Thursday, October 23, 2014

Mixed feelings about becoming super fit

I went to have a riding lesson again today, and I felt really professional wearing the gear I got some weeks ago. And I have to admit, that having real riding boots made a difference. Before my feet were all over the place in the straps, but now I sat very firm and got a better balance.

And I'm glad to say my tail bone gave me no problems, not even when galloping.

But now I have to think hard. I was planning on having lessons in a group of four, but the only one still available is on Fridays at 19.30. Normally I do something completely different then (you guess!).

Every week from January to June on Friday evening. I am tempted, and of course it would be good for me, breaking some habits and do something more healthy.

I also appreciate the teacher, even if she's very upfront and into "telling the truth". There is absolutely no smooth-talking there. It's "we have to build up your fitness level continuing with the private lessons this year" (hey, I've been training all of this year, but agreed, riding is something else and even though my leg strength is getting better and better with the spin bike thingie, I still sweat like a pig after just half an hour). I keep on referring to my age, using it as a defense tool, but she's having none of that. "One in the class of four is 65, so quit whining". Ok, she didn't say it exactly like that, but to me it sounded just like that.

However, in the classes next year there is another teacher, so maybe she's nicer :) ? Don't think so.

It's a humbling experience not being the best in your field (haha, I sound like I always was).

Right now I'm leaning towards signing up, even though those group lessons are 50 minutes long, and not 30 minutes like now. Oh dear!


Anonymous said...

sounds like a no brainer to me! you can do your usual Friday night activity any other night, or after 8.30 when the riding lesson is done, maybe with the new friends you're likely to make ;). You get to make progress to several of the goals you are keen to achieve (getting fitter, horse jumping, making new friends). Presumably you also save some money doing group lessons rather than individual.
Go and enjoy!

Witchbitch said...

You think so? Today I was kinda gonna refrain from signing up, but you are right. I'll have another think. I have until Sunday to sign up.