Saturday, October 18, 2014

Getting there

This weight-loss thingie is a whole science. It's not only eat healthy and less, and do sports, but other aspects come into the equation after some time. Like I learned the last few days. I ate more than normal a few days ago, and lost 500 grams! Fantastic. But I realized that saga wouldn't last long.

So I've learned that changing your training is also important, like if you do the same sports in the morning every day, then change to do it in the middle of the day or in the evening instead. Or change what you're doing, 'cause the body adjusts and after a while you see no result even if you're moving every day.

What a bummer! I would've been happy continuing with the spin bike half an hour every morning (watching an episode of Biggest loser, feeling very thin, 'cause they are really obese), but now I've gotta change!

So far I've got a spin bike, some light weights, and a stepper. Plus my own body weight. I have to come up with new ways of training. Unfortunately youtube only provides you with very boring zumba classes. Otherwise that would be something that appeals to me.

But apart from an anorexic period way back, I haven't weighed this little since I was in my teens! Pat on back. And truly, I don't need to lose anymore, but it's become a challenge now. Especially since I have spent so much blog space talking about it :).

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