Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Monday, December 29, 2014


It's getting towards the end of another year, and I'm reflecting back on this one. I feel that 2014 has been a very good year for me.

First and foremost it's now 11 resp 9 years ago since my parents died, and I'm thinking that they probably would've been dead anyway by now by age. It was extremely traumatic the way they both went, and it took me many years to come to grips with it, but now I'm at peace with that. And even though I'm not religious I did have to study christianity in school, and so sometimes think that they are sitting up there on a cloud, looking down at me. Preferrably not when I'm naked.

Second, I managed to lose about 10 kg's, and those 10 have been bothering me for quite some years, although I didn't want to admit it. Now I'm up for the challenge of losing another 5 next year. Not sure it'll happen, but I'd like to try. If I reach that goal I promise to stop.

Third, I'm really proud that I took up horseback riding again. That I dared to, and that it's going so well. Look fw to those group lessons next January-June, even though it's at a strange time, 7.30 pm on Friday evenings.

Fourth, I continued to work as a volunteer about twice a month, serving coffee, drinks and cookies at the old peoples home.

Fifth, I started to clean my own home. This may not sound like a big deal, but since I had cleaning help for the last 30 years, it is to me. And I don't hate it! I actually kinda enjoy it.

The only bad things that happened this year was that a good person died, one that I knew pretty well. She was far too young to go, only 55. And that I lost contact with a family member. But that's life (or death if you will).

Life goes on, and I hope that 2015 will be even better!


I really don't like snow in the city. It just causes a lot of problems and discomfort. I rather look at a Christmas card on paper (and you know what I think of them), than having it on my own balcony. And this thing with minus degrees, I really do dislike. I cannot even risk having my beloved white wine box on the balcony, for the fear it'll freeze and explode. Not enough alcohol in it to be sure it doesn't. Go away immediately please!

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Alligator creek

Once in a while I look at my visitors. I can only see either the provider or the ip-number, and today was a low day. Understandable, since most people are recovering from spending a whole day with the family, and/or have eaten too much.

But it made me happy to see I had one visitor from a foreign place called "Alligator creek". Imagine that there is somebody sitting in front a computer down under in a remote place (I'm guessing here) called "Alligator creek", looking at my blog. How amazing is not that?

It's like Crocodile Dundee would be interested in what I have to say. Mind-boggling.

I got money!

I got a Christmas gift, money. I love money. Not that I care about money as such, but the freedom it buys me. But today I got money as in coins. Special coins, printed with a name. A bit weird I must admit.

Turns out to be "money" printed with a name of the owner of a restaurant empire. Well, empire in Zürich which may be stretching it, but still. Rich in Zürich is pretty rich.

They miss me. I used to go out a lot, and now I don't, so it was given to me as an encouragement to go party again. What a dilemma!

Blood is so not thicker than water

Christmas is usually a family thing, a gathering of all sorts of family relations, food, gifts, and whether you like it or not, it's the tradition. I used to love it. That is when I still had a family.

Since quite a few years I have learned to not care, or find other ways to celebrate. Life goes on. But I have to admit that when I ran into a friend yesterday, and it turned out that he had no plans either, I was happy. So we met up, had a nice Christmas dinner and later in the evening I realized I had some sms's on my phone (ok, may consider to upgrade since I almost didn't get the msg's, it was only when somebody else called and my phone made a noise that I could hear), from friends nearby, asking if they could stop by for a drink.

Of course they could. So we ended up with four of us, good friends, no stress, drinks and sweets, and even though I got ditched about my "Switzedütch", I ended the evening having warm fussy feelings.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Singing Christmas tree

I think I've had an overdose of fresh air today. Was on the go for 5.5 hours! It was fantastic weather, sunshine and about 6°C, and people were sitting outside restaurants all over town. I love it. No snow as far as one could see, and glühwein sold everywhere.

Went around town and met some friends, even made a spontaneous purchase! Got a new pair of sexy boots ;).

Finally we watched "the singing Christmas tree", which looked much better in the evening.

Monday, December 22, 2014

Bis gli

You know, this Swiss German so called language makes me laugh every time. Ze Swiss try to take ze German language and make it their own, in order to prove their independence towards a much larger country. At least that's my take on it.

Personally I don't think they need it, since Switzerland has since long proved its independency plus that it's one of the richest country in the world. But that doesn't seem enough for ze Swiss.

For the just English-speaking audience I think the high German would read "Frohliche Weihnachten & ein gutes Neues (Jahr)", meaning Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, but I'm sure the somebody can correct my wobbly German here.

I communicate a lot in German these days 'cause not everybody is fluent in English. Well, I guess it's like 50-50 since a lot of Swiss/Germans want to practise their English. Anyway, I sms'd with somebody the other day and got an answer saying "bis gli". After googling I realized it meant "see you soon". So I used it to a Swiss friend in an email. When I met her later I asked if she was impressed with my Swiss German. She responded she didn't even realized, since it was her language. So much for trying.

But perhaps it'll help me in my strive to become a real Swissie?

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Weirdos or geniuses?

I love meeting new people, especially those I find a bit weird. Meaning they have a passion for things I never could imagine anybody would be interested in.

Like the other day when I met an apparently clever woman, who just made her PhD in science. When I asked what particular science it was (thinking I'd probably have no clue, but still a bit curious), she responded "I PhD'd in what wood sounds like". And all I could think about when responding was "oh really?". And then of course, being me, I launched into a long speech about how I hate wood, since I grew up with it and how much I prefer stone. But she was gracious, and pretended that she just got into that field by accident. That may be true, or not, but I'm still in awe how somebody could spend many years looking into "what wood sounds like". But I'm proud of myself, since I did refrain from asking what it might be good for.

Then a guy joined, and he turned out to be passionate about German architecture and building structures from the 1950's to 60's. Another area that is blank in my brain. I tell you, it was hard to even pretend to be interested. And even though I got a bit of a lecture I think I managed to forget it all again. Good for me. Still, it's nice to see people being so hot on a subject, that most of the population couldn't give a hoot about.

He did have one interesting hobby though, he was very knowledgeable about chili's. Chili here, chili there, different types of. For me who loves chili, it was eye-opening. I knew of course there are different types, but for me, chili is something you add to a dish and it tastes better. And hotter. But he knew his stuff, and after hearing about his chili plantation in his window, I think I might keep him as a contact.

Venturing out of ZH

I was visiting a friend yesterday, who's got a new companion. He turned out to be a real darling. And I brought gifts, and I think one of them made me his new best friend. It was edible.

Unfortunately the blinking collar wasn't such a hit, it was too big so now it needs to be changed. Which I guess is not so bad, since it'll give me a chance to meet him again.

Coming back pretty late at night I had to laugh. The bus taking me to the train station from a quite remote village had a sign on some of the chairs "for women only after 8 pm". Laughing 'cause I was the only one on the bus. But nice thought. Ish.

However, when back in my beloved Zürich I got on another bus to take me the last bit to home and it was packed. It was like one in the morning. Love the infrastructure here in CH.

Friday, December 19, 2014

Fab Feri

Got the horse I fell in love with last time today. What a fab animal! I know, it's been a bit much of horse talk lately, but relax, now it's a three week break over the holidays :(.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Horse talk

Had a friend over for dinner tonight, and it turned out that she's quite experienced with horses. I didn't know since she, as I, was doing a lot of horseback riding in her youth when we didn't know each other.

Anyway, I was informed about all her accidents with horses, one with her head split open and bleeding like crazy (that would explain a lot!...and yes, I'm joking), but it made me think about those riding sessions I was offered in the spring. Outdoor riding in a group. It's funny that, when I was really young I didn't think about accidents or that anything bad could happen to me. Sure, I was falling off many times, a horse suddenly stopping and I was doing a probably not so gracious loop over its head, or it was taking off at a speed I couldn't control and slided off being thrown into a wall or similar.

Nowadays I have a tremendous respect for these big animals. But I'm still not afraid. And I do look forward to every new session. Tomorrow morning is the next. I'm hoping to get this one again.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014


Personally I am very strict when I make appointments, whether it's business or private. I think if you've committed, you show up. Therefore I have a problem with people who don't. Especially when it happens more than once, like 50% of the time.

I know, there are reasons always. Sickness, accidents, something more important than going for a dinner or showing up at a meeting.

Nevertheless, I can only think of one or two times in my life when I have done the same. For me keeping a promise is crucial.

I don't know why I am like this, probably because that's how I was raised. And therefore I react strongly when not everybody is like me.

It's not like I'm not understanding why somebody cancels a simple dinner, and the reasons why, but I do get very disappointed. After all there is some preparation involved.

But what I most react to is cancellations at a late stage, like the same day. If I would cancel a commitment the same day, I would make sure the recipient got the message. Not just send a text and hope it's read.

And yes, it happened to me today. I was busy preparing everything, buying extra stuff to make the dinner special and then I recieved a message very late cancelling everything. Fortunately I had another friend coming along, who really enjoyed my efforts. But still, it's disappointing and even though the reason is more than understandable, I am feeling like I won't try to invite this person again.


Time for some Christmas lights in this darkness.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Nice to read you

Talking about languages, I got an email the other day with the phrase "nice to read you". Needless to say the person is not an English native, but I found it endearing, and actually very accurate.

In English writing the phrase would most probably be "nice to hear from you" which is incorrect, since we don't actually hear each other.

Think I might start using the phrase.

Swiss VIII

Oh scary. Today I got a letter from the authorities, saying that they will only process my application for citizenship further if I have passed a language test. There were three tests that are approved, and the one I have was not amongst them. Typical.

So now I have to register and pay a fee of 250 francs for a new test. And if I do not pass the two hour test that consist of talking and understanding, writing and reading, I have to pay an additional 150 francs to do part of it once more.

At least they have given me six months. Fingers crossed!

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Food and death

Together with a friend I went for an outing today, picking up some great delicacies from my home country. Yes, I'm gonna indulge over Christmas, even if it means I won't reach my second goal weightwise. Nowadays I'm much more relaxed with goals, whatever it is. If I don't reach it within the next day, week or month, I'll reach it later. It's good for the stress level. I have none.

We also went to visit the grave of my friend who died much too young some months ago. We lit a candle that we bought in a machine (how clever is not that? to have a grave-candle machine in a cemetary...good business). It is heartbreaking, but at the same time we can now laugh and talk about her and have good feelings. She was a warm person with a big heart, who went far too early.

We also talked about how different it is with how we want to be buried one day. Some people want a coffin, some want to be cremated (and here the options are is to be buried in a specific place, and one is to be put inside a plate on a wall...haven't seen that before). There was also a place for where children was buried, which even I, who don't much appreciate them, find very sad.

Personally my ashes will be spread in the Zürichsee, I have seen to that. And yes, it's legal. So think about that friends, when I'm gone, you will be swimming with me all around you :).

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Christmas cake

Had another order for a cake, so decided to step away from the traditional green and go Christmas.
I really hope it tastes like normal, meaning great, since I realized coming home from shopping that I had no baking powder at home. Used natron instead. And did add some lemon juice, as advised from the world wide web that said "never substitute baking powder with natron without adding something acidic". Why? I have no clue, but had to trust the www.

And the actual cake looked ok, and I'm sure, together with raspberries, vanilla cream and whipped cream it'll taste delish. Tomorrow I'll decorate it.

Thumb healed - almost

Two weeks later my thumb has almost healed. The skin has not yet completely covered the wound, but nearly there. In hindsight I probably should've visited a doctor to get some stitches, but you know me. Don't bother unless you're dying.

And tomorrow I have another riding lesson, cannot wait!

Wednesday, December 10, 2014


Today I did something I have never done before. Candles. The oldfashioned way. It was a bit cold, since we were outdoors, but social and fun. There were live music and punch, so I kinda forgot my fingers were freezing. And there were Finnish candles as well to warm up at.

You start with dipping a wick into 75°C wax for about 5 seconds, then wait until it cools down a bit, then dip it again in an in-and-out-motion, then cool it off, and keep on going until you have a decent size candle. For a bigger one it takes half an hour.

It was done at the old peoples home, and one lady was really hilarious. And somewhat dement I should think. She kept on forgetting to take the candle out of the wax, but finally learned to count to 20 before she put it in again. But the funny thing was she kept on counting quicker and quicker, and so her candle ended up looking like a baby carrot (yes, orange).

And I came home with three smaller candles, that I plan to put into my winestand...and somehow they all ended up purply :).

Monday, December 08, 2014

Cooking time

Tomorrow I'm cooking for a friend. Since quite a long time I cook lunch-boxes for him. He is easy to cook for, like almost everything, and I enjoy spending time in the kitchen.

But today I had to laugh. I took a piece of pork out of the freezer, and have to admit, it doesn't look very appetizing.

However, tomorrow I promise you it'll look better. I'm thinking rice, since I never did that before. This is because it's not a fav, but I was planning to cook it in a broth to make it more tasty. Also thinking brussels sprouts with bacon, and perhaps a baked tomato to go with.

Sounds tasty?

Sunday, December 07, 2014

Swiss family party

Yesterday I was at a party, a big huge Swiss family party. This is nothing I'm used to, since when I had a family myself it was not very big. But it's great. Everybody know each other, obviously more than I know them or them me, but I can see and feel there is a love between them and an acceptance for differences.

It is nice to feel a part of that, even though it's just for an evening.

Makes me think about other foreigners talking about how difficult it is to get to know ze Swiss. This is in part true, but it is also up to us coming here, trying to be a part of society, to try and fit in and accept that it ain't that easy to assimilate day one. We foreigners also have to make an effort. And I believe once you do, and once you're accepted into a family like yesterday, you're there to stay. That gives me a warm and fuzzy feeling.

Saturday, December 06, 2014

So sweet

Had some friends over this evening for a nice dinner and a very interesting conversation. They are both older than I, and have since about a year a relationship. They have both been married, and done the family thing for many years, but are now ready for a new late-in-life relationship.

They are both tripping around, talking about a "try-out-period", which for them is living together for a week to see how it goes. I'm more like "you're old enough to know what you want, why wait, go for it, if it doesn't work out you'll find out". I mean, in their age (and yes, I refuse to put myself in that group :)...why not jump off the cliff? It's not like they haven't lived, haven't loved, haven't been-there-done-that and so forth.

But it's very sweet to watch these "older" people, acting like teenagers. And I get to watch, sitting in first row so to speak. It's so sweet. And btw nothing I'm longing for myself. In case you wondered.

Thursday, December 04, 2014

The glass is always half full

One thing I have noticed with getting older is that wounds heal much slower. Last time I had a cut like the one last week was about ten years ago, and I cannot remember exactly how long it took to heal, but it certainly wasn't more than a week. Today my wound is still a little bit open, maybe it was deeper but I think it's because the body takes longer to heal with age. One of these things to get used to.

Here's the barn door "responsible".

Also took a pic of the horse I was riding last week, he doesn't look so big on this pic but trust me, he was.

Today it went very well. I am proud to say I am making progress, and that I had good notes from the group class last week. I was also invited to join the outdoor riding sessions next year. I think I might do just that, but only for two hours, not four.

I like to think that with me the glass is always half full (preferably literally), and one thing that came out positively with my thumb cut was that I had to take painkillers, and they gave me stomach problems. Which in turn took away my appetite a bit, and I am proud to say I have lost another two kg's! One kg away from my second goal this year, and three kg's away from my 17-year-old self, obviously weightwise only.

From something bad comes something good.

Wednesday, December 03, 2014

Banana cake

Banana cake, yum! I dunno, but I seem to have gotten into a baking phase. Obviously I don't eat everything myself, so lately my friends and neighbours have enjoyed a lot of cookies and sweets.

Now I have orders for two marzipan cakes, one this week and one next week, so the phase will continue.

And another thing, I got inspired (!) to clean my fridge yesterday, so started. Omg, it takes time. One shelf out, clean-clean-clean, let it dry, back in and the next one. Plus to wipe off the fridge walls with a wet cloth.

It took me a couple of hours yesterday and I'm still not done. I had a feeling it was only like half a year ago when I did it last time, but it must have been longer, considering how filthy it was. Ouch! I hate filth and dirt. I don't mind a little dusty and messy, but dirty I cannot stand.

Ok, I could have gotten everything out of the fridge and gradually put everything back, but I chose to do it in steps and keep all the stuff in there. And thankfully now I'm almost done.

Monday, December 01, 2014

An enjoyable meeting

Had our yearly meeting in the building association today. As usual at my place, since I'm the only one with a free environment, free from spouses, free from kids, free from any disturbances. And with food always available. They are a grateful bunch, leaving nothing behind, and tonight, my cookies were going at a rate of...I should sell them and become rich!

Anyway, it's now our 5th or 6th time, still under debate, and we are almost always in agreement about everything. Mostly about how we can save more money. Today we agreed to ditch the roof cleaning company, who we were anyway not sure they were doing their job, and only one is bothered about it. Three of us never see the roof, so we don't care.

Further on, one of us (not me!) offered to do the gardening at half the price we are now paying. Excellent!

I have opted since years to get rid of the snow removal company, since 1. it is seldom snowing here in Zürich and 2. it cost a lot more than it is worth since it melts away quickly. I have been voted down though since it might present a risk when not removing it. Somebody might slip. Oh dear. It's like people think we live in America where they sue left, right and center. Think I shall keep on bringing it up every year, and wear them down.

We also agreed on a slight change to our building insurance.

And then of course we all joined in complaining about this lift-service, that is compulsory in Switzerland. Any building with a lift in it, needs to have the city come check on it every two months (for what reason?), and they charge a friggin fortune for it. I guess in an apartment building with lots of flats it's not a big issue, but in our house with four flats, it doesn't make sense to pay this enourmous amount of money to have a perfectly functioning lift checked. For what? I'm thinking to raise the issue, have 100,000 people sign a petition and get Zürich and Switzerland to have a vote for it. I would make a lot of people happy, and the few people who would lose their jobs, frankly I couldn't care less.

The last thing on the agenda was regarding the bomb room. In every house there needs to be a shelter in case there comes a war (don't get me going...). And in our shelter there was a ladder missing, and apparently it was important to make sure it was provided.

But I tell you one thing. In case there comes a war, and I had to share a shelter of 12 m2 with eight neighbours and three kids, I would be happy to join the opposing side.

Thumb ok

So after two more or less sleepless nights with pain and useless painkillers, my thumb is on the mend. No more pain, and I'm down to just two tiny plasters. But the effect of the painkillers made me retain water, so one day I gained a kg, the next day I was peeing every half hour.

I know, whine-whine-whine but it was scary and unnecessary. One of these things that happen. And enough of the complaining now.

Had to laugh when I took the Band-Aid's off, looking at an extremity that didn't look like it belonged to me. All white and raisin-like. But back to normal after an hour or so. Again, it's amazing what such a small wound can do to a persons well-being.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Thumb down

Tonight I got reminded of how quickly things can change, and how very important it is to be healthy.

That little wound I got yesterday, caused me a lot of trouble. First it kept on bleeding through, I ended up with eleven plasters, whereof three wrapped extremely tightly around my thumb. Went to bed normal time, but the finger was pulsating with pain. I visualized all the write blood cells flooding in to help and concentrating on my thumb only. Like the finger cells calling down to the guys normally operating the feet or face, shouting emergency, leave your post and come help.

Between 1.30 and 3.30 this morning I took three painkillers, and managed to finally fall asleep at 4. I don't think I've ever taken so many. Usually I try to stay away from pills.

Today it is slightly better, found another painkiller (ok, expired 2010) that seems to work better. Only took one so far + slept a couple of hours in the afternoon.

Haven't had the nerve to change the bandage yet, but a friend of mine, who is a nurse is coming around tomorrow to help.

Also had this horrible feeling that the skin flap wasn't put back in the right position, and that I will end up with a disfigured thumb. Stupid I know, but when you're in pain there is little else you think about.

The only ones happy were the furry ones. They couldn't believe their luck when I was in and out of bed for hours this morning...hey, she's awake again, let's play. Empathy, heard of it, you ungrateful little b'stards.

Thumb up

Today I was scheduled to have yet another private riding lesson, but 'cause of circumstances it got cancelled and I was asked if I instead wanted to join a group in the evening. I did want.

It was different, the others knew each other, had different levels, and of course being in a group of four is something other than being alone with a teacher. Not only that, I got the biggest horse there was. 1.78, had to stand on a thingie to get up.

But it all went reasonbly well, even though I much prefer to have a horse that is not taller than me. 50 minutes of riding takes a toll on me I tell you. Even though I'm fairly fit by now, it is a long time trying to manoeuvre half a ton (?) of a living creature.

Jumping off I nearly fell backwards, but managed to compose myself. Probably because I didn't want to look stupid in front of others.

Afterwards I wanted to give the horse his carrot, but he had another lesson with a new student, so I went to his box to put it there for him to enjoy for later. Only the barn was closed and it was dark, so when opening the door I hurt myself quite badly. Cut my thumb. It was bleeding like hell. But a bit in shock I still went it in, sucking my thumb, and emptied the carrots in his food bowl.

Coming out I realized I needed help, but there was nobody there. No staff, and the next lesson had already started, so I pressed my other finger against my thumb, held it high and with my left hand fished out my mobile phone and called a friend. And lo and behold, he was home on a Friday evening.

Ten minutes walk from the barn, holding my thumb high up while still pressing (haha, a taxi that passed by slowed down, thought I was flagging him down), and my friend had gotten out the plasters.

First he opened a bottle of spirits to clean the wound, then we put on three plasters. Then he gave me a glass of water and glass of wine, and immediately it felt better.

But by the time I got home it had blead through, so now I'm sitting with eight plasters, the last three extremely tightly wrapped around my thumb. It was actually a pretty deep cut. Like you could flap over a piece of skin. Oh dear.

It won't stop me from riding again, but it might stop me from bringing carrots.

Thursday, November 27, 2014


I believe that heritage and environment have an equal weight in who we are. For example, for most of his life my Dad used to take a half-hour nap after lunch every day. He used to run his own little company, and come home for lunch every day. Then half an hour on the sofa, taking a nap. Then I didn't think twice about it, it was normal.

And as it has turned out, I'm the same. For the last say ten, fifteen years or so, I have a serious energy dip in the afternoon, when all I want to do is sleep. Nowadays I can, and I fall asleep very easily, then wake up and have loads of energy. Evenings and nights are when I'm most alive and energetic.

So I dunno know whether to thank my Dad, or to say that I'd rather had inherited another habit. But in the end it doesn't matter. He was who he was, and I am half of it, like it or not.

Cookie monsters in the building

I may have painted myself into a corner. The other day after making gingerbread cookies and having a lot of them, I decided to share with the neighbours, so put a plate full of them in the staircase for them to enjoy. A day later, it was nearly nothing left. My guess is nobody wanted to take the last. So filled it up. And yet again, today it was almost empty.

Funny thing is that I enjoy baking, but I seldom eat myself what I produce. Not that I don't like them, but it's not the same when you make it yourself. I now understand my Mum better. She used to love when I took her out to a restaurant, whereas I more enjoyed coming home to visit and getting her homecooked food.

Anyway, feeling the pressure now, I am baking again. Guess I love it when I'm appreciated. Even if it's just for cookies.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

One take what one has

One thing that is good about this time of the year is that it's allowed to gorge on raclette. Luckily many friends of mine are as keen on cheese as I am. Tonight we enjoyed almost one kg of cheese between us + everything that goes therewith. Mind you, the new show on youtube I am getting addicted to is called "Fat doctor" where they do gastric by-passes on morbidly obese British people. They would probably have happily munched down a kg on their own. As a snack. But that's beside the point, and worthy of a whole blog item later.

So we enjoyed an evening together, four grown-ups with lots of life experience, and there was never a shortage of topics to talk about. Funnily enough my two pants came up as a subject, and it turns out that everybody has more than two pants in their wardrobe. Well, so do I, 'cause I haven't gotten around to give it to charity yet, and as one pessimist amongst us phrased it "maybe you better keep it for when you get it back on again". Hmm. Not. If I now managed to keep it off since half a year, I very much plan to keep it off for a lifetime. It's not yo-yo-dieting when you change your lifestyle as well.

But getting back to the two pair of pants, I also have two, well actually three pair of shorts. One that I had for let me guess, maybe 20 years, and have holes where there shouldn't be holes. I use them for training at home. One pair I bought only a few months ago at H&M's and they are already falling apart, I find bits of them in my bed every morning, yes I sleep in them. The last pair I bought at H&M I got money back for, but I cannot be arsed one again to go back and complain. Which is probably what they expect most people to do. The third pair are all right, except I don't have to open the zipper anymore to take them off, i.e. they are too big.

Anyway, I was gonna write about my new drink, but got a bit carried away there. All of my visitors tonight enjoy a rich Irish coffee, and so do I. Problem was I remembered too late, and didn't have cream at home, so what to do? I did an "Irish" coffee consisting of coffee (obviously), brown sugar, Greek cognac (well, it's alcoholic and therefore had to do substituting any whisky) and foamy milk, using my little whisky (haha, that got funny without being meant to...maybe whiskie?) thing.

But they all seemed to enjoy it, and when my guests are happy, so am I.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Cooking and baking

It's been a very grey day today, one when one had to have the lights on all day. This is unusual here in Zürich. So I decided it was a day for cooking and baking.

First I did another lasagne, had to redeem myself doing one without sails. Then it was on to Christmas gingerbread cookies and finally small little crusty thingies with Roquefort cheese. The latter as a starter for tomorrows dinner.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Blame the right person

It is said that you cannot be cautious enough when choosing your parents, but in my case I must say that even though I didn't exactly choose my neighbours, I have been lucky.

That said, we are an uneven bunch, all very different and not always agreeing, different ages, different political views, from various countries and I could go on, but still. We are a group that have over the years become very close.

Today we celebrated a birthday, and I, as a childfree person, noticed a difference in the parents there. Two kids were loud, sometimes obnoxious, they were everywhere and interrupted any conversation. When they left, the two remaining kids were hardly noticeable. They were there alright, but not in the way and not in any way disturbing.

Which proves my point. It's all down to the parents and how the kids are raised. And for the record, the kids are not to blame, the parents are.

Saturday, November 22, 2014


I went to a dinner the other day, and realized just before leaving that I had only one pair of pants that fit me these days. And those were the pants that I wore when riding. Ok, so the lower part of the legs are covered in chaps, and the upper part is only getting in contact with the saddle, but still.

Luckily the hostess didn't comment on any possible stink, not that she would being polite and all. At least not to my face :).

But to avoid this in future I went shopping for new pants today, and got frustrated yet again. Low waist, super-low waist and one sort that had high waist. As I'd like to avoid the grandma look, I was finding only one with normal waist but they were ugly. Also 60 francs. Eventually I ended up buying a pair of black jeans, looking just like my old ones for 20 francs. I mean, I don't understand why the 60 francs pair would be better than a 20 francs pair, since they're all made in Asia anyway. Not that I'd like to contribute to child labour, but I have to trust H&M to be honest...well honest-ish I guess.

So a new pair of jeans it is, and the only good thing with the low waist is that my still somewhat wobbly stomach is "hanging out", so that I won't forget that I still have some kg's to go.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Veggie stuff

Ok, I may have to stop putting down vegetarian food, 'cause tonight I had another delish meal, purely consisting of veggie stuff.

First a creamy pumpkin soup, perfect to dip fresh bread into, and a salad with halloumi which was new to me. A goat/sheep cheese from Cyprus, that you fry or grill. Salty but tasty.

Yes, I might consider to stop dissing vegetarians, but on the other hand, maybe not. I gotta have something to focus my displeasure on :).

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Lasagne - Sydney opera style

Had a friend over tonight, and we were cooking together. Cooking together for us meant today that we were shopping, he was paying and I was cooking. Or so he thought. Ha!

But I was in the lead, together with my computer. Looking up a lasagne recipe, and I thought we were home. And we would've been had I not been so hungry in the end, that I told him to put the lasagne sheets on top and shove it in the oven.

In guess I should have taken another second to think about it. Pasta needs some glue, something wet on top to keep it together.

But I tell you what. After we scraped those hard bits off, it tasted absolutely delish. Plus we learned something. And that ain't too bad.

I got a compliment!

I cannot believe I waited this long before I started with horseback riding again. Why? I really don't know, and I've been a slow starter, having only had lessons like every two, three weeks or so. And every time I had butterflies in my stomach. But not after today. I feel invincible.

Last time was the first time I felt that I was back in the saddle (I know, sorry, but the quote fits), so today I had the feeling that something is about to go wrong. Surely this cannot last.

But it did! Not only did I fend off a nervous fit from the horse, but twice! He was hearing something from outside that I didn't and galloped off without being told to, and I reacted just as I should. Sitting back, holding the reins and being calm as a cucumber. Well, not quite, but nearly.

This riding thing gives me so much energy, and I'm happy to say that today was the first time I lasted half an hour without having a drop of water. Before I always had to stop, asking the teacher to give me my bottle, 'cause I had absolutely no saliva left in my mouth. I'm getting fitter while having fun.

I have had quite a few comments from friends lately, who don't believe I'm me anymore. I have changed so much. And I can understand. I mean, I rather stay home cleaning on a Friday night than going out, and I'm doing sports every day. If you would have told me that only five years ago, I would have laughed you in the face. And given you the finger.

But there you go. People change, and so do I.

Oh, the compliment? I finished my riding lesson, and the next student came over to take the horse, and said to me "das hast du gut gemacht, du hattest alles im Griff". Hmpf! Meaning, you did good and you managed the horse well. I, as usual, had a hard time taking a compliment, and felt like an idiot after. Why couldn't I just say thank you? Perhaps because I am so not used to getting them...

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Kid 5

It is strange to think that a kid would be close to me, and a child that isn't even related. But she is. And today she turned 5. I knew that she would have a kid party in the afternoon, so I stayed miles away, but in the evening I knocked on the door, presenting her with painting material. She's very good with that.

And as it turned out some other neighbours were there too, and it turned into a party. We were chatting, having discussions about everything and nothing, all while the kid in question were painting away.

A good excuse for a party I'll say.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Bloody business

Since I started my new and somewhat healthier regime in January this year I had some digestive problems. My Swiss friend would phrase it like I have problems with depositing my waste, I would like always be frank and say I have a shitting problem.

Or had. It took about six months to sort it out and for my body to get used to my new and healthier diet, but in that time I developed some sort of haemorrhoid, a little thingie just inside that makes "depositing waste" painful.

Since I'm not the type to run to my doctor for any little ailment, I've treated myself with baby oil. Which hasn't worked. So today I went to the pharmacy, thinking a little stronger medication was needed. But you know, standing there with people around, you feel a bit embarrassed. So I zoned out the people around, first asking for some other medication for my home pharmacy, and then wispering "I need a creme for haemorroids", at which the assistant just nodded and brought me without so much as a flick.

I really don't know why that should feel embarrassing, since I read up on google that 50% of the population have it one time or another in their life. But it does.

Then I heard from my "stalker" that he works in the medication business, and I immediately thought that I should ask him if he can provide me with some free meds. How's that for a first date?

A stalker?

I just had the weirdest phone call ever. A guy called just now on my landline. Normally it's always somebody who wants to sell me something calling on that line. Except for a few close friends, everybody uses my mobile phone.

So when the phone rings on a Saturday evening at a quarter past ten, I'm thinking immediately it's an emergency of some kind.

Instead it was a guy, calling me Annika, telling me the weirdest story. At first I thought it was the boyfriend of a good friend of mine, the name suggested it, but it wasn't.

Turns out a couple of weeks ago he had seen me outside my house, and thought I was hot. He claimed he didn't find a parking place quick enough to approach me, so he looked up my name on the mailbox. He then needed some weeks to work up the courage to google me and find my phone number. And then call me. I asked him if he was drunk, and he claimed he wasn't. And I believe him, since he didn't sound like it.

But I have a weird feeling. I mean he was nice enough and all, but in the end he did mention something about "I bet we'd have great sex" and that's when I kinda ended the conversation. In my world that is no start of a good relationship. Not anymore I should add :).

He gave me his phone number, three times, to be sure I got it. But I'm gonna have to marinate on this. And I do feel a bit uneasy that he knows where I live. It gives me a bit of relief though that he asked if I have a jealous man in my life, and I didn't tell him I didn't.

However, I cannot help feeling a little bit flattered. An eleven years younger man thinks I'm hot! Good for my self confidence. Ha, like I need it!

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Personal hygiene

Florence Nightingale had a point. Personal hygiene is important. Some years ago, quite a few actually, it was a hype about some Asian bird flu and the company I was working for was installing antiseptic spray thingies everywhere. I especially remember a collegue of mine who loved it, he used to spray as often as he could and when we were in the elevator together it was stinking of alcohol.

Not that I have anything against alcohol, but the stench was overwhelming. Personally I believe in normal hygiene. I learned then to always wash my hands coming home. At first it had to do with my kittens. They are indoor cats and I didn't want to contaminate them with anything from the outside.

Now it's become a habit. First thing I do coming back home is to wash my hands, and believe it or not, I am healthier for it. Before I used to have colds like 2-3 times a year, now I haven't had any since I can remember (and no, not yet Alzheimers, but you get my meaning). I am careful going on trams and buses, trying to not touch any buttons or poles, and if I do, I try to do it using my jacket or an arm from a sweater.

However, I am a firm believer of bacterias and that you cannot avoid everything in life. I think that the more you get exposed, the better for your immune system, but at the same time, avoiding unnecessary colds is a good thing.

And sensible personal hygiene I heartily recommend.


I have really learned to like cooking, especially since I have time to do it properly. Today I prepared a duck for a feast tomorrow. 2 kg's of prime bird. I used salt, pepper, olive oil, chili, rosmarin, orange zest and stuffed it with the rest of the orange. Mouth is watering already.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Me eco-friendly?

Lately I've been upping my breakfast/lunch, which btw is always combined, with eating more. Before I was always hungry again after like three hours, so realized it's better to eat the main meal midday, and then something smaller in the late afternoon/evening. Two meals a day is fine for me, with a snack now and then in between.

So since a few days I added a banana yoghurt to my first meal, but when I read on the contents label I realized it was 12% (!!!) sugar and other additives. Not good. So today I bought "bio" yoghurt and wanted to buy real bananas for taste. They were imported from Colombia, so no go. I ended up purchasing frozen raspberries from Serbia. Not optimal, but I'm really trying.

And I'm wondering, do bananas not grow at all in Europe? It surely is warm enough in the southern parts, isn't it?

This living eco-friendly certainly ain't easy.

Thursday, November 06, 2014

Swiss VII

Yesterday I got a confirmation that my application to become a Swiss citizen is now in motion. A full A4 with information that they will now check with my "Wohngemeinde", which is the area I live in, and if in my favour it'll go on to the canton and eventually on to the governmental body who deals with us foreigners.

Not to forget, it's also gonna cost me. No surprise there. But also a reminder not to send any more documents to the Zürich city people, from now on I've been passed over to the next level. No problem with me, the less papers the better.

But it reminded me about the last questionnaire I sent in. It asked me about my marital status, like if I'm married, divorced, widowed or similar. It said "Ledig (noch nicht verheiratet)" which I find hysterically funny. It means "single (not yet married)". Like being married is a goal that everybody strives for. Haha, if that is a criteria I shall never become Swiss. But if I do, I shall exercise my right to vote, 'cause at least I, as a woman, will have one :).

Back in the saddle

I am continuing my strive to get fitter (and smaller), but sometimes I get demoralized. Yesterday I was doing one full hour on the spin bike, 21 km and 700 calories according to the display...and another half hour in the evening, 9 km and 300 calories. 0 grams lost this morning. And I didn't stuff myself full with food at all, rather the opposite.

However, after having a riding lesson this afternoon I feel invigorated again. Especially since I had the feeling that I'm back in the saddle again so to speak, meaning I feel it went as good as it went when I stopped so many years ago. I felt in control, and started to really enjoy riding again.

Not that I didn't before, but it feels so much better to have a sense of achievement, like it's going forward, I'm getting better.

Still, I'm not up to the fitness level I need to be. Ten minutes of trotting and I'm panting like a dog, almost with my tongue hanging out. Condensation on my specs, that's how much I'm sweating.

But considering I've only taken five or six lessons so far, I'm hopeful for the future. Beach 2015, I'm gonna be a cougar!

Wednesday, November 05, 2014

I'm a nobody

I am so extremely happy I am not famous, or even known to the public. I read a lot of news, as well as blogs.

I'm thinking about Obama, who now has a struggle with the republicans, meaning he will not be able to get anything through in his last two years as president. Everybody loses, it becomes a standstill, which in my opinion is worse than going forward.

I'm also thinking about a famous blogger who recently posted an item about her swimming with dolphins, and immediately got anti-comments about how bad that is. Not that I approve of swimming with dolphins not being free, but still. Not being able to do anything without being scrutinized must be horrible.

I mean, all of us are making mistakes now and then, it's human and unavoidable, politicians as well as all other famous or infamous people, and with the press today they are not getting away with anything.

One might argue that if they choose to be public, they must accept the criticism, but I think sometimes it's gone overboard. Imagine the stress these people must feel. I'm not surprised it's a turnover amongst politicians worse than in big corporations, and that's quite bad, I know from experience.

Just saying. I am so happy being an unknown, a nobody, a person behind the scenes. And grateful that I can blog without being judged. Well, except for the occasional sarcastic comment from friends of course :).

Sunday, November 02, 2014


So after some harsh advice from friends, one in particular, I did decide to go for the riding lessons every Friday evening starting January, going on to June. Six months, every week, I still don't know if it was a good choice, but I'm sure I'll be superfit come summer.

It was funny last time I was there, I got the gear I bought, and told the teacher I had a dream that she told me the helmet was too big and she got angry. She just laughed and said "you put the chaps on the wrong legs". Ah. Nothing like feeling like a fool.

But taking lessons with four people means you do not get to ride the same horse every time. And with every horse you have to learn how they react to you. I was foolishly asking if I could get Diamante every time, but no go. "Everybody wants Diamante". Ok. So I guess the other horses are more difficult.

This is definitely a challenge, but I'm up for it. On Thursday is the next lesson. And I pushed forward my goal to jump, since I feel I have a bit more to go before I'm ready. But I'll be there. Again.

Saturday, November 01, 2014


There is a chain of food shops here in Switzerland called Spar, meaning save. And I guess they have cheaper prices than other stores. But today I was a bit disappointed.

I was on my way home being hungry, and needed to shop for food, I was planning to cook but needed an energy boost immediately. Saw this package of two sandwiches, prices 2.40 and with a sticker saying 50%. Neat.

But when I got to the cashier I turned out that 2.40 was half the price already. I'm not entirely sure it's legal to have a price tag saying 2.40 and another saying 50%, meaning the discount is already taken off.

But ok, I bought it, I'm not gonna sue them :), after all I'm not American, but still. It bugs me. And I think I'll stick to Coop and Migros in the future.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Customer cards

Normally I'm against all these so called "customer cards", which means you have to be a member of their company, but I have to admit I have changed a bit due to greed I guess. It started when I bought my fabulous (and extremely expensive bed), learning that I could get an 8% discount if I registered as a customer and got a card. Did it, and since then I had some gifts and also some quite attractive offers.

Thinking about it, I as well have Coop and Migros cards, which from Migros gives me about 5 francs vouchers every two months, and in Coop you can sometimes pay with points instead of cash. This appeals to me.

When I bought my sofa from Ikea some years ago I also registered with an Ikea family card. This to me is not my M.O. since traditional families is not my thing, but the discount did made me do it. Since then I was invited to the launch of the new catalogue (which I didn't get at the time), but I got some delicious chocolate cake, and that was enough for me.

A few months ago Ikea asked for people who wanted to live more green, and at the spur of the moment I applied, but my application was kinda weird. I am already living as green as possible (within my limits) and so said that maybe somebody else could learn more from the experience than I. Anyway, today I got an email back saying that unfortunately I wasn't chosen, (28 people out of 700+ were) but I have some gifts they would like me to have as a thank you for applying.

This time they also told me what it was, and even though I'm not overwhelmed, I appreciate their willingness to thank me for applying. And that "KOPPLA Mehrfachsteckdose" I can certainly use.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Money money money

In my life I have always saved money. I grew up in a family, not poor, not rich, we had everything we needed but there was no luxury. I learned at a very young age to save if I wanted something. And I thank my parents for that lesson, 'cause that's why I can live the life I do now.

In my youth there were few if any credit cards, so my motto has always been "save first, spend later". Unlike today I understand, where people overspend left, right and center.

So I had to laugh today. Since about eight? years I have changed to a conservative bank. I have had many banks in many countries in my life, where the advisors have been dead wrong and cost me a lot of money. I have also had a family member giving me advice what shares, funds and whatsit to buy, but since some years I have taken over responsibility for my own finances completely. Which I probably should've done earlier.

Had a meeting with my bank today. It wasn't because I requested it, it was because they called me and my new "advisor" wanted to meet with me. Ok, fine with me, I could waste an hour if that's what they wanted.

I have no secrets when it comes to my finances, so were completely open. But here comes the laughing bit. No, I don't want any financial advice, 'cause every time I trust somebody else it turns out to be a bad idea. Every time I trust my instinct, it has always given a better return. And no, I don't need to hear your background and about your career, done it, been there and so forth. And I really question why there were two of you? The bank I have chosen to care for my money should not waste their time on a small time investor like me.

The problem is, I cannot think of another bank which would be better, and if I have to spend/waste an hour a year telling them about my investment strategy, I think I can live with that.

PS. They gave me a whole folder with papers about my finances (like I can't see that on internet banking whenever I want) to be stored and hopefully forgotten about. And another tree died.


I have lived in two countries that have chosen not to join EU. Of course, I have lived long enough to remember the time when there was no EU, and every time you travelled it was duty-free heaven. Cheap booze and cheap tobacco, what could be better than that? Plus I remember the time when you could order a seat in the back of the plane, a smoking seat. Those were the times!

Personally I like the idea of EU, having a union makes fighting against each other more difficult, and a world without wars would be utopia. Will never happen, but the forming of EU is a start, just like the federation of the American states.

However, I do like the duty-free bit. And I had forgotten I'm sorry to say, since I used to travel myself a lot and had a never-ending supply of stuff, that when I came to Switzerland a pack of ciggies cost around 5 francs, and now it's up to 8. Almost to the limit where I cringe every time I have to pay. So to my delight I realized I have neighbours who travel! I dunno what took me so long. Maybe because I'm used to rely on me and myself only.

The last couple of weeks I had packs from Tenerife for 3.50 a pack, and from oh-I-dunno-where-he-was for 5.20 a pack. Maybe not so good in my strive to reduce, but heckuvalot better for my purse. Money over health?

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

More blood

So finally the blood donating people woke up, and realized that I volunteered to donate three times a year instead of two, so tomorrow I'm off again.

Every time you have to answer an extensive form with questions (I'm surrounded by forms these days), but they are not personalized. Which I think would be very easy to do nowadays. Like the question if I was born outside of Europe, which I now have answered 22 times. I'm toying with the idea of ticking the yes box once to see what they say.

Or if I spent any time between 1980 and 1996 anywhere in the Great Britain (guess it has to do with mad cow). Or if I had growth hormones before 1986. 22 times people I have answered that.

But there is one question that always makes me laugh, and I believe it's my German that is not up to scratch. It asks if I've been in a risk situation with "Sexuelle Kontakte unter Männern seit 1977". To me it reads like have I been under a man since 1977? Yes I have I can reveal. But I'm pretty sure that's not what the question is about. Or is it :) ?

Monday, October 27, 2014

Sport: cleaning

Lately I have been doing my own cleaning. I know, it sounds weird, but one of the things I always thought was worth it, was to buy cleaning help. I hated to clean. Washing, ironing, cooking, all the stuff that needs to be done, was never an issue for me, but cleaning was. It felt like a chore.

But no longer! I have discovered that cleaning is a sport. You move, you sweat, it's not something you particularly look forward to, but you feel so much better afterwards. And I know it's been done properly, when I've done it myself.

It's amazing it took me this many years to find that out.

Swiss VI

So I sent in all the gazillions of papers and forms, asked of me by ze Swiss authorities, in order to process my application for citizenship.

Today I got a letter, confirming that they have received my request, and that they are happy that I have decided to apply. Ha! Pretty sure that's not the case.

I was asked to fill in yet another form, one that I hadn't seen before, and which was attached to the letter. Simply confirming stuff that I already had given them. Yes, I'm single, no I still don't have any kids since last week, and my parents had no Swiss citizenship.

I was informed that if I didn't return this form within 3 months, they would not consider my application. Like I would spend several hundred francs on ordering all the necessary forms, and they hey, I think I decide not to apply after all?

But I am even more determined now to play their game. Throw as many forms at me as you can, I'll deal with them all.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

The meaning of life

Had some friends over for dinner tonight, raclette yeah, it's autumn and time for cheese again. Fab. And it got a bit late, since we got into a discussion about the reason why we are here on earth. And it turned out to be different for all three of us. Not having anything to do with 42.

One of us had love as a first, being in a relationship and getting to be appreciated as a person was first on her list, me on the other hand had self worth, standing up for yourself, trying to be the best person you can be, and surprisingly enough the third one of us meant that buying only the best things would make you happy. In his case it was a Korean rice-cooker. He's a man and I rest my case.

Friday, October 24, 2014

That smoking thing

I know I'm sticking my neck out here, not really being devoted to stop smoking, but I am making baby steps towards a healthier life.

Let's not be fooled here, I loooove smoking, I love my cigarettes, I love the feeling they are giving me, but I am not stupid. I realize they are essentially bad for me. However, I do also believe that it's not as bad as it's made out to be, since a lot of smokers get to be 80, 90 or even older.

That said, I believe that smoking less than I currently do would be a good thing. I have started to change my behaviour a little bit, like when I'm sitting in front of my computer, moving the cig pack away so that I have to stand up in order to reach it. And when I go food shopping almost every day, I leave the ciggies back home.

It was funny, I met with a friend the other day, and he had gone to psycho therapy, in order to learn to change his behaviour, and he had been told the exact same thing. Change your behaviour with little things. I call it common sense, some people need therapy.

Ah well, I make no promises, other than that I will try. And that's not a bad thing.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Mixed feelings about becoming super fit

I went to have a riding lesson again today, and I felt really professional wearing the gear I got some weeks ago. And I have to admit, that having real riding boots made a difference. Before my feet were all over the place in the straps, but now I sat very firm and got a better balance.

And I'm glad to say my tail bone gave me no problems, not even when galloping.

But now I have to think hard. I was planning on having lessons in a group of four, but the only one still available is on Fridays at 19.30. Normally I do something completely different then (you guess!).

Every week from January to June on Friday evening. I am tempted, and of course it would be good for me, breaking some habits and do something more healthy.

I also appreciate the teacher, even if she's very upfront and into "telling the truth". There is absolutely no smooth-talking there. It's "we have to build up your fitness level continuing with the private lessons this year" (hey, I've been training all of this year, but agreed, riding is something else and even though my leg strength is getting better and better with the spin bike thingie, I still sweat like a pig after just half an hour). I keep on referring to my age, using it as a defense tool, but she's having none of that. "One in the class of four is 65, so quit whining". Ok, she didn't say it exactly like that, but to me it sounded just like that.

However, in the classes next year there is another teacher, so maybe she's nicer :) ? Don't think so.

It's a humbling experience not being the best in your field (haha, I sound like I always was).

Right now I'm leaning towards signing up, even though those group lessons are 50 minutes long, and not 30 minutes like now. Oh dear!

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Natural beauty

I saw a talkshow some time ago, where somebody claimed that people spend 3.5 years of their time taking care of their body, like showering, clipping nails, shaving and the likes. That sounds a lot to me. I haven't calculated how much per day that would be, but I'm sure it doesn't apply to myself.

I'm the type of person who doesn't like to shower, much less take a bath, which is why I chose not to have a bathtub. I do it as quickly as possible, dry myself off, apply body lotion, deodorant and mascara, and am out of the bathroom in 10 minutes. I'm not particularly fond of massage, but I do clip my nails when neccessary.

I believe it's called natural beauty ;).

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Administration in Zürich

If I would guess where administrators would be top in the world, I would say Switzerland. I mean, they absolutely adore paper forms, official stamps and whatever paperwork makes normal people miserable. But I would be wrong.

Let's look at a few examples. When I applied as a volunteer worker for Pfarrer Sieber, they were enthusiastic at first, but then I never heard back. When I applied to be a volunteer for the city of Zürich, I had to send two emails in order to get an answer. When I wanted to take riding lessons, I equally had to send severals mails before I got heard.

After I gave blood last time early May, I sent them a mail saying that I can stretch to give three times a year, instead of only two, and got confirmation that they would update their system. Now, five and a half months later I haven't heard beep.

And these are all organizations who one way or another get my money. I really don't understand.

Tropical Zürich

We've been having a fantastic autumn here in Zürich, maybe to make up for the rainy June, but really. It's been like over 20° and sunny almost every day.

However, when I today checked out the weather for the coming week I saw something surprising: a tropical rainstorm called Gonzalo is expected mid next week. A tropical rainstorm in Zürich? That global warming thingie is really heating up, so to speak.

This will be exciting!

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Life from above

In my bedroom I have wardrobes. This is no revelation, but since I have in-door cats I constantly think of ways to entertain them. And as most people know, cats love to look at life from above.

Today a friend of mine brought a gift. Which is funny, since I only mentioned it to him a few days ago, but he's an animal-lover so had spent time to create a ladder.

My cats have as of yet not seen the new addition, but I guess tonight will be a night of discovery. What won't I do for my furry ones?

Getting there

This weight-loss thingie is a whole science. It's not only eat healthy and less, and do sports, but other aspects come into the equation after some time. Like I learned the last few days. I ate more than normal a few days ago, and lost 500 grams! Fantastic. But I realized that saga wouldn't last long.

So I've learned that changing your training is also important, like if you do the same sports in the morning every day, then change to do it in the middle of the day or in the evening instead. Or change what you're doing, 'cause the body adjusts and after a while you see no result even if you're moving every day.

What a bummer! I would've been happy continuing with the spin bike half an hour every morning (watching an episode of Biggest loser, feeling very thin, 'cause they are really obese), but now I've gotta change!

So far I've got a spin bike, some light weights, and a stepper. Plus my own body weight. I have to come up with new ways of training. Unfortunately youtube only provides you with very boring zumba classes. Otherwise that would be something that appeals to me.

But apart from an anorexic period way back, I haven't weighed this little since I was in my teens! Pat on back. And truly, I don't need to lose anymore, but it's become a challenge now. Especially since I have spent so much blog space talking about it :).

Friday, October 17, 2014

Goodbye and RIP

So I went to my second funeral here in Switzerland today. It wasn't as much a funeral, it was a ceremony by the grave where the urn was lowered into the ground. People gathered, the priest was talking, there were flowers and it wasn't too sad. Maybe because I kept the distance a bit, since I wasn't near family, and that I have a bit of a problem with death. Well, who doesn't? But I have especially bad memories from death, funerals and saying goodbye.

We declined going to the church and the dinner afterwards, felt it was too much, since I'm an atheist, and that god thingie doesn't do it for me, but it felt good to have been there. We left a card, and my friend spoke to the brother, and so we made our presence known. Which was good, since nobody else knew who we were.

There were many people there. She lived alone like me, had four cats, and a quite active social life. And she was appreciated. A friend of hers held a speech by the grave, talking about a bird with a broken wing, who managed to get away from a cat, flying up to sit on top of a tree, saving her life for a little while, and enjoying, but at the same time knowing the cat would still get her eventually.

A beautiful analogy for somebody who truly loved animals. She will be missed.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

In a better place?

I had lunch with the Zürich "Krebsliga" (cancer fund) today. I have developed a good relationship with them, and try to support them best I can. Next year I will walk with them, something I learned today, every year two breast cancer women arrange a walk, supported by the "Krebsliga", all dressed in pink. As it so happens I have a sporty outfit in pink.

We also had a serious talk, as always when we meet. We share a common history, having lost both our parents too early, and I told him about an acquaintance/friend of mine who has cancer for the second time and it has spread. Last time I talked to her two weeks ago she was at home unable to get out of bed, but didn't want me to visit.

Which was fine, I understand when you want to be alone. I know that she had cancer that has spread, and that she didn't want treatment anymore. She said to me last time we met "Annika, you don't know how it is, I've been sick for ten years, and I don't want any more treatment". And she was right, I don't know.

Today, when telling the story to my friend in the "Krebsliga" he informed me that they provide free adjustable beds to terminally ill people, and I got a leaflet. I thought, maybe this is something a dying person can use?

So when visited tonight by a friend, who also knows this person, we called her and left a message. When we didn't get an answer, we decided to write a card to say we were thinking about her and the likes. At the same time I googled her name and address and got directed to a site for Stadt Zürich. Ok, I thought, she probably worked there before.

Turned out to be an official site for funerals. She is dead. I spoke to her two weeks ago. It feels wrong. She was a good person. Trustworthy, kind and a cat-lover. She had four. I wonder what will happen to them now.

So tomorrow we are going to the funeral. It feels like the least I can do, even if we were not close friends, she was a person I respected. And she was only 55 years old.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

My tail bone - a national disaster?

I was out walking today for five hours! Ok, we did not walk the whole time, it did include a fabulous lunch with fish soup at the Viadukt area in Zürich (can recommend), and a few stops having some wine but still. It was a long day in the sun, fabulous weather and not even the whiny kid could get my mood down.

So we had a stroll at the Limmat, talking about this and that, and just enjoying. When we sat down I remarked that I still have some problems, but it's getting much better. My friend responded "oh yeah, I forgot about that". To which I didn't say anything, but afterwards thought: wouldn't it be really strange if a friend of mine went around thinking about my tail bone?

Just a thought :).

Monday, October 13, 2014


I have really good friends. Today I got my second birthday present, and that even before my birthday is here. But I love it. They give me things that I want and was planning on getting anyway. This time it was books. A friend of mine visited my home country, and got me some literature in my mother tongue. Very much appreciated.

I think also my neighbours, who's flat I'm looking after whenever they go on holiday, have gotten it. Last time it was like "well, what can we bring you back from Tenerife?". Oh gosh, please not another souvenir. I've been to Tenerife several times myself and really do not want anything from there. But dutyfree cigarettes...yes please.

Anything that can be consumed is appreciated. The rest I can get myself. Except for the riding boots of course, I will very much enjoy them.

Bubo bubo et vespa vulgaris

Every weekday I'm watching this quiz show, and I just love it when people you don't expect pull a rabbit out of their hat. Not literally of course, but today there was a question about what an Eurasian eagle-owl is called in latin, and the guy answered, like it was nothing, "bubo bubo".

If I were on the show, which btw will never happen, I'm much more comfortable screaming out the answer in front of my computer screen, but if I were, I wish the question would be "what is a wasp called in latin?". I would know the answer in my sleep. Vespa vulgaris. I don't remember where I learned it, and why, but I did.

The queen of useless knowledge? I dunno know, but I do know lots of stuff. And most of it is of no use to me. Wish I knew next weeks euromillion numbers instead. That would really be impressive!

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Date Sunday

Had another date today. He seemed to be a nice person, and we took a stroll through town, talking easily and finding out things about each other.

My thoughts were that we may be good friends, and that he was fairly open and easy to talk to, but when we parted he said he needed to think about where to go next. Huh? What's to think about I thought, but fair enough. I have no stress in getting to know somebody more, who isn't interested. But I had to laugh about that he didn't even ask if I was interested, just took it for granted. Men!

Thursday, October 09, 2014

Riding gear

Went shopping for riding gear today. I needed a helmet (as well as a healed tail bone), so that I don't have to borrow a dirty, god-knows-what-with-possibly-lice-in-it helmet I previously used. Had one when I was young(er), which unfortunately I threw away.

I also needed riding boots, or at least "chaps". That's what I learned they are called. These are thingies you use on your legs, if you don't have proper long boots, in order to prevent the leather straps to turn your inner legs to blue. Which happened to me all three times I took riding lessons so far.

Good thing I had a friend with me today. For two reasons actually. First, I didn't wanna splash out too much money on a helmet, since I don't plan on being professional, and so went for the 59 francs one. It fit, and felt great. But when I asked my friend if I looked good in it, he responded that nobody ever looks good in a helmet. Fair point.

Then we came to the cashier, and it turned out to be 119 francs. Twice the price. Not ok. My friend stepped in, and told them that if they advertise 59 francs, 59 francs it is. After some discussions, and "I have to call the manager" they offered me 20% off. I wasn't sure, but my friend told me to take it. After all, it was a great fit and he thought it would be safer than buying a cheaper one. Fair enough, even though I would've been happier with 59 francs. However, I melted a bit when I got free plastic bag. One of those that lasts a long time, and that had very pretty pictures of all kinds of animals on it. I know, I'm a cheap date.

Then I bought some "chaps", which to my great delight only fitted in small! And even they were not tight! When have I ever bought something in small since I was like 13? These days I seem to be happy for the smallest (haha) things.

And then the second reason I was happy my friend was with me. I was trying on some boots which would fit with the "chaps", but wasn't sure. I was thinking I could get something cheaper in a shoe store, and I don't need to look all that when taking riding lessons. He then said "stop now. I'm buying you these as an early birthday present!". I nearly kissed him then and there. But being me, of course I didn't.

In the evening we had dinner at my place and I was parading around in my new gear!

Wednesday, October 08, 2014

Picture memory

Some weeks ago I placed an order for wine to be delivered. I do that a couple of times a year, and then I'm stocked up and have enough both for my own consumption and for friends. Easy and convenient.

Today I got a letter from the supplier, giving me a voucher for 15 francs. Great I thought, and put it in the pile for future use.

But something stuck in my mind, when I see something in writing it tends to stay with me. And a few hours later I realized what it was. There was an end date to the voucher. Picked up the letter again and got it confirmed. Only valid for two weeks.

So now I placed an order again, no way I was gonna let 15 francs pass me by, good thing I cleaned out my basement so there is space enough!

Every life is worth saving

Or is it? I don't have any experience with war, other than what I've read or heard in history lessons or through the media, but I'm pretty sure that 99.9% of the population would agree with me that the world would've been better if Hitler, Pol Pot, Mugabe, Idi Amin, Kim Jong-Il and the likes hadn't been born.

How many Bill Gates's, Richard Branson's, Stephen Hawking's, Nelson Mandela's (my personal fav's), Mother Teresa's and Desmond Tutu's have been killed through wars?

Nobody knows of course, since a life taken cannot be judged by those still living.

Sometimes when I walk through a graveyard, I see stones with names and the age they were when they died, and my mind goes to why. Especially if they were young when they passed. Who would they have been if they had still lived?

Here in Switzerland there is a political party called SVP, who hates everything foreign and everybody who wasn't born here is not welcome. Personally, I wanna ship them all to North Korea, which I believe is a regime that would suit them like hand in glove.

Now I just have to send in my application for Swiss citizenship, then I'll take SVP on :).

But what I wanted to say with this blog item was to ask if there is any proof anywhere that wars do work? Do they accomplish anything in the end? Ok, so Saddam and what's-his-name in Afghanistan were killed by America, but did it get better? Did the world benefit from World War I and II?

My belief is that it didn't. And that Israeli and Palestinian thing that's been going on forever, is it making life better for the people there? Absolutely not.

Religion and power hunger, that's the problem if you ask me. And food for thought, very few women are involved in these fights.

Over and out from an atheist.

The plank

Read about the plank and tried it yesterday. It is said that a normalfit person could do one minute, and to my surprise so could I. Also read that the record is four and a half hours. Why anybody would do that is beyond me.
And for the other record, it's not me on the pic. Yet :).