Tuesday, January 08, 2008


Guess how many steps there are in salsa? Yesterday we learned the basics, which included three types of movement. One back-and-forth with the 8 steps, one move sideways facing each other, and one move outwards from the partner. I know it may sound easy, but let me tell you, it wasn't! I spent the whole lesson either looking at the teacher or at my partner. At all cost I avoided those big scary mirrors that covered the whole wall. Who wants see 20 morons trying to move their hands and feet in the right direction? And might I add, not succeeding very well...


Anonymous said...

yes and if you do that you end up spending the whole time laughing and then really not being able to follow the steps - this is why I've never been much good at dance classes - cant take it seriously (nothing to do with being completely uncoordinated of course)

Witchbitch said...

Not a dancer huh? Bet you have one or two other skills though...

Anonymous said...

Oh, I like to dance and think I always did an OK job of it at the 'disco' (he he) - although I could be wrong about that, just no good at 'proper' dancing with set steps etc.
and yes, plenty more other skills ;)