Friday, September 28, 2012

The Barnum effect

Learned something new today about a man called Barnum. This in relation to people who wants to hear something, and despite the general statements, they make it sound so that they believe it. Like astrology, fortune-tellers and other scam artists.

Barnum lived in the 1800's, but was clever. He realized that people are insecure, and he told them what they wanted to hear.

Like a religion. You tell me one religion that relies on facts, and not what people are looking for, and I will reconsider. But it's not gonna happen.

Barnum - my new hero.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Today my Mum would've have 76 years old, had she lived. I cannot say I think about her every day, not after all these years, but she's always somehow with me. Every time something interesting, scary, funny, irritating happens to me I feel that I want to share it with her.

It's been nine years now, and she should've lived much longer.

And tonight, a candle has been lit for her. Mum, I still miss you. Lots.

Solar cell lamp

Finally, after two consultations the company I hired to make my balcony safer found the perfect lamp for me.

It's solar cell loaded, thus energy-saving, it only goes on by movement, it's white to blend in with the house, and it's put up without any holes in the building.

It's got three functions. You can modify the light duration, the sensitivity to movement, and the strength of the light.

So far this evening, I have tested it three times. And it works!

And the actual solar cell thingie is put in a place where it gets sun from morning to afternoon.

And so far the cats haven't triggered the light...but will be funny to see if and when they do. It'll teach them to stay close to me!

Monday, September 24, 2012


I like pizza. Once in a while, like every 3-4 weeks I treat myself to one. This is usually when I go to one of the bigger supermarkets, and they sell a large pizza slice that I find delish. That happened today.

Also, to my delight, they had veal liver! So now awaits me a bit piece of fried liver, no spices needed, with veggies. Yum, getting hungry here.

And I can see the comments already now, but liver is the shit. You just have to forget that it's an inner organ of an animal. People eat chicken, pork and beef all the time with no second thoughts, so what's the difference?

Horror experience

A person close to me had a horrifying experience the other day. He had bought a brand new fancy car, and was just parking outside his house, together with his son.

He was then approached by two men, asking for the keys. Seemingly this car cannot be broken into, thus the need of the keys. He reacted just like I did, when I was robbed in Napoli, he fought back. The only thing he had was a shopping bag, which he banged into one of the guys.

But after that a knife came out, and the son told him to give away the keys. After a struggle, he ended up in a bush full of thorns. And the guys disappeared with the car.

It was found a couple of days later by the police, with German number plates (was an Audi)!

Interesting, I would've expected Balticum or Eastern Europe to be involved in a scam like that, but not Germany. But I guess the German number plates (on a German car) gives it credibility. Pretty sure Balticum or Eastern Europe was involved after all.

My friend is fine btw, but shaken by the whole story of course. And he already moved.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

The 80's is back

Finally the 80's fashion has reached Switzerland. Today on a train track in Zürich suburbia. Leg-warmers!


It is "interesting" to have lunch or dinner with people who have little kids. Everything circles around a 50-cm long human being, and not around the guests, i.e. me. So despite being four adults and the tiny one, I ended up having lunch alone.

Mind you, a whole barbecue to myself! Not bad.

Thursday, September 20, 2012


Yesterday I was being clumsy, I dropped a fork on the floor and when bending down picking it up, I hit my head. Right in the middle of my head, straight into a corner of the bar. Hard material against my not quite so hard head. Aoweeee!

Spent 15 minutes pressing ice to my head, so today I do not have any swelling, but fuck it's sore.

At the time I thought, this is it, but here I am. Still alive. Guess it'll take more than that to get me.

Dream sofa

Got a pic sent to me today by some friends. They had found the perfect sofa for me! Including a standalone sit cushion and a table for an extremely decent price. Leather, top quality. I am almost salivating!

Only one catch. It's in another country.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Not only one but two neighbours are moving, out of a building with four flats.

My feelings are that I am very happy with the neighbours downstairs disappearing, since they have absolutely no interest in maintaining a good relationship or the garden.

I am more sorry about the neighbours upstairs moving, but am happy for them since they have a great opportunity, and they are moving to the US.

I have a feeling that in a couple of years I'll be the only one left. The only one who was here from the beginning. And I will be to the end. My end.

And then, honestly, I don't care.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Catch me if you can

Last weekend my good friend was visiting, a friend who I've known for 17 years. It is very comfortable to be with him, I can relax completely.

So on Sunday evening we had dinner together, and later we watched a movie. Catch me if you can. I had seen it before so went around to clean the kitchen, take my make-up off (didn't take long!), put my pyjama on and walked back into the living room, just when the scene where Leo is negotiating with a hmmm prostitute was shown.

My friend remarking, "and here comes my model". Haha, me with no make-up, in pyjama and totally unsexy. That, my friend, is what you have friends for.

Sunday cruise

Mid of September and still fabulous weather. Actually better than before, I prefer 25°C and sun, rather than 36. Too hot for me.

So went cruising on the lake. A bit of picnic, some wine and a friend you can talk openly to. Nothing better than that.

Then we came back to shore, 'cause friend was a bit queasy and not used to lake life, and corked up the wine. Not sure if you can cork up with a screwcork, but still.

After a while we saw a hunk coming to park his boat. And lo and behold, he was parking next to me! Both of us went on red alert (yes, he's gay), our antennas rotating, and we both looked in awe as he came closer.

But if something seems to be too good to be true, it usually is. So this time too. When he came closer a small head popped up, belonging to a 5 or 6 yearold. Darn!

So ok, he was nice to talk to, but a no-go. Not with a small kid. Although, I have a suspicious feeling my gay friend will dream about him tonight.

To drown our sorrows we went for a few wee drinks.

Friday, September 14, 2012


In my family we have a good story, like most families do. Many (not that many!) years ago when I was little we had visited my aunt and uncle, and when we left (according to hearsay, I was too little remember), just before the door closed, my uncle was saying "oh gosh, it's good they left" accompanied by a sigh.

Personally, I love to have visitors, friends coming to stay. For a long weekend. That's great. And I have never said like my uncle just after an afternoon visit. But I do have to admit, that the best guests stay maybe three nights. Because after all, you are expected to do things, like make sure there is food in the house, have a few outings planned, be available, that type of thing.

However, there are different type of guests. Some you don't see for years, and when they come to visit, it is a pleasure to arrange a little and do things together. Like over the last weekend. No expectations, just fun and being together. That is great.

Others expect you to entertain 24/7, and that I do not like. Fortunately, most if not all of my friends are self-going. They can get around by themselves, and if I feel like an hour not to talk or just hang, they accept it.

So when I spoke to somebody close to me, and heard they are having a visitor for five whole weeks, I had to laugh. Out loud. Five weeks with a visitor! Hahaha. That ain't fun anymore, it's torture. Always having to think what you say and do, never being able to relax 100%, no getting out of the shower naked but having to cover yourself.

Five weeks! Well, this person chose it. Good luck! And HAHAHAHAHA.


Finally a friend volunteered to gimme a lift to Jumbo to buy that sand for my "ashtray".

Only we misunderstood each other, and he brought me a 25 kg bag of sand. The wrong kind.

So later yesterday we both went to do a swap, but I didn't recognize the sand I wanted. I had a feeling it was Caribbean white and called "strandsand", but they didn't have it so bought "spielsand", which is what you use for sandboxes for children.

And it was wet. Here I was, dreaming of a white dry sand beach, and what did I get? Wet sand for children. Bugger.

Been drying 1 kg of it today in the sun, and it looks slightly better but not at all as I wanted. Now giving away the rest of the sand to a neighbour with a sandbox, and the chase for Caribbean sand is still going on.

Mind you, the wet sand kills the ciggie in an instant, so serves the purpose. Only not the way I like it.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Three times lucky?

I have an old friend who for the third time in his life has cancer. Three different cancers in one person, a person who lives the most healthy life. Is life fair? No, absolutely not.

He gave me his permission to write about it, but I haven't before, since I was so worried the last op wouldn't be successful.

But now I think it is ok. Half of his lung was removed, and no spread has been detected. Lung cancer, and this in a guy who hasn't smoked in his life.

Anyway, he told me on Skype today that he just finished dinner. Pea soup. Just after he told me he just got medicine, helping him to pass waste.

Haha, he's in a room with two other men. All of them had pea soup. You know what peas do to your metabolism? It makes it in gas form :).

Anyway, I now have a good feeling he's gonna be back like he was. And I can finally write about it.

And I wish him a good shit tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Cucumber and food

Then we got home, finally, and my friend was cooking. He's very good in the kitchen, but I prefer not to look. Not because it's disgusting or anything, but I cannot bear to see people in my kitchen not doing it the way I would. But it's fine to leave them alone.

And it was delish!

A fairy on a ferry

On Sunday we went cruising on the lake. I dunno what's wrong with the weather people, they keep on saying it's gonna be like 24°, although it shows 36°C on my balcony. And it was still a nice temperature in the water.

On the way back we stopped by my place again to have a wee drink. At first, my friend wanted to put a "shame cushion" in front of his face. A "shame cushion" is when you watch a tv program, and you are ashamed on their behalf, so much you cannot bear to watch it, and therefore want to put a cushion in front of your eyes.

After one beer he started to enjoy it, and after I paid and said we're leaving now, he ordered another beer. Haha, a true believer.

At the same time I was texting with a gay friend who told me he was also on the lake, cruising on a ferry. My friend thought that was really funny "a fairy on a ferry".

And yes, this saying will never be forgotten!

A wee bit of party

On Saturday we chilled for a bit (read: recovered from a slight hangover), then met up with some friends at the Prime tower for a drink. Later, dinner at my place and finally...drum roll bar in town.

It is great to see new converts to my type of church!

I still have it in me!

Sorry, been in a bit of a blog shadow over the weekend. Was busy. Had an old friend over and it is good to know I still have it in me. Partying that is.

He arrived late Friday, and we went straight home to catch up. Hadn't met in more than two years.

Blah-blah-blah, chatting, hugging, happy to see each other. And doing a trip down memory lane. Do you remember when...

I guess it comes with age, him being...hmmmm...a tad older than I, but oh so important to also remember the old days. But still, creating new memories and I think we managed that too.

Thursday, September 06, 2012

My old bank

Eons ago I had a bank relationship. These were the days when I knew the bank manager personally, especially after he mended a shelf for me at a party, and he knew me and my character. And yes R, you were there too :).

He lent me money to buy my first apartment. I had no savings at the time, but was a potential, so got a credit and with the good will from my parents, I bought a one room apartment of 46 m2.

He was a good judge of character, and I paid the bank back in seven years.

Ever since then, when I negotiated no charge for the credit, which I only once used in the last 25 years, I haven't heard from my bank. Oh and incidentally, the bank office I used was closed many years ago, and the only contact I had was via internet.

Until last week, when I got a letter (a paper one!) from a person I never heard of, saying that they will now charge me for the credit (even if I don't use it).

So I made the decision of closing down the credit (and closing down the bank relationship), as soon as I receive the last payment.

Funny that, loyalty doesn't mean a thing anymore in business. Unless they can charge you, don't bother being a loyal customer!

But no worries, I've learned my lesson. I am now a very unloyal customer of any business. Just like you want it.

Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Nightmare shopping

Went shopping today. Figured it would be good to have some kids stuff ready for when I get invited to see the newborn. Ok, saw her already last Sunday, but you know, when the parents get home, settled and so forth, they might invite me again.

And on Sunday I brought Prosecco and cinnamon rolls, more for the parents than the baby. Had a feeling the wee one wouldn't appreciate it. You know, with kids being stupid and all.

Anyway, first going into a shop called "kids town" or something, I entered hell. 200 screaming kids and their ignorant parents. But mostly I was astonished over how much everything cost! No doubt playing on parents guilt, like I want my kid to have the best (i.e. the most expensive).

Grabbed some bathtub ducks and got outta there as soon as I possibly could.

Then into H&M, where prices are if not cheap so at least semi-reasonable. And finally I found something not pink. But same hell there, screaming kids, large buggies and slow staff. Nah, enough now. That kid I'm sure has all she needs already.

Tuesday, September 04, 2012

This and that

Last night I was enjoying some music in my fav place. More to come on that topic later this week.

Tonight I had dinner with a good friend. He's at the time of his life where he travels a lot. It's Barcelona one weekend, Mannheim the next and then on to some island in Greece. It's great, I mean, I don't want to do it, but he always comes back with good stories. And he enjoys life. Just like it should be.

But the funniest thing happened on the bus back. I was sitting opposite of a semi-couple, not sure they were together, since it was a discussion whether they should get off at the same stop. Anyway, they were talking about arrogant people. According to their conversation it was the worst thing they knew.

When they left, the guy, who had been munching a burger on the bus, left two salad leaves and a napkin on the floor.

I wish I would have reacted earlier, to ask if not leaving trash behind was arrogant.

Monday, September 03, 2012

Lung capacity

Saw a program on telly about cystic fibroses and lung capacity. Reminded me of Norway.

When I was living there, we signed a contract with a medical clinic, and all the staff were to go through an examination, measuring lung capacity among other things. Eventually coming up with a number, taking lots of things into consideration like age, smoking, the capacity to blow into a thingie.

I came up at 90 or something, cannot remember exactly. A colleague, younger, sporty, came up with 70, and she was really irritated with me. "You do nothing but smoke, and hang out in bars at night!". Haha.

Proves my point. Have fun, and you won't get sick.


Turns out that Jumbo does have sand. But only in 25 kg bags. Now I need a muscly man with a car. Any volunteers?

But the problem is also I don't need 25 kg. What to do with the rest? I suppose I can make an "installation" and stick some candles into it.

Worth thinking about. Ideas welcome.

Sunday, September 02, 2012

A wee one

Oh yeah, almost forgot. This little tiny person is now a part of my family.


Yes, and got a very Swiss present. A bottle of vino, with a pen cum Swiss army knife attached, a lighter as well as a mobile ashtray. In the background of the pic you see my renewed C-permit. Am I Swiss or am I Swiss?

Alas, no, but working on it.

10 years!