Friday, January 25, 2008

Tram No 9

The pub is located in an area I'm not familiar with. I remember going back to town on tram No 9, which I didn't even know existed. And I've lived here for 5,5 years. Weird. So went back the same way I came. Remembering there were a few stops from the pub where we were and Paradeplatz. Turned out to be one stop. Good thing I was watching out for it. Went in. Had the four guys sitting at our previous table crawling under it to make sure my bag wasn't there. Not an entirely unpleasant experience I might add. When all this effort turned into nothing I went to the bar and voila, there it was. My bag with the new chick-lit fresh from the printer in Heathrow, my contract in English and some other paraphernalia. Went back to the table where the guys high-fived me. So glad when things turn out to the best. The fact that I was planning on going home, change and go out partying went awry, but who cares? PS. Is it terribly bad to have a kebab at 11 at night when I'm supposed to be on a diet? See, I didn't have dinner and was starving!


Anonymous said...

'tram no 9'
yay, so glad you got your bag back intact. I love Tram 9, since it took me from my favourite bar directly home (and vice versa) and they had the cobra trams on that line.

Witchbitch said...

Cobra trams?