Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Nightmare shopping

Went shopping today. Figured it would be good to have some kids stuff ready for when I get invited to see the newborn. Ok, saw her already last Sunday, but you know, when the parents get home, settled and so forth, they might invite me again.

And on Sunday I brought Prosecco and cinnamon rolls, more for the parents than the baby. Had a feeling the wee one wouldn't appreciate it. You know, with kids being stupid and all.

Anyway, first going into a shop called "kids town" or something, I entered hell. 200 screaming kids and their ignorant parents. But mostly I was astonished over how much everything cost! No doubt playing on parents guilt, like I want my kid to have the best (i.e. the most expensive).

Grabbed some bathtub ducks and got outta there as soon as I possibly could.

Then into H&M, where prices are if not cheap so at least semi-reasonable. And finally I found something not pink. But same hell there, screaming kids, large buggies and slow staff. Nah, enough now. That kid I'm sure has all she needs already.


Anonymous said...

oh man, do baby shops suck! The only way to buy stuff for babies is online in my opinion. and here's my tip for you Auntie, from a relatively new mother, in case you want to buy any more presents for the littley. Forget clothes, especially any expensive ones, they're hard to resist cos they are so cute but the baby only gets to wear them a couple of times before they dont fit anymore. They'll get much more out of a toy, book, or something practical. although I have heard that mothers of girls are more keen on clothes than I am

Witchbitch said...

Excellent, means I can visit a book shop instead of a baby shop. Much more interesting!