Sunday, January 27, 2008

How to get thoroughly screwed

This is very easy. Distrust your own instinct, and instead trust a man. This will guaranteed make you very disappointed. The same day my future flatmate was to move in, he informed me on voicemail and in an email that he wasn't moving in after all. I had refrained from advertising, and held the room for him for something like 3 weeks and then he all of a sudden had an epiphany that he couldn't pay for it. Well, I guess on one hand that it was better to find out beforehand, because this is certainly not a person I would like to live with. But he did screw me good, because now I don't have the extra income I was counting on for my purchase of the flat. Men!


Anonymous said...

'how to get thoroughly screwed'
what a bastard! hope you find someone else (and better) soon

Witchbitch said...

Actually had an Austrian here yesterday to have a look at the room. He will let me know in the end of the week if he'll take it.