Monday, October 13, 2014

Bubo bubo et vespa vulgaris

Every weekday I'm watching this quiz show, and I just love it when people you don't expect pull a rabbit out of their hat. Not literally of course, but today there was a question about what an Eurasian eagle-owl is called in latin, and the guy answered, like it was nothing, "bubo bubo".

If I were on the show, which btw will never happen, I'm much more comfortable screaming out the answer in front of my computer screen, but if I were, I wish the question would be "what is a wasp called in latin?". I would know the answer in my sleep. Vespa vulgaris. I don't remember where I learned it, and why, but I did.

The queen of useless knowledge? I dunno know, but I do know lots of stuff. And most of it is of no use to me. Wish I knew next weeks euromillion numbers instead. That would really be impressive!


Anonymous said...

except I think you'll find its actually vespula vulgaris ;), might not be going home with the jackpot after all, he he

(sorry, couldn't resist)

Witchbitch said...

I googled and you're right, but I am equally certain that I learned vespa vulgaris way back.

Never mind, won't be going on any quiz show anyway.