Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Another kid

I have a friend who is pregnant. Very pregnant. Her first child was delivered with a c-section, and her second will also be seeing the world thru her Mums belly.

Second week in January it is planned.

Considering the state of her, I asked if she could hold out that long, and she told me she is already open a bit so maybe not. And if you ask me, the expert, she could've popped in my living room.

When talking to the Dad about the same topic, i.e. having a kid born on this side of the year or next, makes a difference in school and so forth.

That's when I learned the cut-off date is April here in Switzerland. April? Interesting.

Anyway, Dad's view is better she pops this year, "'cause it's better for tax reasons".

I am so happy I was born in an era when I was just welcome to the world.

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