say it?, better than us. I HATE that! Guess I have to face that I ain't 20 anymore...

Sunday, January 06, 2008

Is everybody in the outback?

Judging by the no-comments on possible new flat, everybody is in radio-shadow. Meaning no access to mobile phone, the internet and everything else that makes life interesting. Where are all your comments people? This is decision big time. I do expect you to have an opinion. Please...pretty please?

I will never be lost again

Turns out NF (who btw hasn't moved in yet) is a bit of a nerd. He actually walks around with a GPS at all times. Which means I will never get lost again. Don't know where I am? Call NF. I'm sure he can also sort out any network and computer-related problem I will ever have. It's good with people with skills... PS. He also promised to always take the trash out :)


One really has to have a vision in order to see what this can (and hopefully will) become...

Annoying church?

Took NF (New Flatmate) with me to have a second look at my potential future home. Apart from being a tad too close to a busy street it has a church fairly close. I wonder if this will be a problem? Went there and got a phone number for a person who knows how often the church bells go off, still waiting to get hold of him though.

Went into the church and came across the black population (all 10 of them!) in Zürich. Apparently it was a concert for African people in French. Diversity. Me likey.

Saturday, January 05, 2008

The Addams family

Ok, so googled Morticia. This is she for those of you who are too young to remember: I remember the goodlooking Gomez and The Hand and of course Lurch: "You rang sir?" The Hand was also called the "Thing":

A dworf and death metal

This is why I like my place so much. The mix, the diversity, the unexpected. Like tonight. And I'm not joking. There was a dworf, or midget, what is the difference anyway? There was a group of people who I was told formed a band. Death metal. Whatever that is? The men had long greasy hair and beards and the women all looked like Morticia. You know in that series I cannot remember the name of right now. All tall, skinny, clad in black and with long equally black hair. Interesting. They all sang along just like M the other night (yes, I saw you enjoying Viva Colonia, so don't you try to deny it!). Again, it was fun. If this is what 2008 will be like going forward, I'm all for it!

A match

Notice how well the the shoes go with my cushion...a match made in heaven!

My asshole

My ex stroke again. Being an entire asshole. But he's kinda my asshole so to speak, so I do wish him all the best with his trip to South America. Perhaps when he comes back in one month I have forgotten why I was angry with him...?!?

Friday, January 04, 2008

The things they do down-under


Took a few pics of the dinner we had the other day...

Passion vs rationality

I am torn in between yes I want this immediately and no I should wait. Here is my list: + it is not yet built, therefore I can have an influence on everything inside the flat + the price. Although costing an arm and two legs, you cannot find anything cheaper in the city + only 4 flats in the building and all of them will have different nationalities + same cost per month as I pay now, but will pay to myself rather than others + bigger than my current place + extremely modern with "minergy", meaning less use of precious energy, yet efficient + a "library". How cool is that? + two bathrooms + open space living room with kitchen Here's what's bothering me. - close to a really busy road with 65,000 vehicles passing every day. But with the Uetliberg-tunnel opening in the summer 2009 it is expected to decrease to 15-20% of current traffic. No promises though. - a bit further away from the city from where I'm living currently. Not too bad though. 200 m walkway away there is a tram/bus-station which will take me to the city in a little more than 10 minutes. - the COMMITMENT. Although I know now that I will stay in Zürich, it's still a really big commitment. But hey, I can always sell it, right? Thoughts anyone?

Initial meeting

Had the first meeting with a real estate agent today. V. interesting. We first went there to have a look. This is what I saw. Admit it's intriguing :)

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Simply the best

My friends are. Simply the best. And one of them can even sing it. Such good fun tonight. And now I wanted to be bright and bushy-tailed. But no. Ain't happening. Until maybe tomorrow...

Predictable - or not?

Guess I'm a bit predictable. But not really. Sometimes things just work out. Great dinner with friends. Then Tina (yes, you're great as a blond, but would you mind having the same hair colour for more than one day?) sms'd and she joined. Then F-man joined as well. And we all ended up you-know-where. Great fun, but I am ashamed to admit I stood on the bench clapping and singing. Must've been a tad drunk. Again. Where will 2008 take me?

Wednesday, January 02, 2008


Despite having 3,2 giga of memory, I apparently didn't plug in during New Years Eve. Had completely forgotten that I committed to do a salsa course with a 27-yearold! Ah well, can't hurt right? But I very much doubt I will look like this!


I like cooking. Especially when I have enough time and I'm cooking for other people. What I do not like is to make salad. Is there anything so boring as to cut lettuce, tomatoes etc etc? Well, will make it anyway. The rest of the menu is ordered as follows: Meatloaf with bacon. Homemade mashed potatoes. Peas. Even bought some sauce, which I'm not sure about, but will try. I know they like it. Just realized I haven't eaten today. Haven't been hungry after all that splashing out yesterday. Ah well, a coupla glasses of wine and cooking will be even more fun...

Surrounded by gays

I wonder what it means that I start the year 2008 mixing only with gays? Or almost always (yes F-man I heard you :). New Years eve was spent with lots of them, at least the first part of the evening. Tonight I'm having two more over for dinner. Could it simply be that I enjoy their company? Or is it just that some of my friends are gay and I see most of my friends on a regular basis? Or perhaps it's because I feel the environment is safe? Never mind, I do look forward to this evening...

Falling over

Haha! I just remembered New Years eve, leaving the place and queueing up for a taxi. Some youngsters were just snapping a taxi before the eyes of the people in front of us. Told them they should've kicked their asses. Thought it would be a good idea to tell them how ass-kicking I am by showing them my stiletto heal. Only, nearly fell over while trying to lift one leg. Took kinda the effect away :)

Weight problem

Gay guys are very interested in appearance and therefore a realiable source to ask about ones weight. They look at you with an objective eye, and tell you what they really think. Not like a hetero man who would say anything to get into your pants. However, this presents me with a dilemma. Idea was to lose the weight I first lost last year, and then slowly gained again during the autumn. But when gay guy said I look better now because I have a butt and big boobs, and not even he cared about my belly. Hmmm. What about a middle way? Lose say 5 kilos would make me happy, and I'd still keep most of my butt...


Yesterday was a great day. Lazy, walking around in a jogging overall all day without showering. Hair pointing all directions. Being completely and utterly useless all day. Lots of fat food and watching telly. That is indeed a good start to the new year...

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Summary 2007

Everybody seems to summarize the year on their blogs. Mind you, it is 4.24 in the morning and I'm not into that. But gotta say I had a lotta fun this evening/night. Thank you all for the fun sms's. Except for Aussie girl who didn't have her phone on. Everybody else did. Like Norwegian girl who said: "before the sun sets 2007 and memories fade, and the mobile net stops to work, before I get drunk, naked and lose my phone I want to wish you a happy new year." Or Swiss guy who said "I know I'm early but I know so many people who are beautiful, rich and sexy who I must contact this evening. Therefore I start with the poor, assholes, sluts, alcoholics and drug abusers that I know. Happy New Year". Feel mellow. I'm kinda sure it has something to do with the humungous amount of alcohol I had to consume this evening. What a great start to 2008!?!