Friday, September 14, 2012


In my family we have a good story, like most families do. Many (not that many!) years ago when I was little we had visited my aunt and uncle, and when we left (according to hearsay, I was too little remember), just before the door closed, my uncle was saying "oh gosh, it's good they left" accompanied by a sigh.

Personally, I love to have visitors, friends coming to stay. For a long weekend. That's great. And I have never said like my uncle just after an afternoon visit. But I do have to admit, that the best guests stay maybe three nights. Because after all, you are expected to do things, like make sure there is food in the house, have a few outings planned, be available, that type of thing.

However, there are different type of guests. Some you don't see for years, and when they come to visit, it is a pleasure to arrange a little and do things together. Like over the last weekend. No expectations, just fun and being together. That is great.

Others expect you to entertain 24/7, and that I do not like. Fortunately, most if not all of my friends are self-going. They can get around by themselves, and if I feel like an hour not to talk or just hang, they accept it.

So when I spoke to somebody close to me, and heard they are having a visitor for five whole weeks, I had to laugh. Out loud. Five weeks with a visitor! Hahaha. That ain't fun anymore, it's torture. Always having to think what you say and do, never being able to relax 100%, no getting out of the shower naked but having to cover yourself.

Five weeks! Well, this person chose it. Good luck! And HAHAHAHAHA.


Anonymous said...

I like the milk rule for house guests - 3 days and then it goes bad (although these days milk seems to keep so much longer from whatever crap they put in it).

Witchbitch said...

Good rule.