Friday, October 03, 2014

Mystery I

A few days ago there was a delivery to our house. I saw the boxes at the entrance coming back home, and didn't think twice about it. All of us order stuff from the internet now and then.

But when it was there a day later I looked at the labels, and didn't recognize the names. But just at the same time we had new tenants moving in, and even though their first names didn't match, I thought maybe it belonged to them anyway. And when asking the owner of the flat, he thought so too.

Now the boxes have been there for like three days, and so I googled and found a couple with those names, living in Zürich but in a completely other area.

Discussed it with my neighbour today, and we are lost. We cannot understand why somebody would place an order to our address.

Anyway, I first rang the possible owners of the boxes and didn't get an answer. Now an email is out there, but I didn't reveal what the contents were, I want them to identify it first, before giving it to them.

But how weird is that? I mean, it's a computerized name tag, the supplier name is on the boxes, why order it to an address where you don't live?

I can reveal as much, that if we don't find the owners of these boxes, there shall be a party in this house :).

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