Tuesday, September 04, 2012

This and that

Last night I was enjoying some music in my fav place. More to come on that topic later this week.

Tonight I had dinner with a good friend. He's at the time of his life where he travels a lot. It's Barcelona one weekend, Mannheim the next and then on to some island in Greece. It's great, I mean, I don't want to do it, but he always comes back with good stories. And he enjoys life. Just like it should be.

But the funniest thing happened on the bus back. I was sitting opposite of a semi-couple, not sure they were together, since it was a discussion whether they should get off at the same stop. Anyway, they were talking about arrogant people. According to their conversation it was the worst thing they knew.

When they left, the guy, who had been munching a burger on the bus, left two salad leaves and a napkin on the floor.

I wish I would have reacted earlier, to ask if not leaving trash behind was arrogant.

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