Monday, September 24, 2012


I like pizza. Once in a while, like every 3-4 weeks I treat myself to one. This is usually when I go to one of the bigger supermarkets, and they sell a large pizza slice that I find delish. That happened today.

Also, to my delight, they had veal liver! So now awaits me a bit piece of fried liver, no spices needed, with veggies. Yum, getting hungry here.

And I can see the comments already now, but liver is the shit. You just have to forget that it's an inner organ of an animal. People eat chicken, pork and beef all the time with no second thoughts, so what's the difference?


Anonymous said...

personally I wonder why people have to try to forget its an inner organ of an animal, if you're happy to eat the less internal parts why wouldnt you be happy to eat the internal ones? The animal already died so it doesnt seem right to waste edible parts.

Witchbitch said...

Somehow people seem to be more sensitive about inner organs, and I must admit that tongue doesn't tempt me. However, when I did eat it, it didn't taste bad at all.