Thursday, October 09, 2014

Riding gear

Went shopping for riding gear today. I needed a helmet (as well as a healed tail bone), so that I don't have to borrow a dirty, god-knows-what-with-possibly-lice-in-it helmet I previously used. Had one when I was young(er), which unfortunately I threw away.

I also needed riding boots, or at least "chaps". That's what I learned they are called. These are thingies you use on your legs, if you don't have proper long boots, in order to prevent the leather straps to turn your inner legs to blue. Which happened to me all three times I took riding lessons so far.

Good thing I had a friend with me today. For two reasons actually. First, I didn't wanna splash out too much money on a helmet, since I don't plan on being professional, and so went for the 59 francs one. It fit, and felt great. But when I asked my friend if I looked good in it, he responded that nobody ever looks good in a helmet. Fair point.

Then we came to the cashier, and it turned out to be 119 francs. Twice the price. Not ok. My friend stepped in, and told them that if they advertise 59 francs, 59 francs it is. After some discussions, and "I have to call the manager" they offered me 20% off. I wasn't sure, but my friend told me to take it. After all, it was a great fit and he thought it would be safer than buying a cheaper one. Fair enough, even though I would've been happier with 59 francs. However, I melted a bit when I got free plastic bag. One of those that lasts a long time, and that had very pretty pictures of all kinds of animals on it. I know, I'm a cheap date.

Then I bought some "chaps", which to my great delight only fitted in small! And even they were not tight! When have I ever bought something in small since I was like 13? These days I seem to be happy for the smallest (haha) things.

And then the second reason I was happy my friend was with me. I was trying on some boots which would fit with the "chaps", but wasn't sure. I was thinking I could get something cheaper in a shoe store, and I don't need to look all that when taking riding lessons. He then said "stop now. I'm buying you these as an early birthday present!". I nearly kissed him then and there. But being me, of course I didn't.

In the evening we had dinner at my place and I was parading around in my new gear!

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