Thursday, January 17, 2008


Here we go again. Met with the real estate agent again to iron out some details about how to make a contract and the payments and all that paper stuff. Turned out I needed two documents from the kreisbüro again (remember all the hassle with the C-permit?). Since I happen to know that these guys live in the 50's and don't believe in computers or the mailsystem I realized I needed to go back there in person. This time they were asking for "Wohnsitzbestätigung" which is a paper that states that I am registered at my address. I know, it's ridiculous. They could've just checked the phone book. The other one was "Handlungsfähigkeitszeugnis" (try to pronounce if you can!), which means that they approve of me signing contracts. Excuse me? I thought I was the one to decide that. For those two documents I had to pay 50 CHF. It took them 2 seconds to print, another 5 to sign, yet 20 secs to take my payment and give me a receipt. Let's round it up to one minute. 50 CHF x 60 min = 3000 CHF per hour. Nice job to have!


Anonymous said...

I'm guessing by the grumpy look that always seems to be on the faces of the people doing those jobs that they might not actually be getting that money, perhaps not even a significant percentage of it.

Witchbitch said...

You're probably right, but where does the money go? That would be interesting to know...

Anonymous said...

yes that's a good point. someone must be getting fat of us(or you actually since I dont live there anymore) foreigners

Witchbitch said...

I'm on a diet + paying for flat = very very slim!