Monday, December 31, 2012

Saturday, December 29, 2012

An interesting weekend

It's been an interesting weekend. First an old friend called, complaining he couldn't hum-hum his new girlfriend, and had to use pills. "I was walking around with a hard-on for 10 hours" he whined. "I was bumping into radiators and things". Haha, I responded, since I know him intimately. Or at least I did, but I don't think the schlong grows with age.

Then I had some new acquaintances over, and learned that the guy is a sports maniac. He thrives on off-pist skiing. When I warned him about avalanches, he showed me on his (modern) iphone the gear he uses. One of the things was what looked like an airbag. Now, I'm not an expert but what is an airbag gonna do against an avalanche? Nevertheless, he assured me there was plenty of time before an avalanche would hit, and he would kinda float to the surface of the snow. Hmmm. Good luck to him. Sounds to me like swimming towards a tsunami.

And then there was this busy woman. She doesn't have time to iron. But she does have time to download illegal movies. I suggested that she might choose not to have time to iron, and she eventually agreed. But countered with that she irons when watching illegally downloaded movies. Hmmm.

Never boring in this house!

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Penicillin rocks

The nose spray thing reminded me of one of my sinuses infections. I was used to having them, knew the symtoms and told the doctor that penicillin would cure it.

But one time I got toothache. There are few things worse than toothache. And although I was working at a medical center at the time, the doctor couldn't convince me. I had toothache, and thus a dentist was needed.

The dentist drilled and poked and fixed, yet I was still in heavy pain. Eventually he sent me to the hospital for a x-ray, to exclude a sinus infection. I bicycled there in -20°C, since in those days there was no way I could afford a taxi. It didn't even cross my mind.

And yes, after an x-ray it was concluded my right sinus was totally blocked, hence the toothache. As I remember it, it took about 6 hours before the penicillin worked, but what a relief! Pain disappeared and I was back in business.

I think I was out dancing the next night again.


When I was a teenager and in my early twenties I used to have sinus infections often. Like four times a year, and I needed penicillin to cure it. It was irritating, but didn't stop me from working. A little fever, and a clogged up nose, but I was still dancing almost every night.

However, it did introduce me to nose spray, like Otrivin or Nezeril (except for in those days they came in drops only...hurray for progress!), and I'm not sure it was a good thing.

Here I am, decades later, addicted to nose spray. One shot in each nostril before I go to bed every night.

When I buy it in pharmacies, they always warn me about not using it for more than ten days, and I always nod as to indicate approval.

One day I'm gonna ask them "so every day for 25 years is bad?".

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Santa socks

I went to a dinner today, where everybody had to pick a Santa sock with a message. You cannot believe what I got..."promotion". Hahahaha!

So I guess next year I'll be promoted. I'm just wondering what to?

Mice theme

The other day I came across a mouse in the stairs under the road next to me. I am not keen on mice, although this one was tiny and quite cute I must admit.

Today my loved ones got their gift.

Which is funny for them, although I'm not very keen on the brown one. Looks too real.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Not like other people

For many, many years I celebrated Christmas as most people do. It was the preparation, the buying of all the gifts, the wrapping, the rhyming, the tree, all the food, the family, the traditions, and the Christmas music playing.

It was nice.

But life goes on, and when family members fall off traditions change. Not by choice, but by necessity. Not necessarily a bad thing. Change is mostly good if you ask me. Not that I think that it's better without my family members, far from, but adaptation is crucial in these cases.

Yesterday for example, when I'm sure most people were watching 'Love actually' or similar, I was watching 'Surviving the Andes'.

Not saying it's what everybody needs to do, but for me, it is a time of reflection. Life is what it is, and for some people more difficult than for others.

For me it was easy, I was born in a Western country with loving parents.

But to see people who actually ate their friends in order to survive gives me inspiration, 'cause I think I could've never done it. But then again, who knows? I've never been in the situation.

So instead of bathing in expensive gifts, I choose to reflect over how others have or had it.

Another kid

I have a friend who is pregnant. Very pregnant. Her first child was delivered with a c-section, and her second will also be seeing the world thru her Mums belly.

Second week in January it is planned.

Considering the state of her, I asked if she could hold out that long, and she told me she is already open a bit so maybe not. And if you ask me, the expert, she could've popped in my living room.

When talking to the Dad about the same topic, i.e. having a kid born on this side of the year or next, makes a difference in school and so forth.

That's when I learned the cut-off date is April here in Switzerland. April? Interesting.

Anyway, Dad's view is better she pops this year, "'cause it's better for tax reasons".

I am so happy I was born in an era when I was just welcome to the world.

Christmas eve

Christmas eve is a nice day, and so I told the cats when waking up this morning. It's special I said, and they looked attentive before walking away tails held high.

I am so happy I did some of the food already yesterday, took friggin forever so today I just had to cruise around and enjoy.

First a neighbour stopped by, then another one, then a friend, then some other people :)...and on it went. It wasn't overwhelming, it wasn't unexpected, it was just nice and relaxed. At least for me.

This is how I want to celebrate Christmas from now on.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

I prefer the Alps

Have some friends who have moved away, all the way to the US of A. Now they claim to have a good time, enjoying the life at the Pacific Ocean. Pah! I say. What is the Pacific Ocean to the Alps?

They sent some pics.

But it made me remember my visit to the Pac Ocean, when I was flying. That was actually pretty cool!

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Christmas cards - on paper

This year I have received no less than 12 paper Christmas cards. Some of them are from family people who cannot seem to join the digital era, some of them from friends I do not hear from that often (although they have my email and skype address), and a few are from companies I made business with last year.

I don't get it. This is year 2012, and everybody (except my ancient aunt) has a computer. Why still send paper cards?

Actually, in some cases I think people do it just to annoy me, since it's not the first time I write about it.

But apart from that little irritation, I do wish everybody a Merry Christmas. And as soon as I can get my wee ones to pose for a picture wearing something red, I will post another item saying so.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Life goes on

Only a minute left of today, and the world didn't go under. But I wonder how all the religious weirdos are gonna explain yet another failure?

My bet is, they cannot. Because religion is just fiction, a way to rely on somebody else, and to blame somebody else 'cause you cannot face your own weakness.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

The only way is up

In 10 minutes it'll be the shortest day of the year. Excellent. From now on, the only way is up!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Peace in our time

It is not often my wee ones are lying next to each other, but I cannot help thinking it is utterly sweet when they do. A picture of peace.


I was out yesterday evening with a group of people working in the corporate business sector. Pleasant enough with well-educated people who knows how to behave.

A meal, some drinks and chit-chat, where I was surprised to learn that these well-paid people prefer illegal downloads of films. They, if any, can afford to pay for a ticket in a movie theater or a dvd.

I think they regarded me as a bit of a relic, and yes, I took pride in showing them my antique mobile phone, but I seriously think that the people producing a movie should get the credit for it. Yes I know, many movie companies are multi-billionaires but still, they took the risk, and they should be rewarded for it.

Mind you, I still stream legal television as much as I can, but I do not condone illegal activities. Especially not from people who well can afford buying!

Monday, December 17, 2012


Phew, the meeting went ok. Just as I like it, a bit of bantering but in a friendly way. Mostly about the garden below. Even though I got beaten on the snow removal. We pay for snow removal. A lot. And I think it's unnecessary, since we have a roof over half the entrance, and the rest can be removed either by warmer weather or by a shovel.

Suggested we invest in a shovel, but got turned down. Too bad there is one who works for an insurance company. Apparently if somebody would slip and hurt themselves we are responsible. And here was I thinking we didn't live in the US of A, where people sue each other for the little things.

I mean, if I slip on the street I wouldn't hold anybody else but myself responsible.

But now I have to keep on paying 150 francs a year for snow removal. And it snows maybe three times a year, enough to cover the streets. Shucks!

So much for three in agreement!


Tonight we have the yearly meeting for the building association where I live. I expect it to be a fairly calm event.

It was different when I lived in my first own home, and was part of the board. There we had a number of different opinions, occasional arguments and one time we were even dragged to court by an exceptionally repulsive person, who wanted to lower the fees for his own apartment, in order to raise the price.

Mind you, we were 26 apartments back then, and now we're only four whereof at least three are in agreement.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

How often?

How often do people wash their sheets I wonder. When I was little my Mum used to change the under-sheet every second week and the covering sheet every month. Those were the days when washing was a bit more difficult, and all sheets were mangled.

Nowadays I wash my sheets every second week. Does that make me dirty? Do people wash them more often? Is once a week more appropriate?

Mind you, I don't think my sheets get very dirty, it's more about cat hair these days. And every time I make my bed I have two little "helpers". They love it! Ducking under the sheet, preventing me from doing the bed, yes, they are really "helping".

But seriously, how often is common?


I guess google translate is a good idea, just like esperanto was back in the day. Unfortunately neither of them work. At least not that good.

I was asking a person today, non-speaking English, "how are you"? The response was "repose", which is all good and dandy since is means "rest or lie" according to Cambridge dictionary. The thing was I had to look it up.

When was the last time you responded "repose" to a question how you are? I'm guessing never.

Hopefully google translate will have a brighter future than esperanto.

Change is fine

It is said that cats don't like change, but that's fine, neither do I. Anymore.

And today when I put up the tree, they were totally down with it. The carton was more fun in their mind.

And then I moved a chair and changed the sheep fur from one chair to the other, and guess what? They were fine with that too.

So we agree, all three of us, change in small dosis is fine.

It is nice to have domestic peace.

Christmas in a week

Pretty happy with the look this year!

Friday, December 14, 2012


Omg, once again. Came home from the kid family and am watching a show on the telly, and I see this woman. A woman I remember from telly years ago, and she looks friggin old!

Like wrinkles everywhere, a face that is falling down and who knows what else.

It makes me think, is this how people see me? I better hurry up and invite friends so that they can see me more often, and not get the shock of the aging process.


Baby very soon

Omg, I am surrounded by kids these days. Good thing that some people have other priorities, like a water pipe. I tried it, and not a bad thing, even though I prefer real nicotine, but as a social thing, yeah, why not?

Supposed to pop end Jan, but by the looks of it, tomorrow if you ask me, the expert.

And new kid won't have a shortage of toys...and this is only one of the plastic containers...


Yesterday it was the 12th of December 2012 (Ok technically the day before but I haven't gone to bed yet), and I felt nothing special. It was pointed out to me, and I guess I was supposed to react to it. I don't.

I am not a person who finds "special dates" anything to be excited about. They are what they are. If I have a birthday I don't immediately feel a day older. There are other occasions in life which are more important.

They usually have to do with loved ones, and not always in a good way. Work might be "life-changing", but almost always in a way that ends up better than the situation you had.

So 12.12.12 bite me!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

First impression

We all know how important first impressions are, that we have learned. But I'm not sure it is as crucial as everybody says. At least not longterm.

That said, meeting some new acquaintances today made me happy. I was immediately invited and a glass of bubbly was served. I was glad to see they prioritize right!

And I very much look forward to get to know them more. And yes, we had a wee drink at my place too.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Raclette yet again!

I love raclette! Can you tell? And it's so easy to prepare, then social to eat together. Perfect!

Today I had some friends over, and we really enjoyed the cheese and potatoes and whatever goes with. But the guy in the family is adamant that nothing goes on the blog! Not him, not his wife (!) and certainly not his kid. But after showing him this pic, he agreed. Finally!

Ha, I won over the difficult guy :).

But most importantly, it was good to see them all again. Welcome back to Switzerland!

Pearls before swine

Yes, I did the effort of putting a fire together, to give my friends a bit of ambience. Gosh, was that a wasted effort! None of them even looked at the fireplace, much less gave me an A for effort.

Hmm. Romantic people they are not.

Polenta never more

Once before I tasted polenta, and decided that it wasn't for me. But tonight I tried it again, thinking I was wrong the first time. I wasn't. Polenta, placenta, ok not that I know what placenta tastes like but if it's anything like polenta it's taste-free. Tastes nothing. It's like dry bread that has gone stale. Poor vegetarians!

Fortunately the rest of the meal was delish. Italian goulash, aubergine? and parmesan pie, saffron risotto and muffins containing apples, pears, bananas and some funny fruit called parsimons or the like. And I got to keep a lot of leftovers!

And the happy chef!

Sunday, December 09, 2012


Despite me being a smoker I have a really good sense of smell. Some months ago I had a friend visiting, who cooked a fantastic meal in my kitchen and it wasn't until a few days later I discovered where the smell came from. Fat drops hanging from the kitchen fan filter. Ouch! Came from the sausages he fried.

But those filters go in the dishwasher, so problem solved.

Yesterday I grilled chicken legs in my small oven, and it still smells. I think I might have to clean that oven. Or my cleaning lady may be in for a surprise, only she's not coming here for a few weeks, so either I have to get used to the smell or bite the bullet and do it myself.

And tomorrow I'm having another guest chef in my kitchen. I wonder if my fan can take it?

Saturday, December 08, 2012


I don't have a big family, but some of my friends do. It is nice once in a while to almost feel part of it. When you mentioned their surname 12 heads out of the 16 guests popped up. Funny!

Tonight was fondue, chinoise or cheese, not to mention all the desserts!

Thursday, December 06, 2012

Technology and age

Had a good friend visiting today, and yes, he liked the figs/cheese thingies a lot.

We always have a lot to talk about, and today he sheepishly admitted that he bought a boat. His fourth. The plan is to transport it to Zürichsee, so I know what I look forward to next summer!

I consider myself always having been in the forefront of technology. After all, I was in the IT business long before a lot of people were born. However, the last few years I have decided that enough is enough. I am happy sticking to my old phone, and only buy a new computer when absolutely needed.

But I must admit it feels a bit funny when my 80+ friend fiddles with his iphone, and I still stick to a phone that cannot even send mms's.


Figs marinated in cognac with a Swiss creme cheese. Mmmmmm!

Wednesday, December 05, 2012


Today I learned the difference between kinderkrippe and kindergarten. At first I thought it was kindergrippe, but then I learned it means children flu, whereas the krippe thing means daycare. Anyway.

And yes, I was visiting yet another kid.

Kinderkrippe apparently is the place you dump the kids in daytime from when they are six months old and you have to pay quite a bit for it. Good!

Kindergarten on the other hand is a place you can equally dump the kids, but only from when they are four years old and only for half the day. This is provided by the government. What? My tax money!

I think people with kids are the opposite of discriminated. They get too much, and we, the responsible ones without kids, get to pay.

Life is not fair.

Moving on

Today I checked on my old blog, the one I had before this one. It took a little while to log in, but I managed in the end. I had twelve unmoderated comments. And this on a blog that has been inactive for six years or so.

Mind you, eight of them were definitely spam so deleted. Three were questionable, since I didn't get the gist, and one I published. It was something about it being a nice read. But I have no idea which item it related to, so pretty useless being posted 2010 for a something I wrote 2007.

I guess some people don't realize that a blog item is like fresh food. It gets old after a week.

Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Inhouse chef

I'm gonna have some guests over on Sunday. One of them is cooking, and is bringing all the food. Love it! We, I and the other guests, can just sit at the bar and enjoy looking at the chef.

Heard about the menu, it's: "The menu consists of zucchini and cheese pie, saffron rice, italian style goulash and dessert", but with a warning "do not set your expectations too high". Ha!

How can I not?

Monday, December 03, 2012

Friends and raclette

Had a few friends over tonight for another raclette dinner. One of them got so excited he peed his pants!

But then they started to talk about length. I guess it must have been about how big a fish they caught.

Sunday, December 02, 2012

Christmas presents no

When you have reached the respectable age than I have, you realize you have everything you need. Unless explicitly stated, I do not want presents anymore. Nor do I want "events", no massage sessions, no tickets to anything, no type of cultural experiences. Seen it, done it, been there and didn't buy the t-shirt.

Unless they are consumables of course, preferrably liquid :).

But seriously, I hate it when I receive something that I do not like, and have to smile and appear to be grateful. Not that I'm not, but it's just gonna be another dust collector. And my cupboards are pretty full already.

I have bought one present this year, and that's for the wee one. A book. Educational, since that baby already has enough toys and clothes for an army of kids.

But liquids, serviettes, candles and the likes, they are welcome for people who cannot help themselves and feel the need to buy something.

Unless you wanna buy me a sofa of course...


It's one of those days. Snow, snow, snow outside, cold and unfriendly. Better to stay in and watch a fire.

Saturday, December 01, 2012

Just a joke

Did you know that rhinos don't eat gnu? They are gnuten allergic. Hahahaha.

Christmas is acoming

Prep for Christmas, it is December!

Oops, I dunno how a cat snuck in there all of a sudden! I guess she likes the purple.

A wee drink

To recover from the shock I went for a wee drink at my (almost) very own place. Well, at least it should be by now, counting on all the money I invested there!

Always a pleasure, and pretty full for being an afternoon!

It takes all sorts

It is interesting, the people you meet through friends. Today I met up with an Irish man who doesn't drink and hate bars. Seriously? Gosh, does he live in the wrong country!

I mean what do I know about Ireland? It's what most people know I guess, and I love generalizing, so here goes: it's the green island, it's full of bars which have been exported to the rest of the world, and people are out drinking and having fun. It's also what I experienced visiting there.

On top of that I know that Ireland decades ago tried a favourable tax regime for companies, trying to attract business. Which worked to some extent.

That's about it.

I also met a woman who hates cats! Not just dislike them but hate them! It's apparently the purring that puts her off.

Apart from that they were nice, but what is the world coming to?