Saturday, January 12, 2008

English and German

What does that make? Genglish? Engman? Never mind. In the middle of a conversation yesterday we decided to switch to German so that I could practise a bit. It was funny to see Swiss girl all of a sudden starting to make large lip moves and articulating very clearly, like I all of a sudden had become hearing-impaired or a little bit dumber just because we spoke another language. Why?


Anonymous said...

some say because of all the various meanings of a words, especially small words in the language, plus the etymology

my friend is


Witchbitch said...

Yes I know you're a big fan of manuals :)...

Anonymous said...

English and German
funny that ikea puts only symbols and drawing in the manuals, what is pretty international.

imagine a newspaper with only drawings and symbols. LOL.

Witchbitch said...

And yet IKEA is so popular!